Saturday, February 2, 2019

Infanticide, Racism make Northam the ideal Democrat

Democrat Governor Northam of Virginia declared his support for infanticide this week which the entire left and the #FakeNews media were thrilled about.  However when it turned out later this week that 35 years ago Northam had put racist photos in his Medical school yearbook many Democrats were upset.

Of course sane people wouldn't care about photos from 35 years ago if none of Northam's policies since then had been racist but the Left views sanity as a vice not a virtue.

Interestingly however it's clear from his actions that Northam, like most Democrats, is a racist.  His support for unlimited abortion on demand despite the fact that Jesse Jackson called abortion as genocide against Blacks is prima facia evidence of his racism.

Democrats like Northam constantly tell us that disparities in outcomes are evidence of racism.  About 12.3% of the American population is Black and so, according to Democrats, if  less than 12.3% of pick any desirable job like say medical professionals are Black it's because of racism.

By the "standards" of the Democrats then the fact that Black women are 3 times as likely to abort their unborn babies as white women is incontrovertible evidence of racism.  Given that Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist who viewed Blacks as undesirables it's not surprising that 80% of PP "clinics" are in minority neighborhoods and of course Democrats are always defending and extolling the value of PP.

If Democrats weren't racists, if Northam wasn't racist, they'd be saying that they want abortion to be safe and legal but that we must address this huge racial disparity.  Instead when they talk about it at all they talk about how taxpayer funded abortion reduces crime and downstream welfare costs.

Another way to see that Northam and other Democrats are racist is that while there has been a call for Northam to resign because of one 35 year old photo there has been no call for Democrat Rahm Emanuel, mayor of Chicago, to resign despite the fact that he's done nothing to reduce the mass shootings in Chicago--where each year thousands of Blacks are shot.  We all know that if thousands of whites were being shot in Chicago each year Rahm would do something and we also know that if a Republican was the mayor of Chicago there would have been calls for him to resign and he would have been labeled a racist.

Northam's support for infanticide is also mainstream Democrat thinking.  Obama supported infanticide declaring that a baby girl who managed to survive an abortion attempt could be deprived of medical care.  The wave of Democrat bills in various states legalizing abortion for any reason at any time, including during the birth process itself, show that the Democrat party is the party of Death.

It's unclear whether it would be better for Northam to go or to stay.  If he goes it means that the same insane leftist rules apply to everyone but if he stays it will totally destroy the Democrats Big Lie that they're the party that loves Blacks.

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