Wednesday, February 6, 2019

SOTU, Trump, and the Biggest of the Democrats Big Lies

Everyday the #FakeNews media and their bosses in the Democrat party spread a number of Big Lies including:

1) Babies aren't human before they're born
2) Killing babies after they're born isn't infanticide if the mother has already tried to kill them
3) Israel is evil and Muslim terrorists are good
4) Iran is peaceful
5) The economy is horrible
6) Trump is a racist
7) Trump colluded with Russia and Russia changed the vote counts in the 2016 election
8) Republicans hate the poor
9) Massive illegal immigration is good for the average American

The list could go on but the basic point is that the only way that Democrats can get we the people to vote for them is to lie; when they speak the truth and reveal their support for government tyranny--otherwise known as socialism-- and infanticide they lose elections.

But the biggest of the Big Lies is the Bizzaro Donald Trump that the left declares is racist, evil, corrupt, dishonest, uncaring, and literally insane.

Because they can't confront conservatives on the basis of ideas Democrats have to resort to demonizing us and they've reserved their most insane claims for the most visible conservative out there; Trump.

That's why Democrats told their sheep to avoid listening to the SOTU; they know that as the Bible and Cal Tech say "the truth shall set you free" and the last thing Democrats want is for their voters to be free.

When the American people see the real Donald Trump they are generally enthused.  That's why the #FakeNews media has to desperately construct a fake Trump and put that in front of the people. The left's fake Trump is all evil to all people which is why they have to lie; in truth Trump and his policies are far from perfect but he and his policies are infinitely better than what the Democrats are offering.

Ask your Trump hating friends if it doesn't seem odd that when they hear Trump speak he's nothing like the Trump the media portrays.

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