Thursday, February 7, 2019

Insanity, Socialism, Fascism, and Ocasio-Cortez

AOC has just released her green new deal.  Well at least an outline of it.

Amazingly the fact that it totally changes American society--by eliminating airplanes for example--and would cost untold trillions of dollars the source of which appears to be magic aren't the worst things about it.

Pending further review the two winning most insane things in the green new deal are:

1) Every building in America has to be replaced or upgraded.  Given that there are roughly, very roughly, about 120,000,000 buildings in America and we can't even afford to provide quality housing by repairing the dilapidated buildings in parts of America's Democrat run cities this is clearly insane as in disjoint from reality.

2) "Economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work".  So AOC wants the people who are willing to work to ensure that those who aren't are economically secure.  Lower income Black families will be taxed so that white college graduates who can't find a job in gender studies will be economical secure.  Now that's socialism for you.

Anyone who is remotely familiar with reality knows that neither of these proposals makes any sense. But of course if the objective is to buy people's votes with promises of future wonders that will never occur then they make sense. Apparently AOC is actively courting the bum vote.

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