Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Reparations: Make Africans pay

Almost all slaves who were imported to American were enslaved by Black Africans and sold to white people.

Clearly then without the cooperation of those Black Africans the American slavery culture would haven't occurred.

Hence it's the Black Africans that put their fellow Blacks up for sale that should be paying any reparations.

That's absurd of course because the descendants of those Africans who sold Blacks into slavery would never do such a thing and it's ridiculous to expect them to pay for the sins of their great great great great grandparents.

But it's equally absurd to say that all Americans, including Blacks, should pay more taxes to compensate Blacks for something that didn't happen to them.

What's interesting though is that every group that Democrats push for reparations for suffered due to Democrat policies:

1) Democrats fought a civil war to keep slavery legal
2) Democrats put Japanese Americans in prison camps during WWII
3) The founder of the Democrat party, Andrew Jackson, treated Native Americans horribly

Arch racist Trump holding hands with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson

via MEME

Just more proof of how racist Trump is.

Leading Democrats want complete control over your health care

In the debate last night fake Native American Elizabeth Warren and millionaire socialist Bernie Sanders both demanded that they be given complete control over your health care.

They want the right to control how much medical care you get.

Now of course they didn't say that. Rather they said that they wanted every American to be on government controlled Medicare.

They didn't mention the multi trillion dollar price tag or the massive tax increases on the middle class that would accompany their gaining control over your every medical decision.

If you're on Medicare the government can decide what is and isn't covered. The government could decide that if you're overweight you don't get certain medical care but that if someone who gets AIDS by being massively promiscuous can get all the medical care they want.

Contrary to the lies of the Democrats most Americans who work hard have good healthcare coverage.  But the Democrats are using the fact that not all Americans, and especially those who are unwilling to work, don't have great healthcare to ensure that everyone, no matter how hard working or how lazy they are, have the same substandard government controlled healthcare.

Warren and Sanders are disguising their grab for control over the most important aspects of your life as being altruistic when in fact it's nothing more than another step in establishing the fascist state where they rule over us rather than represent us.

At least Obama had the smarts to lie to us about how we'd be able to keep our doctor and our healthcare plan.  Warren and Sanders are telling us that if we like our healthcare we're not going to be able to keep it because it's more important that they have power over us than that we are healthy.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Look what Trump has gotten Democrats to defend

Whatever you think about Trump you have to admit he's a genius.  Here are a few things that he's managed to get the Democrats to defend:

1) Taxpayers funding a comfortable lifestyle for people who can work but who don't want to
2) Killing born alive babies that happen to have survived an abortion attempt
3) AntiSemitic Democrat politicians like Ilhan Omar and Tlaib
4) Higher Taxes
5) Socialism
6) The government having complete control of your health care
7) The horrible state of Democrat run Baltimore; rats are apparently not bad now
8) Open borders; anyone who can make it to the US border is entitled to welfare for life
9) Free health care not for US citizens but for illegals.
10) Mueller lied when he said there was no collusion
11) Al Sharpton tax cheat and racist hoax promotor

This is what the main stream Republicans have always failed to do; they never managed to make the Democrats actually defend what they really stood for.

For decades Democrats have run as conservatives and then governed as leftists. For the first time a combination of hubris and Trump insanity on the part of Democrats and the #FakeNews media have given us Democrats running on what they really want rather than on what they want we the people to think they want.

Every current Democrat presidential candidate held up their hand to support free health care not for poor Americans but for illegals.

The major Democrat candidates are all for abortion for any reason at any point in time including shortly after birth.

The major Democrat candidates are all for raising taxes on the middle class.

The list goes on. Can you imagine what campaigning on what they really believe as opposed to what they want us to think they believe will do to any Democrat not running in a really safe district?

The motto of Cal Tech is from the Bible; it says "The truth shall set you free".  We need to leverage this collapse of the Democrats disciplined lying to free we the people from the oppressive tyranny that the left wants to impose on us.

