Sunday, February 10, 2019

A preview of the world the Democrats want for us

In England a 38 year old woman was arrested in front of her two children for stating the scientific fact that a human being with XY chromosomes is a man.

She was in a discussion online with a man who is pretending to be a woman and she addressed him as a man, using male pronouns, which is of course the scientifically correct thing to do.

That is now a crime in England.  Truth is a lie and lies are the truth.

That's what Democrat politicians want for us in America.

If you accept science that a man is a man unless his DNA is changed you should be jailed.

If you doubt that note that Democrat politicians have put in place laws that allow protesting outside of Marine recruiting centers but not abortion mills.

Democrats have called for throwing people who don't believe in bogus climate "science" into prison.

Democrats hate free speech because they can never win any argument based on facts or reason. They can only win by silencing their opponents.

It is literally insane to say that a man can become a woman just as it's insane to say that apples fall up when you drop them.

Yet we're told that stating the truth should now be a criminal offense.

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