Sunday, May 31, 2020

Colorado Governor Jared Polis discriminates against babies

In Colorado a woman can kill her fully viable baby right up until she's born.

Coloradians who aren't monsters want to change that.  They're getting signatures for a ballot proposition in November. They've collected 114,000 signatures and they need another 10,000.

But in the wee hours of May 15th the Democrat Governor of Colorado directly discriminated against this one ballot initiative.

He changed the way that signatures were collected to be compatible with the pandemic.  Sounds good and reasonable right?

Well it is with one caveat; the Governor explicitly excluded the pro-life ballot proposition from the new rules.

All other campaigns can collect signatures electronically or by mail but not the pro-life campaign.  Further the deadline for all other campaigns was extended to August 3rd.

Allegedly the discrimination is because only the pro-life proposition is in a "cure period".

But that's clearly bogus since the objective of the rules change was to increase public safety. Forcing the pro-life campaign to collect signatures in person clearly doesn't do that.

Further at a press conference a few days after his discriminatory act he said that it would be nearly impossible to collect signatures in person which means he knew that by doing what he did he'd essentially prevent the people of Colorado from voting on reasonable restrictions on abortion.

Given that Polis has long been a champion of killing unborn babies for any reason at any time, including after they're viable on their own, it's clear what Polis is doing and why.

This is the left at work. Doing everything it can to keep the people from having a say in government.

If Polis thought that the proposition would be defeated he wouldn't have used this underhanded trick to try and keep the proposition off the ballot. The fact that he's doing this shows that he knows his radical policies aren't what the people of Colorado want.

Not all protesters are monsters: Protesters protect DC police edition

While some "protesters" in DC were threatening DC police, apparently thinking that if they started actually hurting the cops the cops wouldn't dare retaliate, others formed a human chain in front of the police to protect them.

The idea that there should be protests over the George Floyd situation is absurd.  Pretty much every politician in America, including Trump, has condemned the police officers whose actions led to Floyd's death.

In what is an amazingly speedy process for the normally glacially slow legal system not only have the  officers been fired--do you know how long it takes to fire a cop under normal circumstances?-- but the one who kneeled on Floyd's neck has been charged with murder.

If Floyd had been white there wouldn't have been such an outcry or such quick action. Now it's not bad that things moved quickly but it shows that there is absolutely no basis for protesting.

Floyd died due to police actions but there's no sign of racial profiling. Floyd was big, 6' 6", and allegedly resisted arrest.  There is no indication that if he'd simply gotten into the police car that he'd have been assaulted.  That doesn't excuse the police action but it shows that this wasn't some racially motivated incident.

So if Blacks are getting the same, or better, justice than whites why should anyone protest?

Because cops target Blacks? The evidence shows that's not the case but even if it were generally true it's clearly not true in this case.

Most Blacks aren't protesting and very few are rioting.  But the #FakeNews media eggs Blacks on and tells them that it's ok for them to burn businesses down.  Some Blacks listen, as would some whites in the same circumstances.

More importantly it looks like white Antifa terrorists, the Brown Shirts of the Democrat party, are behind a lot of the violence.  Democrat politicians and the #FakeNews media have shown great support for Antifa's use of violence against people Democrat politicians identify as their enemies.

It's time to stop treating Antifa and violent rioters as though they were peaceful protesters.

Democrat politicians don't view protecting your life or your business as a priority: George Floyd edition

While Black neighborhoods in Minneapolis burned the Democrat mayor and the Democrat governor stood by and did nothing.

When Baltimore's Black neighborhoods were being burned in the past the Democrat mayor stood by and did nothing.

Now they're trying to say that the rioters are white supremacists. Which raises a really interesting question if Black neighborhoods were being burned down by white supremacists why didn't the Democrat mayor of Minneapolis flood the area with police to stop it?

Maybe he hates Black people.  That seems to be a common theme with Democrat politicians.  Year after year thousands of Blacks are shot in Chicago and other Democrat run cities like Baltimore.  Yet the Democrats who run those cities do nothing to stop the slaughter.

We don't know if the rioters were Blacks or radical Antifa whites but we do know that the vast majority of Blacks in Minneapolis didn't riot or loot.  There are about 76,000 Blacks in Minneapolis and the rioting and clearly nothing like that number of people rioted.

But the thing you need to remember in November is that leftist Democrats run Minnesota and Minneapolis.  It was a police department that was formed by leftist radical Democrats that was responsible for George Floyd's death.

It was Democrat officials who let the city burn, who failed to protect private property, who let small family owned businesses be looted and burned to the ground, who let an affordable housing building be burned down.

The primary function of government isn't ensuring that men can use women's bathrooms or that a mother can kill her unborn daughter up until the moment of birth; it's to keep us safe.

Democrats don't care if we're safe so long as they're safe.

You have to wonder if the Mayor's house, or the houses and/or businesses of his biggest contributors, were at risk if he'd have let them burn.

Just as Democrat politicians are willing to let you go bankrupt so that they can keep the economy shut down because that will help Biden get elected they're willing for you to lose your business and your life in a riot if they like the folks who are rioting.

Which means that if we believe the Minneapolis mayor who says the violence and arson was all the product of "white supremacists" he's saying that he likes "white supremacists".

Democrat politicians care about power not about you. Remember that in November.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Pew Research groups tries to fool us: COVID19 edition.

Here's a plot from Pew Research about the average number of deaths by congressional districts from the China virus:

Now let's play guess the headline.  Most sane people would say something like "Republican Districts have about 1/4th of the China Virus deaths that Democrat Districts do".

Now that could be due to things beyond the Democrats control such as densely populated urban districts are more likely to be Democrat.

But the head line Pew used was "Since mid-April, COVID-19 deaths have declined in Democrat districts but have been relatively stable in Republican districts."

For years Pew has used distorted statistics to say that Americans are becoming less religious.  They created a new group, called "nones", which they say account for nearly 20% of Americans. The only problem is that only 3% of Americans, once again according to Pew, are atheists and a few percent more are agnostics.  A large fraction of the "nones" aren't people who don't believe in God but who aren't affiliated with a specific Christian church.

Here's a chart which shows the real contrast between Republican and Democrat control of a state on the impact of coronavirus:

The take away of all of this is that Pew Research Forum isn't to be trusted.

Why mail in voting is a massive opportunity for voter fraud

The voting rolls for states are full of hundreds of thousands of people who are no longer alive or who no longer live in the state.

There are at least 2.5 million extra registrants on voting rolls across the country; more than enough to win an election for dishonest politicians like Joe Biden.

In 2020 there are 378 counties in the US that have more people registered to vote than there are adults at or above the voting age who reside in those counties.  That means that we know for a fact that there are people who shouldn't be allowed to vote who will be getting vote by mail ballots if Democrats have their way.

Under the Democrats dream plan ballots will be mailed to everyone of those people. The ballots will show up and if the current resident is dishonest they will be able to mail in multiple ballots.

One person said that they've already received 4 different letters which would allow them to claim 4 ballots under the names of people who used to live at the person's current address.

I grew up in Chicago and I know that Democrats cheat at the ballot box.  JFK was elected due to such cheating.  At the time all of Illinois was staunchly Republican except for Chicago.  As the night went on those districts reported their votes and Nixon was leading.  After the vast majority of non-Chicago districts reported all of a sudden Chicago districts reported and they produced just enough votes to win the state for JFK.

Everyone in Chicago knew about Mayor Daley's corrupt political machine.  And everyone, including the media, talked about it.

But what's interesting as the #FakeNews media became more politically active we started to hear less and less about Democrat political machines and voter fraud.

The fraud didn't end it just wasn't something that bothered "reporters" whose main objective in life was getting Democrats elected cared about.

When Democrats talk about voter suppression they're talking about suppressing voter fraud.

