Thursday, February 7, 2019

Green New Deal hurts the poor the most

What leftist eco-radicals rarely if ever mention is that poor people pay a significantly higher proportion of their money on energy costs. That's why taxing gasoline and raising power costs are in effect highly regressive taxes that hurt the poor so that the idle rich, the #FakeNews media, and academia can feel good about themselves.

However the Democrats Green New Deal acknowledges the problem when it says:

" aims to meet its ambitious goals while paying special attention to groups like the poor, disabled and minority communities that might be disproportionately affected by massive economic transitions like those the Green New Deal calls for."

Let's dissect this comment a bit. It's saying that even though they know that the Green New deal will have significant and adverse impacts on the Democrats non-white base and on the poor and the handicapped they don't care.

Paying special attention doesn't mean fixing the impacts of. Given that Democrats are all for symbolism it probably means that the white leftists who run the Democrat party will wear yellow arm bands to show their solidarity with the poor as they, and their armed guards, limo around to the next big party.

This is clear and unambiguous evidence that the Green New Deal, like all Democrat legislation these days, is for the rich white people who form the Democrat base; the professors, college students, grossly overpaid actors, multibillionaires, and government workers who support the government ruling us rather than representing us.

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