Monday, February 25, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez, Maher talk about what lives are worth living

The Nazi's had a slogan "Life not worth living" to describe people who the Nazi's felt were better off dead.  The Nazi's put people with incurable illnesses, children with birth defects, criminals, the mentally ill, homosexuals, child molesters, and "unproductive" adults into that group.  They then proceeded to either kill or sterilize those whom the government had declared had lives not worth living.

Bill Maher had said that everyone who doesn't vote Democrat does so because we envy the superior life, Wolfgang Puck vs Chef Boyardee, that the better educated leftists have.  Essentially he said that our lives aren't very good though he didn't quite say they're not worth living.

Yesterday Ocasio-Cortez built on that by declaring that we should stop having children because those children would suffer due to climate change.  She's saying that their lives wouldn't be worth living.  That literally they would be better off never having been born because their lives might not conform to the Democrat ideal.

Both of these comments reveal a key fact at the core of modern leftism; they believe that only a sexually promiscuous hedonistic selfish life lived with all the luxuries of modern society is really worth living.

After all if if AOC says that we shouldn't have babies because their lives might be difficult she is also condemning the lives of all of those who have had, or are having, difficult lives--like say coal miners or people with birth defects--aren't worth living.

In fact by AOC's criteria the vast majority of humanity would be better off dead.  Clearly even in the delusional view of American 30 years from now that AOC is pitching life would be better than it currently is in say Somalia or Nigeria so if the lives of our children won't be worth living then the lives of most of humanity aren't worth living today.

Many of the insane positions held by the left can be explained by their view that only earthly wealth and hedonism make life worth living.

That's why Democrats are very cool with parents testing to see if their unborn daughters might be "defective" and then killing them if there's a chance they might be.  Democrats are celebrating the fact that in Iceland every unborn child who might have Downs Syndrome is killed for example.

That's why Democrats are all for genetic engineering to make "perfect" babies.

That's why Democrats don't mind death panels for other people since like other fascists Democrats view the sick and the old as burdens on society not people to be loved.

That's why Democrats are eager to let drug dealers out of jail quickly; drugs are needed to live the hedonistic lifestyle that is necessary to meet the Democrat criteria of a life worth living.

That's why Democrats don't care that Black women are 3 times as likely to abort as white women or that thousands of Blacks are shot in Chicago each year; the life of a poor Black living in a Democrat run city isn't worth living by the standards of AOC and her fellow leftists.

One of the key beliefs that has made America great is that all men are created equal and given inalienable rights by God, not by the Government.

Democrats have rejected that; if you eat at fancy restaurants and go to an Ivy League college your life is better than if you eat Chef Boyardee and work as a plumber.  In the minds of Democrats we the people aren't equal to the better educated better fed coastal elites.  Democrats believe your rights flow from government not the God they functionally reject.  That's why Democrats think they have the right to control what you eat--AOC says cut out beef and other Democrats say don't drink soda--and what your religion can teach--Hillary said that religions have to change their beliefs to conform to those of the Democrat elites.

An old Lithuanian woman who had lived under both Communist and Nazi tyranny was asked which was worse. She said the Communists because if you did what the Nazi's told you to do they'd leave you alone but the Communists demanded that you think the way they wanted you to think.

It's clear that modern Democrat politicians like AOC are demanding that we think and live as they want us to and that anyone who resists has a life that's not really worth living.

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