Oh and when Democrats say that laws requiring ID are racist they're the ones who are being racist. They're saying that Blacks are too stupid to get ID unlike white people. Of course non-racists know that Blacks are every bit as smart as whites and that Blacks themselves view it as an insult to say that they can't manage to get an ID.

48,000,000 Americans are no longer represented in Congress

While the Senate is in session and brave men and women whose jobs are essential are coming to work every day Nancy Pelosi is refusing to have all House members show up for work, even via telepresence.

Instead she got her Democrat stooges--it's interesting how Republicans will often disagree but Democrats always vote the way they're told-- to pass a rule allowing her and a few other select Congressmen to vote for up to 10 other Congressmen.

So the people who those 10 Congressmen are supposed to represent are now being represented by Nancy Pelosi.

Overall about 48,000,000 Americans have lost their voice in Congress.

However this may not be a big deal.  After all no matter what principles a Democrat campaigns on they will vote the way that Pelosi tells them to.

Essentially all Americans who have Democrat Congressmen have been represented by Nancy Pelosi for years

The study that said hydroxychloroquine is bad turns out to have serious problems

The researchers claim to have gotten their data from a private company called Surgisphere.  But the data from Surgisphere, which as already admitted mixing up data from Asia and Australia, doesn't match with publicly available data from Australian hospitals.

Even better Surgisphere refuses to say which hospitals it collected data from.

But that's not even the biggest problem with the study.  The studies, and there are several of them that show hydroxychloroquine, in combination in many cases with an antibiotic, were for cases where the drug was given before the patient was so sick that they were in a hospital.  The study population however was much sicker with 3 times as many patients on ventilators as the populations used in other studies.

Instead of showing that hydroxychloroquine is bad at best, assuming the dubious data that was used is in fact correct, is that it's not the best treatment for people who are already amazingly sick.

The other studies show amazing results when the drugs were prescribed before the patients were extremely sick.

Why would anyone want to hide a cure?

Democrats want the country shut down and we the people to be suffering in hopes that we'll turn to big government Democrats in November like Americans turned to FDR at the start of the Great Depression.

If there is a treatment then the whole rationale for locking down everyone, even those under 55 for who the China virus is no more lethal than the flu, goes away.

Democrat politicians think your lives and economic well being are a small price to pay for them to get more power.

Friday, May 29, 2020

A left wing police department killed George Floyd

Barring some amazing revelation from the autopsy, like Floyd didn't die from the cops actions but died from a drug overdose, it's clear that 4 Minneapolis cops treated him horribly.

One kept a knee on Floyds throat even as they were calling for an ambulance because they recognized there was a health problem.

Unlike many cases where the left screams about police brutality the initial indications are that this was in fact a case of the police using unnecessary and eventually lethal force.

I'm only being a bit hesitant since it wasn't that long ago that a heavily edited video seemed to indicate that Nicholas Sandman had provoked a native American activist.  But when all the video was seen it turned out that it was the activist that was the aggressor.

That doesn't seem to be likely in this case but we need to wait for an investigation to be sure.

But of course the left isn't waiting.  Neither are the radicals in the Black community who've used Floyds death as an excuse to loot and destroy their own neighborhoods.

As with the Rodney King riots only a small fraction of the Blacks in Minneapolis broke the law but the media is acting as though every Black went on a looting spree.

The key take away however is that this act wasn't committed by some deep red state or by conservatives.

Minnesota is a radically leftists state and Minneapolis has been run by leftists for decades. The police department that is responsible for George Floyd's death is the product of leftists not Trump supporters.

Yet Democrats and the #FakeNews media are trying to blame Trump and pretty much everyone under the sun except the people who have controlled and molded the Minneapolis police for decades.

It's a rerun of the racism of the left. Thousands of blacks are shot each year in Democrat run Chicago and the left never blames the Democrats who've run the city since the 1950s.  When they're not ignoring the slaughter they're trying to blame it on people who have no control over fighting crime in Chicago; Trump and all other Republicans.

The only time Democrats and the #FakeNews media care about a Black man dying is if they can use it against one of their enemies; white people, cops, or Trump.

Trump says that Twitter can't be a publisher and still have platform protection

Internet services like the phone company are immune to lawsuits about what others put on them because they don't control their content.

Even insane trial lawyers haven't tried, to my knowledge, to sue phone companies for what people say when using their services.

The original idea was to provide the same protection to internet services.  For example an ISP can't be sued because a website it hosts posts slander or libel. The website owners can be sued but the ISP that hosts the site can't.

Twitter, Google, Facebook, YouTube, etc all benefit from this immunity.

However they've abused it and now President Trump is ordering the FCC to take action to stop the abuse.

Under the law platforms are protected from lawsuits but publishers aren't.

That's because a platform doesn't pick and choose what is and isn't allowed on its sites other than to ban criminal activity.  Platforms are like the phone company; content neutral.

But a publisher controls what's on its sites.  Publishers are like the WaPo or NBC, they control their content and hence they are responsible for it.

Twitter and the other social sites have been censoring speech that's perfectly legal that they don't like which means that they have stopped being content neutral platforms, like the phone company or an ISP, and have become publishers, like the Washington Post.

They're using their power to discriminate against viewpoints they don't like.  For example Twitter has banned various conservatives but has allowed two accounts that called for the death of a teenage boy they didn't like to remain.

They fact check Trump but not Adam Schiff.

As some conservatives have pointed out because Twitter is a private business they can discriminate in that way just as the Washington Post can.

However were the WaPo to publish a letter to the editor that made baseless charges against a private citizen, as opposed to a public figure, they can be sued. As a result the ensure that such content doesn't show up.

What Trump is doing is telling Twitter that they can in fact put their finger on the scales and discriminate against conservative thought and what they call "hate" speech. But if they choose to be a publisher rather than a platform they can't have legal immunity for what they publish just like all other publishers.

This will allow the entire community of legal sharks to sue Twitter to their hearts content.

Some left wing nutter says that a moderate Republican is a Nazi who hates Jews when in fact the guy is nothing of the sort; lawsuit.

Twitter publishes a "fact check" which is factually incorrect and which libels a person; lawsuit.

Twitter shadowbans people supporting one party and not the other; lawsuit about campaign contributions.

Twitter fact checks only Republicans; lawsuit about campaign contributions.

It's 100% true that as a private company Twitter can be as biased and unfair as it wants to be.

But now it will no longer be protected from the legal consequences of its actions.

The Board of Directors of Twitter will have to decide just how much money they want to lose to lawsuits in order to keep helping the Democrat party.

This solution doesn't give the government any control over online content and hence the claims by some that any attempt to force Twitter to be content neutral would require the government to have the power to control online speech.

Why mailing everyone a ballot is a recipe for voter fraud

In June 2019 California began the process of removing around 5,000,000 names from voter rolls due to inactivity.

The state as a whole had a registration rate of 101%, that is it had 1% more registered voters than it had citizens old enough to vote.

What happens is people move and die and the voter rolls are not updated. Prior to this new move Los Angeles County hadn't cleaned up its voter rolls for 20 years.

This isn't a uniquely Californian problem.  The simple reality is across the country there are 378 counties with more registered voters than adults who are eligible to vote.

This is why the Democrat plan to send a ballot to everyone on the voter registration rolls is pretty much guaranteed to result in massive voter fraud.

In 2016 around 14 million Californians voted for someone for president. Assuming none of those were fraudulent that means that the 5M ballots that would have been sent to people who didn't exist would be roughly 36% of the votes which is more than the margin that Hillary won CA by in 2016.

The point is that sending ballots to everyone on the rolls means sending ballots to millions of people who don't exist.  To believe that dishonest people won't cast a significant fraction of those ballots is wishful thinking at best.

