Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Why do Leftists keep faking hate crimes?

In addition to death and taxes there is a new inevitable thing; left wing fake hate crimes.

Breitbart keeps a list of hate crimes which turn out to be fakes here.  Andy Ngo, a real journalist who digs up facts, has a long list of recent fake hate crimes staged by leftists.

With the Jussie Smollett "attack" now officially a fake hate crime with a grand jury indicting him it seems appropriate to figure out why there is this unending stream of fake hate crimes by the left.

A key question to answer as well is why aren't there fake hate crimes on the right?  Why don't we see people lying about being attacked by gangs of Blacks for example?

The answer to both questions is based on the behavior of the #FakeNews media.  

As a willing and eager source of propaganda for the Democrats the #FakeNews media, and leftists in academia, continually repeat the lie that America is full of right wing haters who spend all their free time attacking gays and Blacks and not women that's all leftists #MeToo folk.

The left constantly tells us how much hate the vast majority of Americans who are white have for anyone who isn't like them.  They don't explain how we got a Black president or why there aren't mass lynchings like there used to be in the Democrat controlled South when there were a lot of white racists running around.

Essentially if you're a leftist in America today you KNOW that white people are evil, except for your white friends who are so perfect, and hence you KNOW that there are lots of hate crimes being committed against minorities and gays every single day.

But leftists are confused about why they don't actually see any reports of this tsunami of white privilege based hate induced violence.  It must be that the media is hiding the truth from Americans.

Now if leftists actually used reason they'd know that that is insane.  After all why would the same media that is constantly telling us how racist and homophobic white Americas are cover up white American hate crimes? But fortunately for Democrats leftists rarely use logic or reason.

So what's a good leftist to do?  Well fake a hate crime to draw attention to the real but unreported epidemic of white hate crimes.

It's a way to resolve the cognitive dissonance between what Leftists know to be true and the reality that they live in.  By faking hate crimes they keep themselves from thinking that they're being idiots for believing in something there is no evidence for.

In addition they know that the #FakeNews media will talk about any hate crime endlessly--yes that contradicts the belief of leftists that the media is suppressing the truth about hate crimes but as has been pointed out by many people leftists view reason as the enemy of what's good--just ask Ocasio-Cortez--,so that the hate crime faker will become a celebrity and, like Kavanaugh's accuser, make a lot of money.  

Just look at how the Smollett and Covington stories were first covered.  There was a stampede to "justice" and media types fell over themselves trying to be the first to say how these events proved that every Trump voter was a sadistic, racist, homophobic, mass murdering, cannibalistic savage who is literally Hitler.

Conservatives don't fake hate crimes because we don't live with cognitive dissonance. We know that the left is violent because we see the reports, albeit toned down by the #FakeNews media, about Antifa violence or gay Democrats trying to kill people who support traditional marriage.

Further we know that the media will deep six any accounts of left wing violence; after all a Democrat tried to murder multiple US Congressman, and almost succeeded in killing Steve Scalise, and the media stopped covering the story after 3 days.

In some sense it's not surprising that the same people who believe that a man can wish himself into being a woman believe that they can wish a wave of white hate crimes into existence just by faking one.

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