Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Why Democrats deny a decent education to inner city Blacks

As Ilhan Omar would say it's all about the Benjamins.

Teachers unions funnel huge amounts of money into supporting Democrat political campaigns.  Teachers unions have just started a #REDforED campaign which is designed to turn red states blue.

And teacher's unions oppose school choice that would help Black kids because that would mean that teachers would actually have to do a good job to keep getting paid.

In America today it's nearly impossible to fire a public school teacher and no matter how poorly they do their jobs they still get great pay.  For example the average teacher salary in Chicago is $60 thousand while the average salary in Chicago is $62 thousand a year.  But when we correct for the fact that teachers only work for 9 months out of the year that mean that teachers make around 1/3 more than average Chicago workers.

But if Black parents could pick where to send their kids they'd pick schools that succeed in educating them; i.e. they wouldn't pick the current publics schools.  We know this because there are huge waiting lists for charter schools--which Democrats are trying to shut down--and for private schools; some Black parents make huge sacrifices to send their kids to Catholic schools where they know they'll get a good education.

But if students aren't forced to attend the failing public schools then teachers won't be able to have job security for life and be paid so much no matter how bad they are.

To be fair there are good honest teachers but they're handicapped by the union leaders and the school administrators who refuse to maintain order and who also refuse to fire failing teachers.

It's not just the natural racism of Democrats, though their belief that Blacks can't really be educated or be disciplined enough to succeed in school does play a part, that keeps a decent education out of the reach of inner city Black students it's also the Democrats need for the massive financial support they get from the teachers unions.

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