Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Democrat; the party of the rich

Democrats claim to be the champion of the working guy. But that's a big lie.

Democrats are now calling for free college.  Of course free means we the taxpayers pay for college for people who generally speaking aren't paying taxes.

Now I have a college education that my parents sacrificed to pay for and I paid it forward since my wife and I ensured that none of our five kids had college debt--though they all worked and they chose affordable colleges.  I don't see why I and my kids should have to sacrifice for some random Democrat voting family.

But what's really bad is that only around a third of Americans have a college degree.  Yet Democrats want plumbers, carpenters, gardeners, electricians, the enlisted members of the military, people who work in factories, and every other hard working American who doesn't have a college degree to pay extra taxes so that the Democrats can buy the votes of lazy future Democrat voters.

Remember Democrats aren't calling for more college aid for poor Americans; they're calling for free college for all Americans who want to delay supporting themselves for another four years after mom and dad stop subsidizing them.

Any group of miscreants who demands that poor lower class Black families pay extra taxes so rich white suburban kids can go to ritzy schools for free is clearly a party of the rich.

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