What's interesting is that the same Democrats who say that Russia spending a few hundred thousand dollars on ad buys in the 2016 election where Hillary spent around $1 billion was intolerable are now saying that putting millions of ballots out there to be stolen is no problem.

No one is saying that we should suspend mail in voting. The issue is should we sent ballots to people who haven't asked for them and many of whom don't actually exist?

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Twitter loves the Chinese tyrants whose lies created the pandemic but they hate Trump

Contrary to the unfactchecked posts by senior Chinese government leadership we all know that the mass murdering Chinese government lied about the nature of the China virus which led to the current pandemic.

China new in December that the virus spread from person to person and yet the only steps that the fascist regime took was to intimidate and threaten the doctors who were telling the truth.

If China had acted just 3 weeks sooner the number of cases in China could have been as much as 95% lower.  If China had done that there probably wouldn't have been a pandemic.

Of course the fact that the Chinese government allowed international flights out of Wuhan after it had prohibited flights from Wuhan to Beijing is another reason why the Chinese government is responsible for the pandemic.

But when Chinese government officials post lies trying to blame the US Twitter does not fact them.

However when Trump posted that mail in ballots would lead to massive voter fraud Twitter "fact checked" that.  Who were the fact checkers?

Well we know they're lead by a rabidly antiTrump individual who hates everyone in fly over country.

Further they cite only biased sources like CNN.

Even after Republicans have tweeted all sorts of data about the massive problems with mail in ballots Twitter hasn't fixed their "fact check".

The simplest way to see that sending every registered voter a mail in ballot or an application for one, rather than letting people apply for mail in ballots which is already legal, is to note that there are millions of invalid voter registration around the country.  People move, people die, and the voter rolls aren't updated.

One person received 4 applications for mail in ballots for people that had lived at their current address. If that person had been dishonest they could have cast 5 ballots.

We know for sure that there at least 2.3 million invalid voters on registration roles because 378 counties across the US have more people registered to vote than there are people of voting age in that county.  Given that many people don't register to vote, to avoid being called for jury duty or because they just don't care, and given that clearly the problem isn't restricted to counties were the registration rate is  greater than 100% there are probably millions more of "voters" who don't actually exist.

But if Democrats have their way each and every one of those non-existent voters will be sent a ballot.  Dishonest postal workers, who are union members and who probably vote nearly straight Democrat, could harvest tons of ballots--one postal worker has already been charged with a similar scheme.

Dishonest voters who receive multiple ballots could vote multiple times.

That's what the Democrat's want since they know that their people are more dishonest than Republicans.  Most Democrat voters would never cheat like that but enough would that it could make a difference.

Look at the Democrat political machines in places like Chicago where the last fair election was probably more than 80 years ago.

But Twitter denies all this and attacks Trump while letting Chinese government officials lie about COVID19 without fact checking them.

It tells you whose side Twitter is on.

UPDATE: The day after Twitter attacked Trump with the bogus fact check they added fact checks to some actual lies by Chinese Communist leaders.  Clearly they did so only because they were caught not because they care.

Yoel Roth who heads Twitter's "site integrity" is a H8er

Here are some things that Yoel Roth who heads Twitters censorship efforts has tweeted:

Can you imagine if Twitter put someone in charge of their censorship who said that Nancy Pelosi was an actual Communist? Or said that all the folks who don't live on the coasts are evil?

This is why we need to end Twitter, and other social media companies, immunity from lawsuits.

They were provided that immunity with the understanding that they would be content neutral. They would only ban content that was illegal.

But now Twitter, that fact checks Trump but not Chinese Communist government officials, is clearly a publisher that decides what content is allowed.

Which is fine but that also means that they can be sued.

For example if they allow white leftists to attack Trump but ban Blacks who attack Biden that's clearly racial discrimination which is something companies can't do.

Similarly if they allow some left wing loon to accuse you of horrible things that aren't true then they can be sued just as you can sue a newspaper that published a story about you being a serial killer with absolutely no evidence.

The later type of lawsuit would be very expensive for Twitter because the law for slander and libel of random people is much easier than for political or public figures.

If someone says Trump's an actual Nazi it's nearly impossible for Trump to successfully sue. But if someone calls Joe the small business owner who's not a public figure a Nazi and he's likely to win in court.

Planned Parenthood has admitted under oath to selling baby parts

In sworn videoed testimony Planned Parenthood officials admitted that they were paid $55 per usable organ.

That's important because it contradicts the PP claim that they were only reimbursed for transportation and harvesting costs.

If that were the case then they would be paid whether or not the organs were "usable". The fact that they were only paid when their product, organs from aborted babies, met certain quality standards means that they were being paid for a product.

The video testimony also shows that PP switched which company it sold baby body parts to because the new company showed up more often and generated more cash for PP.

They did this despite being aware of the fact that selling baby body parts for cash is a crime based on a law passed by pro-life and pro-choice politicians.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Democrats want you to suffer: A quick recovery is bad news edition

Jason Furman, a top economist in the Obama regime, said:

“We are about to see the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country.”

The reality is that only a tiny fraction of Americans have died--100,000/330,000,000 = 0.03%-- so that once the home imprisonment is ended there's going to be an explosion of economic activity.

I'm not saying that those deaths aren't tragic only that not enough people died to significantly distort the economy.  Keep in mind that 93% of those who have died are 55 years or older.  The vast majority of the work force, and the people that advertisers target because they spend more money, have been pretty much untouched.

You'd think that everyone would be happy about that. But not Democrats.

A former Obama White House official said:

“I don’t think this is a challenge for the Biden campaign. This is the challenge for the Biden campaign.”

“If they can’t figure this out they should all just go home.”

He was referring to how Biden can deal with a surging recovery. 

We know that Democrats hate us which is why more people are dying in states run by incompetent Democrats and why those governors want to keep America shut down until the day after the election. They're more than willing to make you suffer it that will get them more political power.

To Biden a quick recovery is a bad thing.  That tells you all you need to know about what matters to Democrat politician like Joe Biden.

China's invading India but you probably haven't heard about it

There is a border dispute between India and China and China just unilaterally moved troops into land claimed by India.

This isn't the start of a war per se but it's more examples of what the Communist Chinese tyrant is willing to do.

Not only does China claim parts of the South China Sea that are hundreds of miles from China and much closer to other countries like Indonesia and Vietnam but it's clearly taking advantage of the pandemic it started to exercise its military muscle in a variety of places.

Chinese planes have been violating Taiwanese airspace.

China is using the pandemic as cover for its breaking the agreements that protected the liberty of the residents of Hong Kong.

Like Democrats China apparently never wants to waste a good crisis.

Ilhan Omar gets it right: She believes Tara Reade about Biden

Omar is a despicable antisemitic muslim radical but we should commend her when she gets something right.

Tara Reade has accused Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her.  Seven other women have accused Biden of inappropriately touching them or violating their personal space.

In an interview with Britain's Sunday Times she said:

“I do believe Reade,” she told the newspaper. “Justice can be delayed, but should never be denied.” According to the interviewer, Omar added that if it was up to her, Biden would not be the Democratic nominee.

As with all he said she said cases we don't have incontrovertible proof that Biden is guilty. However Reade has much more in the way of supporting evidence than any of Kavanaugh's accusers did.

At least 4 people, including an ex-husband, say that she told them about the assault when it happened.

Multiple other women have accused Biden of inappropriate touching indicating a pattern of behavior.

Biden refuses to allow access to his Senate records in order to see if there is relevant evidence.

The amazing hypocrisy of women on the left about this issue is most clearly demonstrated by Karine Jean-Pierre who Biden just hired as a senior advisor.

Back in 2018 she said:

“I think we're at a point in time in this country where the '#MeToo' movement has really gotten some traction, we’re finally listening to victims, whether they’re women or men," Jean-Pierre told CNN's Jake Tapper in December 2017, when asked if #MeToo had gone too far. "And I think if you’re running for office, you can’t have been accused of sexual harassment or assault. And I think that we really have to take that next step here and make sure that doesn't happen with anyone in office or out of office."

