Wednesday, February 27, 2019

#FakeNews media all in for killing born babies

You may not know that all but 3 Democrats in the Senate voted against a bill that would require medical care for babies who are born alive.

To be clear the vast majority of Senate Democrats, and every Senate Democrat including Sanders who is running for President, voted to allow born alive babies who are no longer in their mothers womb to be killed.

The reason you may not know is that the big players in the  #FakeNews media didn't report on it.  CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and ABC were silent about the Democrats taking a principled stand for infanticide.

Some #FakeNews media did report the story but lied about it claiming that a bill that is only about babies who are fully born, completely viable, and totally outside their mothers is somehow anti-abortion.

Some other #FakeNews media reported on the story as an example of how conservatives "pounced" on Democrats for announcing their support of killing born babies.

Bottom line the Democrats are trying to get away with supporting the killing of viable born babies by having their stooges in the #FakeNews media bury the story.

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