Saturday, February 2, 2019

California wildfires may end "green" energy boondoggles.

Because of the massive lawsuits PG&E expects from the wildfires in California which may have been caused by their power lines the company has entered bankruptcy. Interestingly the State of California which has followed poor forest management policies in order to placate radical left wing environmentalists will not be sued despite the fact that if the state had done their job the wildfires wouldn't have been any where near as devastating.

As they say though every cloud as a silver lining. Californians pay nearly twice as much for electricity as Oregon.  That's in part due to the insane commitment by the Democrats in California to "green" energy.

PG&E has about $42B in contracts with green energy providers. Those contracts are at much higher rates than traditional energy sources.  But in bankruptcy PG&E will be able to shed those contracts thereby forcing the "green" energy sector to actually be cost competitive.

But "green" energy can't be cost competitive for the simple reason that it's not always available and hence PG&E still has to pay for enough power capacity to meet demands even when "green" energy is offline due to clouds, night time, or a lack of wind. It's also more expensive because of much higher infrastructure costs.

PG&E in California is a great example of the Democrats "Green New Deal" in action.  Use the power of government to force companies to pay more for energy than they can afford in order to line the pockets of the rich "environmentalists" who produce "green" energy.  But when they run out of other people's money the companies have to return to contracts that actually allow them to continue to function.

Just like the original New Deal, which was a massive failure since the US economy didn't recover until WWII, this foretaste of the "Green New Deal" will be a massive transfer of money from we the people to the special interests in the environmental sector who send massive amounts of money to Democrat politicians.

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