She was clearly saying that anyone who has been accused of sexual harassment or assault shouldn't run for office. It wasn't necessary in her mind for that person to have been convicted.

Yet now she's working to help get Joe Biden, who has been accused of both sexual harassment and sexual assault, elected to the Presidency.

Just as Black Democrat leaders are excusing Joe Biden's racist claim that he gets to define which Blacks are really Black Democrat leaders who are female seem to be quite willing to accept a candidate who treats women poorly so long as he advances the Democrat agenda.

In that light we need to commend Ilhan Omar for daring to stand by her principles.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

One reason why Cuomo has blood on his hands and DeSantis doesn't

While the #FakeNews media has been lauding Democrat Governor Cuomo on his handling of the China, or as he says the European, virus they've been attacking Republican Governor DeSantis of Florida for his allegedly bad response.

This chart shows why that coverage is just a big lie by the #FakeNews media to help Democrats

By every measure Florida is doing far better than New York.
  • 0.1% of Floridians have caught the China virus while the rate in New York is 90 times higher.
  • Of those who catch COVID19 New Yorkers are 17 times more likely to die than are Floridians.
One of the reasons for this is that DeSantis not only didn't force nursing homes to take elderly who had coronavirus he actually prevented them from doing so and kept those sick people in hospitals.

Cuomo's regime on the other hand actually forced nursing homes to take patients who had the China virus thereby effectively ensuring that the most vulnerable population, elderly people with preexisting health conditions, would be exposed to the China virus.

The simple reality is that Democrats have massively bungled the response to this crisis and the #FakeNews media is lying non-stop to try and keep we the people from finding that out.

Now did Cuomo set out to murder old people?  No. But if we play by #FakeNews media and Democrat rules that blame Trump for every death due to China having lied we have to blame Cuomo for every New Yorker who died.

It'd be nice to get back to sanity where we just point out the Republicans have handled this crisis far better than Democrats have.

Dr. Fauci says we can't stay locked up forever

The intent of the original lockdown was to keep hospitals from overflowing.

That objective has been achieved but Democrats want to keep us locked down because they think a tanked economy will help Joe Biden win the Presidency.

That's despite studies that have shown that as many as 150,000 Americans could die deaths of despair-- due to suicide, drug use, etc-- if the lock down isn't lifted quickly.

Now Dr. Fauci, whom the left views as infallible, is saying that minimizing the overall death toll means we need to end the lockdown.

Here's what he said on Friday:

"We can't stay locked down for such a considerable period of time that you might do irreparable damage and have unintended consequences, including consequences for health," he said.

"I don’t want people to think that any of us feel that staying locked down for a prolonged period of time is the way to go,"

This is what Republicans have been saying.  We need to balance the deaths due to the China virus and the deaths that result from people being locked in their homes and unable to work.

Democrats will continue to try and keep us locked down until there's no risk of anyone dying of China virus but that will never be the case since even a working vaccine won't be 100% effective.

Targeting "defective" babies for death is a big business

A spokesman for the BGI Group--a large Chines genetics conglomerate-- said:

"You can see clearly, especially for Down’s syndrome, we have nearly two million samples all over the world. This part is, what we call, BGI’s cash cow, making money to support the growth of the whole group.”

How are those tests that tell if there's a chance--they're not 100% accurate and they do generate false positives--that an unborn child has Down's syndrome used?

The spokesman goes on to explain:

“…with the use of our technology, we could avoid the birth of birth defect, like a Down’s syndrome birth, a Down’s syndrome child, we can screen them out, we can avoid the birth of them.”

That's right she's saying that Hitler got it right. That "defective" people shouldn't be allowed to live.  Of course the spokesman probably doesn't think Jews should be killed but Hitler started out by killing "defectives" like those with handicaps or mental illness.

The simple reality is that less than 2% of abortions are due to the hard cases:
  • 0.3% are due to a risk to the woman's health
  • 0.14% are due to rape
  • 0.01% are due to incest
  • 1.4% are due to less serious health issues
98%+ of abortions are due to people having consensual sex but not wanting to accept responsibility for the consequences of their actions and people who don't want a "defective" child.

Abortion is all about being selfish in the vast majority of cases.

Planned Parenthood kills about 300,000 unborn babies a year and makes a fortune doing so. It used to also make piles of cash by selling the babies organs to "scientists".

The BGI Group boasts of making a fortune by targeting for death "defective" people.

The reality is the most defective people in the world are those who make a living out of killing babies for convenience.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Trump says states can't discriminate against churches reveals Democrat's effective atheism

Some states, like Minnesota, are discriminating against Churches.  In Minnesota for example restaurants can serve up to 50 people outdoors but churches can't have more than 10 people outdoors.

Some states have closed churches but left abortion mills and liquor stores open.

Not only is this a blatant violation of people's 1st Amendment rights it tells us just what these Democrat Governors think about religion.

During campaign season they're all for God and country but when push comes to shove they show by their actions that they think religion is nothing important.

Now there can be on religious test for office so it's perfectly legal for atheists to get elected; as it should be.

However given that people who reject religion and God tend to have values that conflict with those on which America was founded it's important for we the people to know just where politicians stand on this.

Joe Biden wears his "Catholic" identity on his sleeve making the sign of the cross in public for example while working hard to facilitate what the Catholic Church teaches is mass murder; abortion.

Clearly Joe doesn't care much about what God thinks or he doesn't accept the teachings of the Church he claims to belong to. Either way it makes it more understandable why he's been silent about the anti religious discrimination that the Democrat party has been advocating.

It's important to note that no one is saying Churches should have special privileges. But when the state allows people to congregate in Walmarts, Safeways, and abortion mills it's clear that there is either an animus towards religion or a belief that religion is unimportant behind the same people saying that churches can't reopen if they follow the same social distancing rules as these other facilities.

As a Catholic I know that no Bishop is talking about reopening and having people jammed in shoulder to shoulder in the pews. Rather there will be some mechanism to let people get to Mass, but not always on Sunday, where the number of people in the Church is kept low and families are separated by at least 6 feet.

When I go to the store people, wearing masks, often come closer to me that 6 ft simply because the store aisles are set up such that such events are unpreventable even with one way traffic flow in the aisles.  Yet my Democrat governor hasn't demanded that stores be closed and we all live off delivered food.

In one state the police threatened people who attended a drive in service in their cars.

The bottom line is that leftists are using the pandemic as an excuse to persecute religion.

Fortunately Donald Trump, unlike Joe Biden, realizes that religion is important to the vast majority of Americans especially in this time of crisis.

So he's announced that the DOJ will enforce the first Amendment on the states. They can't put more restrictive rules on churches than they do on restaurants, abortion mills, or liquor stores.

Just how dangerous is the China virus?

COVID19 has killed 100,000 Americans to date and it will kill more.  That sounds scary right?

But every year 650,000 Americans die of heart disease.  During the same time that coronavirus has been killing 100,000 Americans heart disease killed 200,000.

What people forget is that each and every year about 2,000,000 Americans die. While 100,000 is a lot of people it's only a 5% bump on the total yearly death count.

Similarly every year about 40,000 Americans die from car accidents.  We're going to get a vaccine and cures for the China virus so it won't keep killing 100,000+ Americans a year but cars will keep killing 40,000 Americans a year.

The other thing is just who is at risk from the China virus?  93% of deaths are of people who are 55 years or older, 81% for people who are 65 or older.

For those who are younger than 55 the death rate is 0.002% or one in 45,000.  People under 25, who are being hit by the schools being shut down have a roughly 1 in 1,250,000 chance of dying.

