Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Big Lie: Democrats and Republicans exchanged their positions on race

Democrats today are pushing the Big Lie that while Republicans were opposed to racism in the past and Democrats were racist in the past the two parties have since switched positions.  

Democrats tell that Big Lie in order to hide their racist agenda from Blacks but the reality is that Democrats have always been racists and still are while Republicans have always opposed racism and still do:

  • Democrat's first president was a slave owner who brutally attacked Native Americans: 1828
  • Democrats fought the civil war to keep slavery legal: 1861
  • Democrats founded the KKK: 1865
  • Democrats passed all the Jim Crow laws: 1877-1950s
  • Democrats stood against school integration: 1950s-1960s
  • Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Democrats instituted the "Great Society" even though they knew it would destroy the Black family: Late 1960s
  • Democrats did nothing to change the "Great Society" even as they saw that Black families were being destroyed: 1970s to 1900s
  • Democrats oppose enterprise zones that would bring jobs into Black neighborhoods: 1980s to present
  • Democrats oppose school choice for Blacks to improve the quality of education in Black neighborhoods: 1956 to present
  • Democrats do nothing to stop mass shooting of Blacks in Chiraq and other Democrat run cities: 1990s to present
  • Democrats do nothing to address the disparate outcome of abortion where Black women are 3 times more likely to kill their unborn baby than white people: 1970s to present
  • Democrats viciously attack Blacks who don't toe the white leftist line ranging from Kanye to Ben Carson.: 1960s to the present
  • Democrats support unlimited illegal immigration which drives down Black wages and denies Blacks jobs: 2015 to the present
Democrats are and always have been racists. Today while they talk about how much they love Blacks their core policies are uniformly harming Blacks in America.

On the other hand Republicans have always opposed racism:

  • Republican's first President ended slavery: 1862
  • Republicans fought a war to end slavery: 1861
  • Republicans passed the 14th Amendment ensuring Black civil rights in the face of Democrat actions in the South:1868
  • Republicans integrated the military: 1950s
  • Republicans sent troops to force the integration of public schools in the south: 1950s
  • Republicans opposed the "Great Society" as it was structured because it hurt Blacks: late 1960s till they reformed welfare in the 1990s
  • Republicans supported enterprise zones to bring jobs into Black neighborhoods: 1980s to present
  • Republicans support school choice so that Blacks aren't stuck in the failing public schools in Democrat run cities: 1955 to present
  • Republicans are outraged by the mass shootings in Chicago and push for stronger policing to make Black neighborhoods safe: 1990s to present
  • Republicans are outraged that nearly 80% of PP "clinics" are in minority neighborhoods and that PP was founded by a racist who hated Black people.: 1970s to present
  • Republicans are outraged that the leading cause of death for Black Americans is abortion: not sure which year abortion became the leading cause of death for Blacks but it was years ago.
  • Republicans attack the political positions of leftist Blacks but they don't declare that those Blacks aren't really Black the way Democrats do: 1950s to present
  • Republicans oppose unlimited illegal immigration because it hurts Blacks--after all rich white folk aren't the ones who lose jobs to illegals: 1980s to the present
The Big Lie that the Democrats gave up their racism at some point in the past-- some argue for WWII even though we know that the KKK and Jim Crow laws were enforced by Democrats until the 1960s while others say the 1960s-- is based on nothing but lies and historical ignorance; the sort of ignorance that led a Black Democrat to say that it was the Democrat party that passed the 14th Amendment even though they all voted against it and a news station declaring that George Wallace, a racist Democrat who ran for president, was a Republican.

The truth is that Democrats have always been racists and are racists.  If you still doubt that ask yourself when the last time it turned out that a Republican governor was a big fan of blackface and the KKK like Democrat governor of Virginia Northam?  

Or contrast how Republicans talk about Blacks and how Democrats talk about Blacks like Candice Owens, Ben Carson, Judge Thomas, and Kanye?  If any Republican had talked about Obama the way that the white leftists who run the Democrat party and the #FakeNews media talked about any of those Black conservatives we would have never heard the end of it.  In fact when Republican's attacked Obama's policies, not him personally, the Democrats said it was racist yet they attack not just the policies of Black conservatives but their right to call themselves Black; it's interesting to see white Democrats declare that conservative Blacks aren't really Black or that they're race traitors.

There's a movie out about this Big Lie called "Death of a Nation".  I haven't seen it but I've heard it's good.

One last thing; even though Democrats have been running the big cities in the US for years Blacks in those cities still have unsafe neighborhoods, horrible schools, insane murder rates, and massive poverty.  If Democrats really cared about Blacks don't you think they could have done something in the last 60 years to help improve the situation of Blacks?  But they haven't.

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