Thursday, February 21, 2019

What Jussie Smollett tells us about the Left's perception of life

Anyone with any common sense was immediately doubtful that two white MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters were randomly cruising the most left wing part of Chicago in sub zero temperatures carrying bleach and a rope just in case they ran across Jussie Smollett.

Jussie told us he was targeted because of his criticisms of Trump so that means that the attackers weren't just wandering around looking for any black/gay guy; they were looking only for Jussie.

Now most of us didn't immediately say that Jussie was lying; after all a broken rib is a big deal.  But we took a "let's see what the cops say" attitude.  Not the #FakeNews media and the left.

Even after Jussie admitted that he'd lied about the broken rib the left held up his claim as proof that everyone they don't like is a racist.

Two Democratic presidential candidates, Harris and Booker, said that the attack was like a lynching and demanded that a special law be passed against lynching--as though until that law passed people could just wander around and lynch people legally.

The #FakeNews media pontificated on how this made perfect sense since Trump is a racist and all his followers are racists.  A point they don't make about Nathan Philips whose follower told white people to go back to Europe.

The reason the left reacted differently is because the left has been drinking their own bath water. They are starting to believe the lies they tell about racism in America. They honestly think even though a white person is more likely to be shot by cops than a black person if they don't resist or run when stopped by the cops that all cops are racists--even Black cops.

This is a form of projection since if we judge people by their actions it's the Left in America today which is consistently racist:

1) Leftists say and do nothing to end the mass shooting of Blacks in Chicago
    Conservatives demand tougher policing to make Blacks safe
2) Leftists say that letting Blacks choose to send their kids to successful schools is racist
    Conservatives want to empower Black parents to ensure that their kids get a good education
3) Leftists keep high paying jobs out of Black areas--Chicago rejected a store because it was non-union
    Conservatives want tax incentives to bring jobs into Black neighborhoods.
4) Leftists are fine with the racial disparity that Black women are 3 times more likely to abort their babies than white women
    Conservatives want to end abortion so that the leading cause of death for Black Americans will no longer be abortion
5) Leftists support massive illegal immigration which keeps Blacks unemployed and drives down Black wages
    Conservatives want to let Blacks benefit from the Trump economy not illegals
6)Leftists treat Blacks like Candice Owens, Kanye, Judge Thomas, and Ben Carson who don't toe the white leftist ideological line horribly declaring they're not really Black
   Conservatives attacked Obama's ideology not his race.

In the world of the left a high violent Black man who tried to kill a cop but who was killed himself is a cause that must be celebrated so much that there are riots but thousands of Blacks who are shot in Chicago each year can be ignored.

They have to pretend that Trump supporters, many of whom are Black, are all racists so that they, the leftists, can ignore their own racism.

To give their own selfish hedonistic racist lives a pass leftists have constructed a fake world based on #FakeNews that let them say that it's always the other guy who is to blame; never themselves.

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