Leftists work to demonize heroes and normalize evil

There's a new series on Amazon Prime which shows superheroes as monsters.  It's just the latest effort by the left to create the illusion that there are no real heroes; that all people are seriously flawed.

We see that in the entertainment media constantly. When's the last time you saw a TV show or a movie where a young man refused to have sex before marriage? When's the last time you saw a hero who wasn't flawed or immoral at some level?

Yet we all know the world is full of real heroes.  There are the police and first responders who risk their lives every day. There's the men who have volunteered for the military and died defending our country. There are the parents of special needs children who sacrifice so much for their children.

While some of those people also do bad things the reality is that there are millions of true, honest, faithful, American heroes.  But if society acknowledges that then people have a standard to judge bad people by.  But by that standard most leftists would be condemned by society because of their selfishness and their evil behavior.  It's not an accident that leftists give less of their own time and money to help the poor than conservatives.  It's not an accident that sexually promiscuous leftists are all for abortion at any time for any reason.

The reality is simple; to avoid being condemned by society leftists have waged a decades long war to normalize evil and convince people that true heroes don't exist.

The characters the media pushes are almost all at least partly anti-heroes; people who might do good but who are seriously flawed from a moral perspective.  Every hero has feet of clay.  Even worse the media portrays evil people as the good guys.  Prostitutes are far more likely to be good people in modern fiction than business owners. In modern fiction thieves are the main repository of honor in the world while police officers are corrupt racists who kill Black people for sport.

Essentially the left acting through entertainment media it controls portrays people who do evil as really being good and people who do good as really being evil.

The left does this because they are generally very flawed and very evil people.  If you doubt this here are a few of the things leftists stand for today:

1) Promiscuity and the objectification of people as things to be used rather than life long partners to be loved

2) Abortion for any reason at any point in time up to shortly after the baby is born

3) Forcing hard working Americans to pay for a comfortable lifestyle for people who can work but who don't want to

4) A government that has control over every aspect of we the peoples lives down to what sort of straws we can use

5) The idea that everything belongs to the government and that reducing taxes is the government "letting" us have more money

6) The idea that whites who came to America long after slavery ended should pay "reparations" to Blacks who not only were never slaves but who have no slave ancestors

7) The idea that religions should change what they teach on issues like abortion and marriage to conform to conform to what leftists believe

8) The idea that sex with kids is ok so long as the predator is a leftist like Polanski

9) The idea that it's ok for Antifa to use violence to shut down speech the left doesn't like

10) The idea that free speech only means that speech that the left approves of is protected.

Of course the left's demonization of heroes isn't limited to fiction. When Bill Clinton was being impeached for lying under oath to avoid a #MeToo lawsuit leftists told us that every one lies about sex.

First off sexual harassment of a subordinate isn't sex unless you consider rape to be sex.  Second most Americans don't cheat on their spouses or even on people they're having a long term relationship with. In fact only around 18% of men and 12% of women admit to being adulterous.  Yet the left has worked hard to normalize what Bill Clinton did.

In fact the #MeToo movement, which the reviving of Al Franken shows is over for the left, was started not because the left objects to men exploiting women--if they did they'd have made Al Gore President by convicting Clinton--but as a weapon to attack Trump.

If you look at the history of the #MeToo movement it's clear that the left thought that by offering up a on the down slope movie mogul they could turn we the people against Trump because of Trump's supposed sexual sins.  But things didn't go as the left planned.

First it turned out that #MeToo offenders were mostly leftists and once the left raised the topic the vast majority of women who came out as having been sexually harassed accused leftist "heroes".

That's why the left tried hard to normalize Clinton's sexual crimes; if they condemned him they'd be condemning themselves.

People who do evil always try and rationalize their actions as being good and normal.  Hence it's not surprising that the left is has been working hard to subconsciously convince we the people that real heroes are monsters and real villains, like most leftists, are saints.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Trump moves to protect American workers from predatory Chinese policies

The World Trade Organization(WTO) is an international body that works to ensure fair trade practices between countries.

