Friday, February 22, 2019

Democrats reject charity and endorse selfishness

What's more selfish than saying that someone else must work so that you can get a free college education?

Well maybe saying that because she'd mess up your life it's ok to kill your unborn daughter.

These are just two examples of how all of the Democrats policies are based on selfishness.

What about illegals; aren't the Democrats being charitable by letting them in? Not really since illegals cost taxpayers billions of dollars each year, they drive down wages for the poorest American workers, and they steal jobs that could otherwise go to Americans.

This highlights a key point; when Democrats are being "charitable" it's always with other peoples money.  Democrat politicians don't use their own money to help the poor instead they raise taxes on the rest of us in order to feel good about themselves. Similarly many Democrat voters think that voting for someone who will raise taxes on other people is being charitable; essentially Democrats want to be philanthropic with other peoples money.

How about welfare?  Well first note that there are no conservatives who object to welfare for those who either can't fend for themselves due to mental or physical issues or for those who just need a temporary helping hand.  The unique Democrat policy was spelled out by Ocasio-Cortez when she demanded that those who are able to work but unwilling to do so should be paid with the money earned by those who are willing to work.  But how is Democrats stealing money from workers to give to bums selfish?  It's selfish because Democrats only do so to buy the votes of some or all of the undeserving people they're sending taxpayer dollars to.

The rich white elites of the Democrat party are selfishly increasing energy costs, which is a hugely regressive tax on the poor, because they, the rich white Democrats, want to virtue signal how much they care about the environment.

Similarly because Democrats are either afraid of guns or want to ensure that we the people can't stand up to tyranny they deny poor people the right to defend themselves.  Essentially Democrats put their own selfish concerns ahead of the interests of the people.

It's time to dispel this notion that Democrats taxing other people makes Democrats charitable.  Instead let's remind everyone that conservatives give more of their own time and money to help those in need than leftists.

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