Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Democrat's financial acumen; Stacey Abrams edition

Democrats love Stacey Abrams who ran for governor of Georgia in 2018.  They think she's so good, so competent, so representative of what Democrats stand for that they had her give the rebuttal to Trump's 2019 State of the Union speech.

But Stacey owes the IRS $50,000 and she also has $170,000 in student loan and credit card debt.

Democrats say that's fine lots of people owe money but the reality is that sane people don't pick financial managers who are chronically in debt and who don't pay their taxes on time.

That Abrams is in debt doesn't mean she's a bad person but it does mean she's unfit to run the finances for any group of Americans including the people of Georgia.  She's certainly unfit to tell Americans how the government should spend it's money since her credit card debt shows that she doesn't know how to manage even her own finances.

What's even more distressing is that she has chosen to not pay her taxes.  She's a typical big government Democrat and she is all for raising tax rates; something that's easy to do if you yourself have chosen to not pay your own taxes on time.

While it's true she now has a repayment plan where she's paying her debt to the IRS over time the reality is that she's not meeting her financial obligations as a citizen and taxpayer by not paying when she's supposed to.

This is another example of Democrat hypocrisy; they demand that we the people turn over more and more of our hard earned money so that they, the Democrats, can spend it as they want while not sharing the burden they impose on the rest of us.

Unaffordable Democrat plans, like AOC's Green New Deal, make sense when you realize that they can't pay their own bills so they aren't too concerned about how they will pay for their outlandish and oppressive schemes; AOC would kill all the cows for Heavens sake.

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