Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Democrats hate the only viable green energy sources

Solar power only works when the sun is out and there aren't many clouds and wind power only works in very windy areas and even then only when the wind is blowing.

That means that we need to maintain backup fossil fuel generation capability to avoid being without power no overcast days with little wind.  That drives the real cost, the cost we consumers pay, for "renewable" energy sky high.

There are two forms of green, i.e. non CO2 emitting, energy that don't have that problem; nuclear and hydroelectric.  Both can be implemented in most places and both run 24/7 independent of the weather.

Democrats hate hydroelectric power because they hate dams since they may hurt random creatures.

Democrats hate nuclear because they don't understand it and are afraid of it.  They don't care the more people are killed in accidents related to trains carrying coal to power plants than due to accidents related to nuclear power; it just scares them.

Back in the 1960s environmentalists were all for nuclear power because it's amazingly clean; you can put all the high grade radioactive waste produced by the US's nuclear reactors during a year in a two car garage.  By simply declaring an unsafe zone which is about say 100 square miles we could take care of all the radioactive waste safely.  But Democrats don't like things they can't understand.

Interestingly when Democrats extol the virtues of solar power they don't talk about the environmental impacts of mining and disposing of the exotic, and often toxic, materials that are used to make solar panels. Similarly when talking about wind power they seem perfectly comfortable with the 140,000 to 328,000 birds the wind power industry killed in 2013.

As with most issues the Democrats support of wind and solar vs natural gas, nuclear, and hydroelectric is based on feelings not facts.

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