Friday, February 22, 2019

WaPo sad farmers are hiring Americans

In response to Trump's tough immigration talk farmers are slowly but surely switching from using exploited illegals to fairly paid Americans or foreigners brought in on temporary visa's--similar to the old guest worker program.

To the Washington Post that's a problem.  Why?  Well because the fewer illegals there are and the more that Americans get paid the less likely it is that Democrats will gain political power and that's all that the #FakeNews media cares about.

Some farmers are saying that having to pay a decent wage and not exploit illegals will drive up the cost of fresh fruit in America.  Well gosh darn as a conservative I'm more than willing to pay more for fruit rather than exploit illegals. Strangely the WaPo seems to think it's better for them to get a bargain on strawberries than to ensure that whomever picks them is fairly paid.

This is just one more example of how when Democrats claim to be charitable they're really being selfish; Democrats don't want open borders because they are concerned about the plight of people, they want open borders so they can get cheap labor, cheap food, and keep wages down.

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