The flu on the other hand, like car accidents, kills people of all ages with and without preexisting conditions.

None of this means that we should just ignore the China virus but it does mean that there is no scientific basis for the Democrats desire to keep the country shutdown until Biden is elected.

We need to protect the at risk populations. Republican Governor DeSantis of Florida did that by ensuring that elderly patients with the China virus weren't put back in nursing homes thereby ensuring that the most vulnerable people were kept safe.

Democrat Governor Cuomo of New York on the other hand ordered nursing homes to take patients with COVID19 thereby putting the most vulnerable among us in harms way.

The only reason to continue to shutdown, as opposed to reasonable social distancing rules, is to take the economy so that Democrats will win in November.

Democrat politicians don't care that as many as 150,000 extra people will die due to suicides and drug overdoses if the shutdown continues for very long.

Democrats want you to suffer and be scared so you'll vote for their big government policies in November.

They want a repeat of FDR's election at the start of the Great Depression. What they don't want you to know is that FDR's New Deal was a disaster. The US stayed in the Depression until the start of WWII. FDR's big government policies didn't restart the economy or get Americans back to work.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

No Governor DeSantis isn't hiding China virus data and no the woman wasn't fired for refusing to hide data

The #FakeNews media will tell any lie to attack Republicans like DeSantis, Governor of Florida, just as they'll tell any lie to protect Democrats like Governor Cuomo of New York.

While they studiously ignore the fact that Cuomo forced nursing homes to take patients with the China, or European as Cuomo likes to call it, virus they're saying that DeSantis fired a female government worker because she wouldn't manipulate data.

What really happened was that the woman in question, whose name I'm not going to mention because she's gone into hiding, made mistake and when told to correct it said no.

Her job involved managing the dashboard where people can access the COVID19 data on the web.

She posted a file which had not been reviewed by the medical experts and Dr. Carina Blackmore, director for the Division of Disease Control and Health Protection she's also State Epidemiologist, told her to take the data down until it could be verified.

The woman said no and as would be expected she was reassigned.  When the boss tells you to do something reasonable you don't say no.

Website technicians don't tell MDs what data should be posted.

The data was verified and posted in less than two hours so it's not a case of the data being hidden.

Unfortunately to make matters worse the woman then sent a letter to the media which was factually incorrect.

The message said:

I don't know how much I'm allowed to say.

My removal wasn't voluntary. It was ordered by REDACTED. She has been trying to censor data for some time now, and after I personally refused to manually change data to drum up support for the plan to reopen, she personally saw to it that I was removed.

The dashboard has not been fully repaired since that time.

The message is completely untrue.  She was transferred because she posted unverified data and refused to take it down when told to by a Doctor who is responsible for the data. The verified data was then posted as it should have been.

It was the woman, not Dr. Blackmore, who posted potentially inaccurate data.

Now that could have been and probably was just an honest mistake but saying that her boss was trying to force her to fake the data was an inexcusable action.

Yet the same #FakeNews media which is showing no interest in the COVID19 disaster which is New York latched on to this story and ran with it even though there's no truth to it.

Another Global Warming/Climate Change Lie: No Climate Change isn't driving an increase in strong hurricanes

A new study, by government funded folks who depend on the climate crisis being real to keep getting paid, allegedly shows that climate change is causing a significant increase in strong hurricanes.

It's totally wrong.

The main data point in the new study is that when examining hurricanes in the period between 1979 and 2017 there probability that a tropical storm grew into a hurricane increased by 8%.

That's a tiny variation and hardly likely to be significant as you can see by looking at a plot showing the number of tropical storms and hurricanes in each year from 1970 to 2019.

Clearly the year to year variation of the ratio of tropical storms to hurricanes is bouncing all over the place so that simply averaging for 20 years is unlikely to show an real difference.

Further we can see form the chart that the number of hurricanes hasn't been changing much though there was a downward trend from 1992 through 2014.  It's likely that the 1979 through 2017 time period was selected to exclude the high number of hurricanes in the early 1970s.

With data like that in the chart you can pick different time periods and you'll find all sorts of different averages. An 8% variation is very likely well within the expected normal variations.

Also note that instead of saying that the number of hurricanes have been increasing, which is what we care about and which isn't the case, the study says that the number of tropical storms that become hurricanes have increased.

The problem with that metric is that if the number of tropical storms declines, as it did around 2010, then the number of hurricanes goes down even if the probability of any given storm producing a hurricane goes up.

The #FakeNews media added their spin. The Washington Post's headline said:

“The strongest, most dangerous hurricanes are now far more likely.”

That contains two lies. 

The first is that the study isn't talking about the frequency of major hurricanes increasing, which it isn't as you can see by looking at the chart above, but about an increase in the frequency of tropical storms becoming hurricanes. 

The second is that an 8% increase is means something is "far more likely".

Another reason why you can trust nothing the #FakeNews media says about Global Warming...err Climate Change.

Obama spied on American Jews and members of Congress

If you for some reason think that it's unlikely that Obama's minions would misuse the Intelligence Community (IC) to spy on his political opponents let me take you back to 2015.

Obama is desperate to make a deal with Iran; a country who he likes much more than he likes Israel.

American Jews and members of Congress who support Israel, the only truly religiously tolerant and democratic country in the Middle East, were talking to people in Israel to get information about the situation.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the NSA monitored those conversations.  Even worse the Obama administration got access to that data.  Their cover was that they didn't say "Do it" but they didn't say "Don't do it" either.

If Obama was willing to spy on Congress in order to ensure that Iran got nuclear weapons and billions to fund terrorism why would he hesitate for a moment to spy on Trump to help Hillary?

Joe Biden shows he's not ready to run the country

It's sad but true that Joe Biden isn't mentally fit enough to be President.  One or two verbal slips we could excuse but when he says he's going to beat himself in the Presidential race our only options are that he is saying that he's his own worst enemy or that he's not understanding the words he's saying.

Can you imagine if Trump said something like this how the media would react. Yet we're not going to hear anything from the #FakeNews media about this other than excuses.

Why did the Democrat party rig the scales again against Bernie for Biden?

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The real enemy of the free press; the #FakeNews media

CBS's Catherine Herridge has actually reported, not lied or opined, about the breaking story that General Flynn was railroaded by dishonest Obama officials.

It's now clear based on newly revealed information, information that Flynn's prosecutor hid from both Flynn and the court, that not only was there no legal basis for the FBI to question Flynn but that Flynn did not in fact lie; he simply didn't remember a detail.

Flynn's alleged crime was that he'd lied to the FBI about whether or not he'd discussed sanctions with the Russian Ambassador.  Note there was nothing illegal about Trump's transition team talking to the Russian Ambassador about sanctions, or about anything else for that matter.

If anyone doubts that remind them that John Kerry admitted to meeting with Iranian officials when he wasn't in government or part of any transition team.  You'll find that the people who say that Flynn talking to the Russians, asking them to not retaliate for Obama's sanctions, is a crime will say that Kerry working against the foreign policy of the Trump administration by coaching the Iranians is not a crime.  Which of course show's they're defining "crime" as anything that anyone they don't like politically does.

The first thing to note is that the report filed by the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn said that they didn't think he was lying.

The next thing to note is that the FBI has admitted that they didn't warn Flynn of his Miranda rights for the explicit purpose of not revealing to him that the interrogation wasn't just a friendly meeting.  Do that to a drug dealer, child rapist, or serial killer and the same people who are saying that Flynn should go to jail would be howling that the case had to be dropped.

Finally it's only illegal to lie to the FBI about things that are materially related to an on-going investigation.  Well we know now that there was no such investigation and that since Flynn talking to the Russian Ambassador as part of the activities of the Trump transition team was 100% legal whether or not Flynn did so couldn't be material to any investigation.

