Thursday, February 7, 2019

Democrats attacking kids; the new normal

We all saw how the left piled on a bunch of defenseless 16 year old boys at the March to Life.  We now know that the left is declaring open season on kids who don't hold the right political views.

We also have more evidence of the fascist nature of modern Democrats.

During the SOTU a teenage activist was tweeting and in one of his tweets he made the following observation:

.@AOC has been talking this entire speech and the woman next to her keeps trying to look the other way 😂😂.

It turns out that the woman next to AOC--Ocasio-Cortez-- lacks logic, civility, and an understanding of the proper role of government officials in American life because she tweeted back:

Hi @TheCJPearson, I'm not "the woman sitting next to her". @AOC and I -- and millions like us -- are the future of this country. And you're right to be afraid of us.

But you should learn my name.

Democrat Nydia M Velazquez apparently believes that our elected representatives are in fact our rulers and that we should be afraid of them. Further she thinks that Americans care enough about politics to know the names of all of the hundreds of members of Congress because our lives should be centered on DC not DC centered on improving our lives.

Interestingly Velazuez's fascist nature is also showing. After all who but a fascist would want we the people to be afraid of our government officials? An American would want to be respected by the people and would know that respect is earned.

Clearly Velazquez has a rather inflated view of herself, like almost all Democrat politicians, and a lack of interest in who she attacks. We know how the left reacts to conservatives attacking teens who are activists for the left; they go insane and call anyone who would dare question them evil. Yet the #FakeNews media will ignore this attack on a right wing teen.

Oh and one last note about Democrat racism; the teenager that Velazquez threatened, CJ Pearson, is Black. Can you imagine what the left would do if say Paul Ryan had done to a left wing Black teenager what Velaquez has done?

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