Sunday, February 17, 2019

Understanding the coup and the 25th Amendment

The 25th Amendment was passed to define how to remove a President who was physically incapable of governing from office. It was not designed to replace the Congress's power of impeachment.

Few people today, due to the abysmal state of public education, know that President Woodrow Wilson suffered a stroke and was physically incapable of executing the duties of his office.  But there was no way to replace him.  As a result his wife essentially acted as President for an extended period.

Similarly there was concern about what would have happened if instead of dying President Kennedy was left in a coma. Under the Constitution there was no mechanism for replacing a President who was alive but unable to function due to physical problems.

The 25th Amendment was not designed to allow a President to be removed because a sufficient number of cabinet members didn't like his style or his policies.  If the President was doing things that were so outrageous that he shouldn't be allowed to be President the Congress, representing the people, could impeach him.  That's what we saw with Clinton and Nixon.

If you don't believe me believe liberal Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz who said:

“If [McCabe’s comments are] true, it is clearly an attempt at a coup d’état,”

"[the 25th Amendment is]about Woodrow Wilson having a stroke. It’s about a president being shot and not being able to perform his office."

Hence the fact that disgraced liar McCabe has now declared that a small group of disgruntled FBI/DOJ people secretly plotted to stage a coup against Trump, using the 25th Amendment as a pretext, because they were mad about his firing one of their cronies is really scary.

Imagine if the same thing had been done to Obama because people in the military thought that he was secretly working for Iran or because they just thought is Iranian policy was so insane that it justified invoking the 25th Amendment.  Everyone, including conservatives, would have been appalled.

But leftists are saying that it's no big deal which tells us that they're really fascists who think elections only count when they win.

Sadly modern Democrats can't be trusted with power since unlike their predecessors they have rejected the Constitution and the idea that they represent the people.  Modern Democrats think they're better than we the people and that as a result they should rule over us.

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