Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Is Obama a white Black?

I ask because 7 years ago the media portrayed George Zimmerman who is half Hispanic half white as a "white hispanic" and since Obama is half Black and half white it would seem that he should be classified as a "white Black".

Of course the media had to lie about Zimmerman's race because they couldn't have a hissy fit about a Hispanic man killing a Black man in self defense.

What's interesting is that Democrats seem to be quite comfortable with defining a person's race based on what race is best for Democrats.

For example Elizabeth Warren pretending to be Native American was fine according to Democrats until the heat got to strong and they decided to pretend that she was raceless; they no longer say she's Native American but they don't call her white either.  I guess she's the race version of a genderless person.

This makes sense since Democrats believe that men can will themselves into being women and that women can have a penis.

What this really shows is that Democrats are clinically insane; that is they reject reality and believe that they can through sheer will power change reality to what they want it to be.

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