Other documents reveal that the FBI was deliberately trying to get Flynn to lie about a non-crime in order to squeeze him for evidence against Trump and to ensure that he couldn't help Trump see through the on-going conspiracy by the FBI/DOJ/Intelligence Community to frame Trump for collusion with Russia.

Clearly this is a big story.  Herridge saw that and reported on the fact that Joe Biden had "unmasked" Flynn, ie used the entire US intelligence community to spy on a political opponent.

The response from the Biden's camp was expected.  They said she was a "partisan, right-wing hack".

Various CBS "journalists" anonymously voiced their disgust with her for daring to reveal a truth that might hurt Biden.

Now when the "press" declares that reporting truths that hurt left wing politicians is evil it causes Americans to not trust them.

Trump points out media lies and the #FakeNews media says that that is a threat to the free press. They don't actually show that what he's saying is wrong they just declare that he shouldn't say it.

The real threat to the free press is a press which is devoted to the political success of the Democrat party not providing the people with the facts so that we can decide who to vote for.

Joe Biden reveals his racism by declaring that he can say who is really Black

In an interview on the Breakfast Club Joe Biden told a Black man:

"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."

That is an amazingly racist statement that reveals what Joe Biden, and most other Democrat politicians think about Blacks.

They believe that Blacks are only Black if they agree with the policies held by rich old white people like Biden.

That's why they have no trouble viscously attacking Blacks who don't agree with them.  Look at the horrible things Democrat politicians say about Ben Carson, Candice Owens, Kanye, and Justice Thomas.

But Biden is a special case. He not only trashes Blacks who dare to leave the Democrat's intellectual plantation he's even said racist things about Obama.  Biden said this about Obama:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

What few people know is that one of the ways that Democrats tried to defend slavery was to say that it was actually good for Blacks because they needed white people to take care of them because they were too stupid to run their own lives.

Biden's comment shows that he is following the long tradition of Democrats by believing that Blacks who disagree with him can't really be Black; Blacks who know their place will believe what Joe tells them to believe.

But is he right that he'd be better for Blacks than Trump would?  No.  Here's a short list of why Democrat politicians like Joe Biden are bad for Blacks:
  • Joe says and does nothing about the mass shootings of Blacks in Democrat run cities
  • Democrats say that letting poor Blacks have school choice just like rich whites is racist
  • Joe says that Blacks who don't toe the white Democrat party line aren't Black; Kanye, Justice Thomas, Candice Owens, Ben Carson, etc
  • Joe ignores the fact that Black women are 3x as likely to abort as white women; the one racial disparity that Democrat politicians applaud
  • Joe ignores the fact that abortion is the leading cause of death for Blacks
  • Joe's all for massive immigration, legal and illegal, that drives down Black wages and drives up Black unemployment
  • Joe's all for shutting down the country forever even though that is destroying small businesses owned by Blacks
The Democrat party has always been the party of racism.  Contrary to what Democrats claim they didn't change in the recent past.  In the 1950s and 60s it was Democrats who fought integration and civil rights for Blacks.

Today Democrats ignore mass shootings of Blacks, extol Planned Parenthood which targets Blacks for abortions, and work hard to deny Black kids a decent education in Democrat run cities.

Conservatives realize that Blacks like every other race don't lose their racial identity based on their political beliefs but they also know that if Blacks want their lives to get better they should stop voting Democrat.

After all Democrats have run Chicago since the 1950s and Blacks are worse off there now then they were then.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Joe Biden just hired an aide who says that any candidate accused of sexual misconduct shouldn't run

The Biden campaign just hired Karine Jean-Pierre as a senior advisor.  In 2018 Ms Jean-Pierre said:

“I think we're at a point in time in this country where the '#MeToo' movement has really gotten some traction, we’re finally listening to victims, whether they’re women or men," Jean-Pierre told CNN's Jake Tapper in December 2017, when asked if #MeToo had gone too far. "And I think if you’re running for office, you can’t have been accused of sexual harassment or assault. And I think that we really have to take that next step here and make sure that doesn't happen with anyone in office or out of office."

Her comments were in the context of Andrea Ramsey who was a former Congressional candidate in Kansas who dropped out because she was accused of sexual harassment by a man.

To be fair Ramsey was a Democrat so Ms. Jean-Pierre can't be accused of having a double standard for Democrat candidates in general only for Joe Biden.

Because we all know that Biden has been accused not only of sexual misconduct, by 8 women, but of sexual assault.

True some of the Democrat women whose private space he violated are saying it's not sexual harassment but if a woman's boss came up put his hands on her shoulders and sniffed her hair no HR department in the world would classify that as anything other than sexual harassment.

California university treats unborn babies worse than dogs and then experiments on them

The University of California San Francisco(UCSF) has as one of its missions to "maintain and increase the number of abortions". That's what the director of USCF's Woman's Option Center, Dr. Eleanor Drey, has proclaimed.

No more legal, safe, and rare. The modern left says that butchering babies is a good thing.

No wonder.  UCSF's Division of Experimental Medicine uses aborted baby parts in its "research". It only uses babies who weren't aborted due to a threat to the life of the mother to ensure that the "material" they get is top quality.  This sounds a lot like what Dr. Mengele used to do with Jews.

For a long time UCSF received two aborted babies per month from Advanced Bioscience Resources, which partners with Planned Parenthood. Many of those babies were more than 21 weeks old and hence they could have survived if they were delivered rather than ripped apart.

Even worse USCF classes that teach abortion don't teach that the unborn baby should be killed with a shot of digoxin before they're hacked to pieces.

That's torture since everyone who's honest agrees that babies feel pain by 20 weeks.  The few who don't make the bizarre argument that while the baby reacts to painful stimuli by retreating the baby doesn't feel pain. An argument that's of the same ilk as the unborn baby being a "clump of cells" or not a person.

This is modern abortion. Killing babies for convenience and then selling their body parts for cold hard cash.

Oh one last thing. Only 0.3% of abortions are because of a threat to the mother's life, 0.14% due to rape, 0.01% due to incest and 1.4% for non-life threatening medical issues.

That means that 98%+ of abortions are because men and women had consensual sex but refuse to accept the responsibility for the consequences.

#FakeNews media racism: European vs China virus edition

Gov. Cuomo of New York, the guy whose regime ordered nursing homes to take patients who had the China virus, has taken to calling the China virus the European virus.

Here's the relevant outtakes from just one recent Cuomo briefing:

“… the virus that had attacked us from Europe … the virus came from Europe … the virus was coming from Europe … New York is where the European flights were coming in … Virus came from Europe … we had this European virus attack us … we had people coming from Europe bringing the virus.”
Now I'm so old that I remember the #FakeNews media saying it was racist for we the people to refer to a virus that started in Wuhan China as the China virus or the Wuhan virus.

Yet here Cuomo is labeling COVID19 the "European virus" even though it originated in China.

Even worse we know that the Chinese Communist government:

  • Lied about the virus spreading between people
  • Allowed people to fly from Wuhan to the rest of the world but not to the rest of China
  • Secretly scoured the world for PPE while telling the world there was no problem
  • Pressured WHO to oppose travel limitations on China
  • Allowed millions of people to leave Wuhan after having been exposed to the virus
  • Forced doctors who identified the virus to plead guilty of crimes and destroy the virus data

Clearly the China virus is now a pandemic threat because of the deliberate actions of the Chinese government.

Yet the media declares that Trump telling a reporter, who happened to have been born in China, that she should ask the Chinese about the mess they've created is racist.

By those rules Cuomo smearing all of Europe should be condemned by the media.  By the #FakeMedia's own rules Cuomo should be branded as a racist.

Instead they commend him.


Because it's part of their jihad to destroy Trump.  They know that pointing out China's culpability is not racist but they want to stop China being blamed.


