Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Apology accepted, criticisms issued; Omar is free to hate again

Democrat Ilhan Omar has been spewing vile anti-Semitic comments for ages.

When the Democrats and their stooges in the #FakeNews media don't just ignore those hateful and bigoted statements they mildly criticize her, accepter her faux or at best half hearted apology, and then declare the matter settled.

Aside from the fact that if a Republican were saying the same hateful things neither the Democrats nor the #FakeNews media would rest until the Republican was destroyed both politically and personally the problem is that the behavior of the Democrats and the #FakeNews media allows Omar to be a bigot, hate Jews, and still have a significant role in the US government.

It's almost as if the Democrats and the #FakeNews media are tacitly supporting anti-Semitism.  Just as they used to tacitly support infanticide, remember how they ignored or defended Obama's votes against requiring medical care for infants born alive after failed abortions?.

Of course now Democrats are coming out and embracing infanticide but pretending that if born alive baby is killed after a failed abortion it's not infanticide.

It's not unlikely that in time the Democrats will admit to their anti-Semitism; after all they support the BDS movement the objective of which is the destruction of the state of Israel, and they constantly take the side of Palestinian terrorists who deliberately target Jewish women and children.

In any case Abe Greenwald makes the point that allowing bigots like Omar to get away with just an apology is an "immoral response" by Democrats and the #FakeNews media. She's essentially allowed to advance her hateful and bigoted cause at the "expense" of an occasional insincere apology.  Even worse after each of her "apologies" the media pivots to attack the people who call her out for her insincerity.

It's time to declare that the Democrats are embracing anti-Semitism when they let someone who has clearly and repeatedly, in between fake apologies, declared her hatred of Jews be on the Foreign Relations committee where she can act on her hatred by attacking Israel.

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