Saturday, February 16, 2019

Democrats hate the people; Ocasio-Cortez and Amazon edition

Democrat Ocasio-Cortez is celebrating driving around 25,000 jobs out of her part of New York.

She says that fewer good paying jobs for people is a good thing; she also confuses the low wages Amazon pays to unskilled warehouse workers with the better salaries white collar people working at an Amazon headquarters would make.

It's understandable though. After all people who are unemployed and on welfare are the ones most likely to vote for Democrats because Democrats promise free stuff all the time.  To be fair if one is out of work and depending on a government hand out to pay for groceries it would be really easy to vote for the Democrats who say that they will make your next hand out bigger and who say they won't make you work or look for a job in order to get the money.

Like all fascists Democrats want people to be afraid, to feel that they won't be safe unless they give up some, or all, of their freedom and give the government control of their lives.

But people with good high paying jobs are harder to scare that way.

Ocasio-Cortez also demonstrates the core Democrat belief that all your money is their money and anytime they don't take money from you they're giving you money.

She talked about the $3 billion that Amazon was "getting" but in fact the local governments weren't giving Amazon anything.  Rather they were saying that they wouldn't take money from Amazon in the future in the form of taxes.  The local governments would have had not one cent less if Amazon had located there than they would have if Amazon didn't locate there.  In fact they'd have more since they weren't setting all Amazon taxes to 0 and they were going to continue to tax all the economic activity associated with 25,000 new jobs in the area.

As a conservative I'm not enthused about governments giving special tax deals to certain companies and not others but I'm also aware that saying that they won't collect taxes in the future is not giving the companies money.

In the end Ocasio-Cortez's victory dance over keeping jobs away from New York tells us that Democrats want we the people to be financially insecure and dependent on government so that we'll vote for Democrats and we'll acquiesce to the loss of our freedom in exchange for "food security".

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