Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Cohen 2.0

When recently disbarred, because he lied under oath, former Trump attorney Michael Cohen said nice things about Trump, when his chances of ever getting out of prison didn't depend on the whims of Trump hating prosecutors, Democrats said he was a lying rat.

Now that he might say bad things about Trump those same Democrats are saying he's become a saint.  It's Cohen 2.0.

Generally speaking when someone admits to lying to Congress as recently as 2017 it's generally agreed that their subsequent testimony, especially when it occurs when the persons fate is in the hands of very politically biased prosecutors, isn't something we should rely on.

But of course to the Democrats anything that is bad about Trump is by definition true. If the Devil himself testified against Trump Democrats would praise Satan for his candor and honesty.

This scenario is why juries sometimes aren't convinced by the testimony of crooks who are only testifying because they've gotten immunity and a get out of jail card.  While it's true that Cohen will spend some time in prison given the moral laxity of Democrats, they do support killing born babies after all, it's quite possible that Mueller et al have told Cohen that if he lies big and bold about Trump his time in prison will be pleasant and brief.

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