Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Democrats and drugs; Kamala Harris joy edition

Radical left wing Democrat Kamala Harris, you know the Black women who as attorney general of California refused to defend the votes of 80% of Black Californians on Prop 8, has said that marijuana should be legalized because it brings "joy".

Drugs don't bring joy they make us think we're happy when we're not.  People who are happy don't need to ingest mind altering chemicals in order to be joyful.

True joy comes from what we do not drugs we take.

That Kamala doesn't understand that; that she confuses the feelings we get when we ingest drugs with true happiness is a sign of a deeply distorted world view.

People who get high and who get drunk aren't becoming joyful they're just lying to themselves.  Generally speaking drug users use drugs to escape from what they really feel.

Having a beer, a glass of wine, or a bit of whisky to relax is very different than getting high or drunk in order to feel "joy".  People who are high or drunk are really just using the drugs to help them pretend that things aren't the way they are.

Truly joyful people don't get drunk and they don't get high.

But Kamala's delusion is in keeping with the general philosophy of the Left which is that we can, through shear power of will, alter reality into what we want it to be. After all if the "joy" we feel when high is real why can't a man simply will himself into being a woman?  In both cases the Left is declaring that reality can be "overcome" by what we think no matter how unrelated to reality those thoughts are.

It's that mindset that allows Democrats to declare that the "Green New Deal" can be funded by printing money, qualitative easing, and by just wishing it will be.

That's why we can't allow people like Harris to be in positions of authority because their insanity will lead the country into massive suffering.

There are arguments for legalizing marijuana that don't require us to lie about what real joy is, not that any of them are actually any good, but the fact that Harris makes the case that we should legalize weed because it will give people joy shows that she's not thinking about the real world and we can't afford to have a President who lives in a fantasy.

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