Sunday, February 17, 2019

Fake Hate Crimes: Jussie Smollett edition

When gay actor Jussie Smollett first claimed that he'd been attacked by two MAGA hat wearing white Trump supporters I pointed out that leftists like Smollett have staged quite a number of fake hate crimes but I said we should give Smollett the benefit of the doubt in spite of a number of concerning details including:
  • How likely is it that two white Trump supporters would be wandering around a highly leftists neighborhood in highly leftists Chicago in the early morning hours carrying bleach and a rope just in case they ran into a famous gay Black man?
  • Why wouldn't Smollett let the police access his phone?
  • Why didn't Smollett mention the attack to his doorman when he returned home?
Sadly my concerns were right; we know have very strong evidence that Smollett paid two of his friends, both Black, to fake the attack.

It's sad because as more and more of these fake attacks occur the chances of people thinking a real attack is fake grows.

The Washington Post's new mission statement is that "Democracy dies in darkness"; that is the WaPo is committed to hiding the truth from we the people so that Democrats can get power and destroy our democracy.

Like the rest of the #FakeNews media the WaPo loved the idea that they could attack Trump for the actions of some of his random supporters; a concept that they never applied to Obama when Antifa thugs who loved Obama viciously assaulted innocent people whose politics they didn't like.

As with all anti-Trump #FakeNews media memes there was no skepticism, no fact checking by the Democrat's propaganda arm. Instead they used their basic rule; if it hurts Trump it must be true and if it's not true it's "true" because it reflects how evil Trump really is.

This is one more example of why we can't trust the #FakeNews media; they will tell any lie, believe any story, support any cause that attacks Trump no matter what the facts are.

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