You may have heard of Boeing taking European airline manufacturer Airbus to the WTO because of the unfair government subsidies Airbus received.

The rules that are applied to define what is and isn't fair trade depends upon the status of a country.  For example some poverty stricken pre-industrial country in Africa can get away with more than say the US.  For example "developing" countries can subsidize its exports more than a developed country can.

It turns out that each country gets to decide if its own status.  As a result economic powerhouses like China, South Korea, and Singapore are considered to be "developing" countries by the WTO.

While South Korea and Singapore don't appear to be weaponizing their advantage with the WTO to hurt the US China certainly is.

That's why Trump declaring that the US will take steps to end this abuse is a good thing for American workers.  The simple reality is that with Chinese tariffs being 4 times higher than American tariffs the US has been in a trade war with China for decades and we've been losing.  High quality American jobs were transferred over to China, a country that forces women to have abortions and uses political prisoners as unwilling organ donors, and the 1% got richer because they can exploit underpaid Chinese workers.

Trump wants to change that but Democrats who are big fans of the 1% are attacking him for it.  Democrat politicians don't care if decent middle class Americans can't get jobs because Democrats want all of us to be dependent on the government so they rejoice when unemployment is high.

Bernie Sanders is a racist according to Democrats

We're told that Trump pointing out how horrible the conditions are in Democrat Elijah Cummings district is racist. That means that Bernie Sanders is a racist because here's what he said about the same  part of Baltimore back in 2015:

Sanders also said the following:

"Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you're in a wealthy nation," Sanders told reporters later at the Freddie Gray Empowerment Center in Bolton Hill. "You would think that you were in a Third World country."

The reality is that neither Trump nor Sanders are racists because of those comments.  The fact that Sanders doesn't point out that its the fault of the Democrats that run Baltimore that things are so bad may be a sign of racism but let's give him the benefit of the doubt and just assume he's doesn't recognize the correlation.

The real racists are all those who turn a blind eye to the horrible conditions that Blacks are forced to live in in Democrat run cities like Baltimore.

Trump's shining a light on Democrats like Elijah Cummings who have fought hard for the leftist white agenda, like redefining marriage, but done nothing to help their Constituents, is the antithesis of racism.

Democrats are responsible for the increase in mass shootings: Gilroy garlic festival edition

Due to the mass shooting in Gilroy Democrats are going to start working hard to ensure that more such events will happen in the future.  They'll do so, albeit unintentionally, by devaluing human life and restricting people's ability to defend themselves.

It's important to note that guns aren't the problem. Back in the 1960s many high schools had gun clubs where kids would bring a gun to school and then have target practice after school.  It was easy to buy a gun and none of the gun control laws that Democrats have passed since then were in place.

Yet the mass shooting rate was much lower than now.  In fact all "gun violence" was low compared to today.  Today Chicago has the toughest gun control laws in the country but those laws haven't even slowed down the massive slaughter that the city experiences every year. It's clear that access to guns doesn't really impact violence.  If you doubt that note that in London, where owing a gun is neigh on to impossible, the murder rate is worse than in New York City; bad people just use knives.

Why then has the "gun violence" rate gone up so much in America? The answer is simple Democrats have worked hard to devalue human life and render people defenseless.

For decades Democrats have worked hard to tear down the Christian belief at the foundation of our country; that every human has inalienable rights.  Abortion for example declares that if a person is young enough they don't have any rights.  Today Democrats have gone so far as to say that even if the unborn baby is wanted the baby's life has no value.  They've done so by saying that if a woman's wanted unborn baby is killed in an assault on the mother it's not murder.

Similarly Democrats have pushed for euthanasia and assisted suicide.  It's clear that a core belief of modern Democrats is that the value of a person's life is dependent on their utility to society.

By devaluing human life Democrats make mass shootings more likely.  When the speed limit is 55 mph lots of people will drive 65 mph but few will drive 75 mph but when the speed limit is 65 mph lots of people will drive 75 mph.  Similarly when all human life is held sacred by society there will be fewer killings but when society tells us that human life isn't all that precious there will be more people who will be willing to kill.

