Thursday, February 28, 2019

Beef for my staff but not for you

Democrat Ocasio-Cortez often demonstrates a lack of common sense; for example not realizing that promising taxpayer dollars to ensure economic security for able bodied people who could work but who are unwilling to work would anger most taxpayers.

Her most recent problem is that right after she tells Americans to eat less beef she thinks it's "creepy" that someone took a picture of her chief of staff eating a big hamburger.

Now if she hadn't commented about beef then someone taking a picture of her eating could be considered creepy but given that she's cool with Republicans being literally driven out of restaurants by leftists it's a bit hard to muster any sympathy with conservatives taking pictures of her.

But given that she has a big beef with beef which she's announced to the whole world her complaining about someone documenting her hypocrisy is clearly all about not wanting to be caught living the same double standard that says that it's ok that "green" celebrities and politicians generate huge amounts of CO2 with private planes and palatial homes.

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