Because Joe Biden's son got $1,500,000,000 of Chinese government money to manage after he flew over to China with Joe. Since then Joe's been very defensive of China.  He declared that Trump putting travel limitations on China, which we now know significantly slowed the spread of the China virus in the US, were "xenophobic".

To this day he's defending China and attacking any who want to blame the Chinese Communist government for their actions.

Hence if voters realize that Biden is supporting the government that is causing them to lose their jobs they will be less likely to vote for him.

And that's something the #FakeNews media won't allow.

The #FakeNews media lies: Florida vs New York China Virus edition

New York state is home to a hugely disproportionate number of the China Virus cases in the US.

The virus spreading from New York is responsible for the majority of cases in certain other parts of the country.

Democrat governor Cuomo told New Yorkers in March that there was nothing to worry about.

Democrat governor Cuomo bought votes rather than ventilators in the past.

Democrat governor Cuomo allowed the NY Subway to keep running and even to reduce the number of trains thereby increasing the spread of COVID19

Cuomo's regime forced nursing homes to take new residents who had coronavirus leading to the deaths of thousands

Cuomo is keeping his state locked down.

Meanwhile in Florida the state is opening up and the rate of China Virus deaths is much lower than in New York.

Florida has more people than NY but it also has about 14th the number of COVID19 cases and despite all those old retirees living in Florida a mortality rate that's 17 times worse than Florida.

Yet the #FakeNews media is saying that Cuomo is a wonderful hero and dissing the Republican governor of Florida.

The #FakeNews media screamed when Jacksonville opened its beaches yet there has been no spike in infections as a result of that.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Planned Parenthood cheats small businesses and the taxpayer

The Paycheck Protection Program, PPP, was designed to help small businesses survive the government mandated societal shutdown.

Yet Planned Parenthood received $80 million which should have gone to small businesses with little in the way of assets.

Every year PP rakes in around $1.7 billion and it had $1.9 billion in assets. That's hardly a "small" business.

None the less at least 37 PP affiliates requested and received tens of millions of dollars even though they don't qualify based on the law which excluded organizations with PP's type of governance and affiliation structure as well as the fact that PP exceeds the number of employee cap.

PP knew that was the case since they stated:

"The bill gives the Small Business Administration broad discretion to exclude Planned Parenthood affiliates and other non-profits serving people with low incomes and deny them benefits under the new small business loan program."

So there's clear evidence that PP intentionally and deliberately did something that was illegal.

It's time to make PP return the money at the very least so it can be given to truly small businesses who are in dire straits due to the China virus pandemic.

The Steele dossier: a bunch of lies peddled by a Trump hating British citizen

We now know that the only real justification for Obama's Intelligence Community(IC) spying on the Trump campaign was the infamous Steele dossier.

The first thing to note is that Steele is a former spy and a British citizen.

The second thing to note is that his work was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

The third thing to note is that we know that Steele told at least on person that Trump had to be stopped from becoming President.

The fourth thing is that all of the sources for the dossier are anonymous Russian sources.

The fifth thing is that the FBI has admitted it hasn't been able to verify the contents of the dossier.

The sixth thing is that even before the FBI used the dossier to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign they knew that some of the claims in it were not true.

So let's pause for a second and recognize that the dossier that was used to justify the IC spying on the Trump campaign was opposition research generated by a foreign national based on anonymous and unverifiable Russian sources which was paid for by Trump's political opponent.

No wonder that the FBI failed to tell the FISA court that Hillary paid for it and that they lied to the FISA court and implied that they'd verified the contents of the dossier--a rule of all evidence submitted to the FISA court is that it must be verified but the FBI submitted the dossier and later Comey admitted that the FBI had not in fact verified it.

Clearly if the FBI had used a story from the National Enquirer, you know the place where all the two headed aliens kidnapped Elvis stories pop up, they would have had a better chance of the contents being true.

The FBI did manage to find one of Steele's sub sources who said that the dossier was made up out of whole cloth.

That's not too surprising since when Steele was sued in an English court for things his dossier said about a British citizen Steele told the court that nothing in the dossier was verified and it should only be considered a starting point for an investigation. A far cry for how he pitched it to the American press.

Another huge problem is that Steele hasn't set foot in Russia since 2009. Yet somehow he managed to get senior Russian officials to reveal to him an immensely important and highly secret program; Putin's efforts to suborn Trump.

In Putin's Russia talking about Putin's secrets will get you "accidentally" beaten to death in prison.  So how could Steele have managed to get a "senior Russian Foreign Ministry Figure" and a "former top level Russian intelligence officer still active inside the Kremlin" to wax eloquent about Putin's efforts to control Trump?

The FSB, the new name for the KGB, would be monitoring phone calls from overseas to key Russian officials and would have immediately known of their treachery. Yet no one who corresponds to the descriptions Steele gave has "disappeared".

The most credible scenario is that Steele, a foreigner who hates Trump, made it all up in order to help Hillary win.

After spending tens of millions of dollars and two years Mueller's crack team were unable to verify a single accusation in the dossier.

Yet today Democrats still cite it as credible.

ObamaGate Bombshell: Flynn's "crime" was talking to the Russian Ambassador as part of his transition duties

Trump was going to be inaugurated in January. His national security advisor General Flynn was talking to the Russian Ambassador as part of the normal transition process.

But according to this newly declassified paragraph in an email sent by Democrat Susan Rice Comey said that Flynn couldn't be trusted since he was doing his job:

Director Comey affirmed that he is processing “by the book” as it relates to law enforcement. From a national security perspective, Comey said he does have some concerns that incoming NSA Flynn is speaking frequently with Russian ambassador Kislyak. Comey said that could be an issue as it relates to sharing sensitive information. President Obama asked if Comey was saying that the NSC should not pass sensitive information related to Russia to Flynn. Comey replied “potentially.” He added that he has no indication that Flynn has passed classified information to Kislyak, but he noted that “the level of communication is unusual.”

Before delving into the implications of this paragraph we should note that there is absolutely nothing in it that could have justified classifying it.  It was being deliberately hidden by the deep state because it reveals just how dishonest Comey and the rest of Obama's cronies were.

Comey's argument was that it would be justified to keep Trump in the dark about information the US had about Russia since by denying it to Flynn they effectively denied it to Trump.

The basis for that unheard of claim was only that Comey thought that Flynn wasn't doing Flynn's job the way Comey thought he should.

Who is to decide that there is too much talking with the Russians by the incoming Trump administration?  Certainly not the FBI.

More importantly Comey is admitting that Flynn wasn't actually conspiring with Russia or giving away American secrets.  That's because we know that the Intelligence Community (IC) was listening into and recording Flynns calls to the Russian Ambassador.  If there had been anything untoward in those intercepts Comey could have cited that not just the fact that Flynn was talking to the Russians too much.

But even the too much argument has problems. To date all of the attacks on Flynn are based on one and only one phone call.  We have no evidence of how frequent "too frequent" is.

And given Comey's hatred of Trump and his propensity to lie we can't trust him on the matter.

Democrat run states are facing huge financial problems while Republican run states are doing fine

The Republican governor of Texas, Greg Abbott had a very interesting tweet

Nancy Pelosi put $1T in her big pork bill for states. Specifically to bail out economically failing states like CA, NY, and IL.

But not only are Republican run states much safer from a COVID19 perspective they're also not facing huge debts.


Because Democrats like Newsom and Cuomo spend their citizens tax dollars to buy votes.  Even as Newsom is asking for your tax dollars he's handing out checks to illegal aliens.

Essentially Newsom and Cuomo have bleed their citizens dry and now they want to steal your tax dollars to keep their citizens from facing the consequences of voting Democrat.