Every year there are thousands of Blacks who are shot in Democrat run cities.  Democrats silence sends the clear message that shooting Black people is no big deal. That in turn reduces the barrier that would keep people from shooting Blacks.

The second way that Democrats are responsible for mass shootings is that by restricting access to guns for law abiding citizens they reduce the likelihood that shooters will be stopped quickly.  Thanks be to God the presence of police officers at the garlic festival led to the shooter being shot within a minute of starting his rampage.

Sadly the reality is that despite their courage and commitment police officers aren't usually around when a shooting occurs; they're a few minutes away. As one police officer said "When seconds count the police are minutes away."   Time after time, of which Gilroy is the latest, we see that when there are armed individuals, police or private citizens, at the scene of a mass shooting the death toll is significantly reduced.

The Democrats constantly demonstrate their dishonesty, or ignorance, about guns.  For example they constantly refer to "assault guns" when they're talking about a typical semiautomatic rifle which is nothing like the weapons used by SWAT teams and the military.  Those guns fire automatically, hold the trigger down and they keep shooting until they run out of bullets. The "assault weapons" that Democrats talk about require one pull of the trigger to fire each bullet and hence are far less dangerous than automatic weapons.  Because automatic weapons are more dangerous it's nearly impossible for private citizens to own them; a fact that Democrats never mention.

Given that only 10% of criminals who use guns use guns obtained legally all of the gun control laws created by Democrats only serve to restrict the ability of honest people to protect themselves.  Their irrational fear of guns and their lack of concern for we the people is why they even object to allowing well trained teachers to have guns.  They'd rather see the children die than risk a teacher accidentally shooting a student. That same reasoning would lead to disarming the police because police officers occasionally shoot people when they shouldn't.

Democrats try to blame conservatives for "gun violence" but the simple reality is that it's Democrats who have devalued human life and worked hard to ensure that we the people are defenseless both of which have lead to an increase in mass shootings.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Democrat antisemite Ilhan Omar who advocates boycotting Israel uses an Israeli company for her web site

Ilhan Omar is eager to get boycott Israel as well as wipe it off the face of the earth--the BDS mantra Palestine from the river to the sea leaves no room for Israel--but she uses an Israeli company, Wix, to help power her website.

It turns out there's a web site which determines which technology other web sites use; it's called

If you run you'll find that it uses Wix which is a company based in Israel.  Apparently  to Ilhan it's other people who should have to find work arounds to using Israeli companies not her.

Democrats shocked when Trump strikes back

Having been spoiled by decades of Republicans who were too spineless to stand toe to toe with Democrat lies Democrats are shocked and appalled that Trump is daring to point out that it's the Democrats who are the monsters.

For decades Democrats have called conservatives racists, Nazis, homophobes, and mass killers.  Those who would be our rulers in the Democrat party, academia, and the #FakeNews media have all told us that that was perfectly reasonable.

Yet now in the course of a week those same "elites" are telling us that Trump saying that antiAmerican Democrats should go back to their home countries, fix the problems there and then RETURN to the US and Trump saying that Democrat run Baltimore is a disaster which hurts Blacks the most are racist and beyond the pale.

First note that Trump didn't suggest deporting the Squad--unlike two Squad members who have said that Trump should be deported-- he suggested that they go back to the countries they came from and show that they can fix problems and then come back to America to fix our problems.  Trump in no way shape or form indicated that those American hating people should be forced to leave America or prevented to returning from America.  That's all lies.

Second Baltimore is a disaster as are pretty much all other large cities run by Democrats.  Baltimore does have a huge crime problem, a huge rat problem, and a huge problem with a lack of jobs, poor schools, and safety for Black residents.  Democrats can't deny those facts so they attack Trump for pointing out that Democrats like Elijah Cummings--who's a millionaire--hasn't done anything to help fix those problems his constituents face.  Instead Cummings has worked hard to push the white leftists agenda.

