Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Cohen 2.0, WikiLeaks, and the value of calendars

While Cohen 2.0 has admitted to Congress today, when he wasn't lying, that he had no evidence that Trump colluded the Democrats are making a big deal out of the fact that Cohen 2.0--the new shiny ultra reliable Trump hating Cohen--said that Roger Stone new in advance that WikiLeaks was going to release the DNC emails that showed that the DNC was illegally conspiring against the Bernie Sanders campaign.

Since, supposedly, those emails had been hacked by the Russians--though given that the US IC and FBI never actually examined the hacked computers it's hard to know how they could know it was the Russians--that is showing that Trump is secretly Stalin's great grandson and a traitor.

The problem is that during the hearings Cohen 2.0 was asked when he'd heard that Wikileaks was going to reveal the emails.  His response was:

"I believe it was either the 18th or the 19th and I would ask that it would be on the 19th."

When asked if he was sure that it was in July Cohen confirmed it was.

But then it was pointed out that Julian Assange, the man behind WikiLeaks, told the press on June 12 that those emails would be leaked.

So according to Cohen when Trump's team supposedly learned about the fact that WikiLeaks was going to leak the DNC  emails the fact that the emails were going to be leaked had been public knowledge for over a month.

Hence it's obvious that there was no collusion since if Trump and the Russians had been colluding Trump's team would have known about the emails before Assange made a public proclamation.

Interestingly even if the chronology wasn't proof enough the fact that Roger Stone was trying to find out what WikiLeaks had isn't collusion; everyone in DC was trying to find out what Assange had for obvious reasons. The DNC wanted to know because they knew that it was possible that Assange would expose the DNC conspiracy to violate DNC rules to ensure that Hillary got the nomination.  Trump wanted to know because he's smart enough to realize that if Assange was making a big deal about the emails they had to contain stuff that would damage the DNC.

But trying to find out what the emails contained shows that Trump wasn't colluding with Russia. If Trump were colluding then he'd already have known and there would have been no reason for Roger Stone to be trying to find out.

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