We need to ensure that Republicans win in November so we all don't get taxed to push off the inevitable collapse of California and New York.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The truth about hydroxychloroquine(HCQ) and COVID19

While the media is desperate for Americans to keep dying so Democrat governors can continue to keep the country locked down and create a new Depression, about the only thing that might let Joe Biden win in November the reality is that we're making big strides at dealing with the China virus.

When Trump announced he was taking HCQ under a doctors supervision the #FakeNews media erupted with anger and condemnation.

But the simple fact is that HCQ is already being taken by many patients to treat malaria. Further the efficacy of HCQ and chloroquine(CQ) as anti viral agents has been under investigation since 2003.

Clearly if HCQ was as dangerous and the #FakeNews media is trying to make it out to be people wouldn't be using in on a regular basis to fight malaria.

Further it turns out that HCQ combined with zinc tend to limit the ability viruses to enter into cells, which they need to do to reproduce. That means that we have a logical mechanism which explains why HCQ could work against the China virus.

Multiple peer reviewed studies published between January and April of 2020 show that the drug does help treat and prevent the China virus.

As of late April the the Association ofAmerican Physicians and Surgeons reported that of the 2,333 people treated with HCQ--sometimes with zinc and/or azithromycin-- 91.6% improved clinically.

Turkey and India are giving medical workers and people who have contacted those with the China virus HCQ before they develop symptoms.  Interestingly the per capita rate of COVID19 infections in the US, where the FDA has recommended that HCQ not be used that way, are 5 times higher than the rate in Turkey and 278 times higher than the rate in India.

Morocco and Algeria saw a sharp reduction in the fatality rate once they began using HCQ.

Now further analysis on larger test populations might show that HCQ isn't the magic bullet that stops the China virus but clearly it's safe, since it's been used to fight malaria, and it seems that we have a strong basis for thinking it does work at some level.

Is there a vaccine for China virus in sight?

Initial testing on 8 healthy volunteers found that Moderna's China virus vaccine was both safe and invoked the sort of immune system response that is essential for a viable vaccine.

Moderna is using a new approach to vaccine production which has not previously been used in a vaccine that has been approved.

Subsequent tests on hundreds and thousands of people will be necessary but the fact that the vaccine produced no side effects and did what it's supposed to do is very promising.

Undoubtedly Democrat's like Pelosi will condemn this and demand testing go on until Trump loses in November but honest Americans have reason for optimism.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Was Obama's Treasury Department spying on his political enemies?

When the list of people who had unmasked, that is spied on, General Flynn came out it included no less than 6 political appointees in the Treasury Department, including Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew.

Given that the alleged reason that Obama and his subordinates were spying on Flynn was that Flynn was talking to the Russians when he shouldn't have been it's unclear why Treasury would be interested.

But more importantly when the Intelligence Community accidentally collects information about US citizens without a warrant, as was the case with Flynn, they are supposed to be extremely protective of that information since it was obtained in violation of the 4th Amendment rights of the citizens involved.

Hence there is no way that 6 different political appointees in Treasury should have been given access to Flynn's identity, especially on one day--Dec 14, 2016.

But if a story in the Ohio Star is correct the reason that so many Treasury political appointees were spying on Flynn is that they'd been spying on him for a long time.  They are also alleged to have been spying on other people including members of Congress.

A whistleblower who was a senior Treasury Department official and who had served in the Intelligence Community(IC) says that Obama's Treasury regularly spied on Flynns financial records and transactions starting in December 2015 and continuing well into 2017.

Given that there was no investigation, much less a warrant to do so, this would appear to be the sort of thing fascist states do not something that is legal in America.

Among the other people Treasury was spying on was Paul Manafort. While the other people can't be named because they're not in the official paperwork filed by the whistleblower they include members of Congress, senior members of Trump's campaign, and members of Trump's family.

The whistleblower filed their complaint in March 2017 and unlike the treatment that the lying "whistleblower" who had no first hand knowledge of Trump's alleged improprieties with Ukraine got this whistleblower's complaint was basically ignored by Acting Treasury Inspector General Richard K. Delmar.

The illegal spying operation was run out of the Treasury's Office of Intelligence Analysis which was run by S. Leslie Ireland who had spent a year being Obama's personal intelligence briefer.

If this story proves to be true it's clear indication of massive lawlessness on the part of senior officials in the Obama administration that makes Watergate look like nothing.

Remember the initial crime in Watergate was a failed attempt to obtain confidential Democrat Presidential campaign documents, without Nixon's knowledge or approval, and Nixon was forced to resign because it became clear he was covering for the people who conducted the break in.

But clearly weaponizing the IC which is a super powerful organization designed to deal with terrorists and imperialist threats to spy on Obama's political opponents on an on-going basis is a far more serious crime.

One last thing; we know for a fact that Obama's IRS was weaponized against his political opponents. They've admitted that they treated conservative political groups looking for tax exempt status much differently than they did leftist organizations.  Obama's IRS deliberately took much longer to approve conservative groups thereby keeping them from participating in an election.

AOC hasn't paid her taxes from years ago

It's apparently hard for Ms. Ocasio-Cortez to get by on her measly $174,000 a year salary.

She still owes the state of New York $2088.78 in back taxes and interest on her now defunct business.

She's been too busy making sure that you and I pay more taxes to be able to straighten out the issue.

Her spokesperson says that AOC is contesting the bill claiming that it's due to the Franchise Tax being incorrectly collected.  The problem with that explanation is that the total has only gone up by $470 which is consistent with interest not unjustified yearly charges.

The company was dissolved by New York state in 2016 which can occur when a company fails to pay corporate taxes or fails to file a tax return.

The state filed a warrant against her business in July 2017 demanding payment of a $1618.36 unpaid tax bill.

Clearly irrespective of the facts it's rather poor form for someone like AOC who is demanding higher taxes on the rest of us to not take care of ensuring that her tax situation is resolved.

Pelosi's $3T pork bill does little to help Americans but a lot to advance her radical agenda

Thanks to Ted Cruz here's a list of 5 radical things in Pelosi's bill--which was passed without debate.

  • It prevents illegal aliens from being deported and extends work authorizations for foreign workers. Given that 36 million Americans are out of work keeping foreigners around to take jobs doesn't make a lot of sense from the perspective of what's good for Americans
  • Bailing out Democrat run states that were spending like drunken sailors long before the China virus hit
  • Using your taxes to bail out Planned Parenthood and to pay for elective abortions
  • Removing voter ID requirement and mandating mail in voting which makes voter fraud much easier
  • Extending the big unemployment payment bump through 2021 which will tend to keep people from working even when the country is reopened

Cruz points out what's not in the bill too:

  • Nothing to protect American jobs
  • Nothing to help get America back to work
  • Nothing about addressing #ChinaLiedAndPeopleDied

Pelosi is using your suffering to try and remake America into a socialist tyranny and enable Democrats to commit massive voter fraud.

On top of that your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will have to pay off this huge pile of pork that Pelosi just passed.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Joe Biden defends the Chinese government that gave his son $1.5B to invest

When Trump instituted travel restrictions on China back in January Joe Biden said that they were "xenophobic".

Now the same Joe Biden is either demonstrating he has serious memory issues or that he will tell any lie is saying that Trump didn't move fast enough to deal with the virus.

For some bizarre reason Biden seems to think that Trump attacking China's communist regime for their deliberate lying about the nature of the China virus is an attack on Asian Americans.

That itself is odd because it seems to indicate that when Biden thinks of Asian Americans he doesn't think of them as Americans but as Asians. Why else would attacks on the Chinese communist leadership, not the Chinese people, be viewed as attacks on Americans?

It would be like a Democrat politician in 1942 saying that attacking Hitler was an attack on German Americans.

Trump, like all conservatives, knows that Asian Americans are Americans and hence any attack on the Chinese Communists can't be an attack on Americans no matter where their ancestors came from.

This is just one more example of how by saying everything is racist people like Joe Biden are providing cover for real racists.