Saturday, February 16, 2019

Bill Maher says all Democrat Presidential candidates are liars, racists, or criminals

On his show "comedian" Bill Maher declared that Democrat Presidential candidates should not be held to the same standard as Republicans and that it's ok if Democrats are racists, criminals, or lie in order to exploit minorities.

Maher condemned the left for "nitpicking" Hillary over illegally avoiding laws that require government to be open and for putting highly classified information on an insecure e-mail server. The reality is that the Left, especially the #FakeNews media, did everything possible to defend Hillary just as they're now covering for Northam, the racist Democrat governor of Virginia.

Maher's comments aren't directed at the Left so much as they are at we the people; he's trying to tell us that because Trump had consensual affairs it's ok that Democrats are racists and criminals.  Of course Maher does, and will, viciously attack Republicans for non-criminal offenses.

Which shows that in Maher's mind the law doesn't apply to Democrats and that it's ok for Democrats to be racists.  In the same screed Maher said that because conservatives tolerate Trump's, all consensual, sexual infidelities Democrats have to be less demanding of their candidates since they'll all have problems.

That's a pretty astonishing admission; Maher is saying that "all" Democrat Presidential candidates are racists or criminals, every single one.

No Democrat has gotten in trouble recently due to consensual sex. Even Kamala Harris who was rewarded by Willie Brown for being his mistress with hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars--in the form of appointments to paid government positions--isn't getting any heat from the Left.

Democrats are getting in trouble because they've been accused of supporting the KKK, rape, and trying to illegally hide government information from the people.  Maher is saying that every Democrat candidate will have criminal/racist activities in their past; if true that's an amazing condemnation of the Democrat party.

Given that Maher has hobnobbed with Democrats for a long time we have every reason to believe that he's telling the truth based on first hand knowledge. Just as McCabe said more than he intended when he announced he'd participated in a coup to overthrow a lawfully elected President Maher has unintentionally revealed that Democrat insiders believe that every single one of their Presidential candidates has a history of either racism or criminal conduct.

Maher's most heated defense was for Elizabeth Warren's stealing a high paying job from a minority.  By pretending to be an Native American in spite of the fact that no tribe accepted her she landed a job at Harvard which paid her over $300K a year to teach one class.  Would she have gotten that job if she hadn't pretended to be a minority?  It's impossible to know for sure but given how Harvard trumpeted her as an example of their "diversity" her claim to Native American status had to be a key factor.  But once she was hired there was less pressure on Harvard to hire real minorities which means that real Native Americans missed out on a cushy job opportunity as a result of Warren's lie.

But Maher doesn't care. That's not surprising because when you look at their actions the most racist people in America today are Democrats.  For example every year thousands of Blacks are shot in Chicago each year and nothing is done.  Can you imagine the outcry if thousands of whites were shot in Chicago by the same Democrats?  And Maher's saying it's ok for a rich white woman to pretend to be a Native American in order to make more money is clearly racist.

Maher also doesn't seem to care that Warren lied.  But once again Maher is giving away more than he intended to.  When Obama lied to we the people about our being able to keep our doctors Democrats and the #FakeNews media knew he was lying but didn't care. They didn't care because the one standard that the Left uses to judge the morality of any action is "does it increase the power the Left has over the American people?".  Hence it's ok to Maher that Warren lied because she is a champion of big government and giving the government, run by Leftists in the Deep State, more power over every aspect of we the people's lives.

Democrats are finally reaping what they've sown. Decades of crimes, racism, and lies and their constant virulent condemnation of any action by Republicans have forced them to expose their hypocrisy to the world.  Interestingly they've drunk so much of their own KoolAid that they don't realize that everyone doesn't share their view that fascism is cool.

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