Wednesday, February 20, 2019

A study in character; Smollett, Philips, and Sandman

You can tell a lot about a group by looking at who it holds up as heroes and who it trusts.

The left adore gay killing mass murdering Che Guevara for example while conservatives are generally big fans of Jesus.

Recent news has provided us with more insight into what matters to the left and to conservatives.

Jussie Smollett, a gay Black singer/actor, claimed that out of no where in the middle of the night in one of the most left wing parts of Chicago in the subzero cold two white men beat him while shouting their support for Trump.

Without hesitation the #FakeNews media believed Jussie, many reports didn't talk about an alleged assault for example, and condemned all Trump supporters for their obvious racism.

Even as the story began to fall apart, Jussie admitted that contrary to his earlier claims his rib wasn't broken for example, the left stood shoulder to shoulder with Jussie castigating those who would dare question the word of a gay Black man who, it later turned out, had already lied to police in another case.

At the present time even though there's a huge amount of evidence that Jussie paid two Black friends to fake the attack the same Democrats who rushed to condemn America and Trump now say that we should wait and see before making judgements not about America but about Jussie.

Effectively the current Democrat line is that it's ok to rush to judgement about Trump, Trump supporters, and America in general but it's an offense against nature to make reasonable judgements based on evidence about a gay Black Democrat; one more example of the #FakeNews media's double standard.

Nathan Philips is an old Native American activist who has lied about serving in Vietnam--he did spend 4 years in the Marines as a refrigerator repair technician but he was never in Vietnam-- and he claimed that a bunch of 16 year old boys swarmed him when he tried to prevent them from attacking a group of adult Blacks who had been hurling racist and homophobic insults at the boys.

Based on one snippet of video and with no attempt to find corroboration or even talk to the boys the #FakeNews media ran with a vicious attack story that painted young boys as monsters.

The certainty of the #FakeNews media reporting was so strong that even supposedly good people like the March for Life organizers and the boys school and their Bishop condemned the boys, Nicholas Sandman in particular, for the crime of "smirking" at a radical left wing organizer whose supporters it turns out were telling the boys to go back to Europe where they belonged.

As we now know, and as the media could have known if it spent a few hours researching the story, Phillips lied through his teeth.  The boys were showing no sign of attacking the Blacks and in fact hadn't even responded in kind with insults.  Further it was Phillips who marched into the middle of the group of young boys and began pounding his drum inches from the face of Sandman.  Phillips also lied about the boys chanting build a wall, as if that would be some sort of excuse for an adult man to threaten a bunch of young boys.

The fact that the #FakeNews media so readily believed Phillips tells us that to them his race gave him instant credibility. Even after he and his followers attempted to disrupt a Catholic mass the following day the media acted as though he, not the boys, was telling a credible story.  In the first interview of Sandman he was asked if he didn't feel that he should apologize for having the wrong facial expression while politely standing and not responding to an adult shoving a drum in his face while the adults friend said that white people should go back to Europe.

Even now some people are saying that the boys weren't respectful enough.  I'd say that they behaved like saints. When adults attack kids, and that was what Phillips and his group did, nothing the kids could have done in response short of violence would be inexcusable given that they are in fact 16 year old kids and the left constantly tells us that young gang bangers who murder people have to be treated with sympathy given that they're too young to be held accountable.

When Sandman came forward with his story some members of the #FakeNews media and the left admitted their mistake and moved on.  But most just dropped the issue. Fortunately Sandman's father isn't one to stand by and let his son's reputation be destroyed so the members of the media who simply ran with an unconfirmed story  and who didn't bother to even try and get Sandman's side are now going to be facing lawsuits.

So we can now see who the heroes of the #FakeNews media and the left are; two liars who tried to tar all white Americans, even children, as racist haters.

And the same group of leftists have shown that their enemies are kids wearing MAGA hats.  Can you imagine if conservative media attacked some kids who had been accosted by say the Westboro Baptists because those kids wore Obama hats?

The fact that the left automatically trusts anything that supports their lust for fascist power over we the people means that nothing they report can be trusted until it's confirmed by other sources.

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