Thursday, February 21, 2019

It's been a bad, really terrible, amazingly bad new year for Democrats

Precisely because the Democrats control the House the American people are seeing what they actually stand for.

For two years Democrats had been telling us just how wonderful, competent, and honest Mueller is and how it was a certainty that he'd show that Trump colluded with Russia.  Now they're saying that if Mueller doesn't show collusion--which they probably know is the case-- he's so incompetent that they will have to start another investigation.

That shows the American people that the Democrats never cared about the truth only about overturning the 2016 election.

The media has demonstrated its mendacity in its coverage of the Covington boys and Jussie Smollett. In both cases the media spun the story to support Democrats and condemn Trump without bothering to do even minimal fact checking.  With even the few semi-honest #FakeNews media types admitting that they were wrong and rushed to judgement as they attacked a 16 year old boy and with Smollett being arrested and condemned by the Black head of the Chicago police department for faking a hate crime in order to get more money we the people have even more proof that the #FakeNews media are nothing more than a bunch of lying dishonest Democrat propagandists.

With the Democrats having power even the #FakeNews media can no longer hide the truth from we the people.

We now know that Democrats are for taxpayers funding those who are able to but unwilling to work.

Oh and California Democrats pushing a bill to force priests to tell the government what Catholics confess in the Sacrament of Confession won't win them any friends either.

One last thing; AOC pushing for taxpayers to work hard to ensure that those who are able to work but unwilling to do so have a lifestyle they find acceptable.

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