Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Another Democrat scandal covered up by the #FakeNews media

Democrat Senator Bob Menendez was on trial for corruption the #FakeNews media avoided mentioning it; all 3 networks didn't cover the trial at all on their evening news shows.

When the trial was covered on one occasion Menendez was identified as a Republican and in another case the NYT didn't mention, in a 1300 word article, that Menendez was a Democrat.

We have a new example of why leftists can say that the Obama administration and now all Democrats are innocent.

Have you heard of Democrat Representative Tony Cardenas?

Of course not.  That's because he's currently being sued by a woman who says that he drugged and molested her when she was 16 years old.  The #FakeNews media by pretending every Republican scandal is far worse than it is and burying every Democrat scandal is working hard to lie to the American people.

Given the general belief by Democrats that the law only applies to Republicans it's not surprising that  Cardenas isn't being investigated by Congress and he hasn't lost any of his committee assignments.  Democrats like Pelosi are keeping mum about the case as well.

It might be because Cardenas is a key political asset to California Democrats.

But mention him to your friends; truth is Democrats kryptonite.

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