Generally speaking Blacks have rejected the idea of redefining marriage to include same sex couples. In California when we the people were allowed to vote on the matter around 70% of Blacks voted against redefining marriage.  Yet Cummings has expressed support and voted for changing the millennia old tradition.

On the other hand Cummings has done nothing to improve the lot of his constituents.

But because Democrats are doomed if Black people realize that the entire #FakeNews media establishment is trying to get everyone to fixate on how Trump calling out a Democrat politician for failing his constituents but doing yeoman's work for the white leftist establishment must be racist.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

#FakeNews media bias: Donny Deutsch edition

MSNBC host Donny Deutsch said:

“We may not have won the battle of impeachment,” Deutsch squealed, “but we’re going to win the war of putting him in jail — whatever we have to do, and we’re not going to necessarily play fair.”

Can you imagine the outrage if a Fox News host had said that about Obama?  

Show this to your friends who say that Trump is wrong when he says that the media isn't biased against him.

The #FakeNews media is all about lying to you so that you vote for Democrats. They do that because they share the Democrats desire for Democrats to control every aspect of our lives. They want the Democrats to rule us not represent us.

Democrats declare that all Blacks who agree with white Democrats can never be wrong.

Black Democrat Elijah Cummings is a saint and any attack on him must be based on pure racism.

That's what the #FakeNews media and Democrat politicians are saying.

It's what they always say whenever anyone attacks a Black Democrat.

Of course when a Black says things that disagree with what white Democrats want Democrats attack them viciously; far more viciously than Trump or any Republican attacks people like Cummings.

Look at the attacks leftists use against people like Ben Carson, Candice Owens, Kanye, and Justice Thomas.  Nothing in Trump's tweet about Cummings is remotely as bad as what leftists hurl at Blacks who dare leave the Democrats ideological plantation.

In fact it's not uncommon for leftists to declare that Blacks who dare reject the ideology of rich white leftists are not in fact Black.  Can you imagine anyone saying that all whites or Asians have to think identically?  Of course not.  Yet Democrats declare that any Black who dares disagree with the ever changing ideology of the Democrat party is a monster.

They then turn around and declare that the only reason to attack any Black who does toe the Democrat party line is racist.

Democrats don't mind when Cummings attacks Trump; calling Trump a racist for example.

The fact that Cummings wife appears to have taken money given to her charity and used it for her personal profit is something that the media won't mention.  Don't doubt for a second that if Trump were to mention that he'd be called a racist.

The reality is simple. Cummings is a dishonest Democrat politician who will tell any lie in order to overthrow we the people's vote in 2016.  But to avoid having to defend his actions he and his cronies simply declare that anyone who attacks them is a racist because they know that they can't win in an open rational discussion.

Dishonest judges declare that any lie is ok so long as it doesn't hurt Democrats

You may remember Nicholas Sandman, the young boy who was viciously lied about by the #FakeNews media for the crime of being white and supporting Trump.

The media lied about his actions and his intent and he sued them for libel. But now his lawsuit has been thrown out because a dishonest judge has ruled that the media has no obligation to seek the truth.

Can you imagine the judge making the same decision if a right wing source had published a similar charge against a private citizen, who happened to be a child, who was Black?  Of course not.

The reality is that the judge was protecting the #FakeNews media because Democrats need to be able to lie with impunity in order to continue to have any chance of winning elections.

A Democrat tells the Truth about Google

Tulsi Gabbard is a Democratic presidential candidate.  She made a strong impression during the first Democrat presidential debate and then just as she should have been raking in millions Google suspended her ad account for no reason.

She's suing Google.  Her argument isn't that Google discriminates against conservatives but that Google censors any voice that would threaten Google's monopoly.

She's got a strong case. She cites all the conservative groups that Google censors that call for an end to social media platforms to censor content that is legal but which doesn't conform to the ideology that Google employees embrace.

She points out that in the 2016 election at least one study has shown that Google's search biases--they rigged their algorithm to help Hillary, might have led to an extra 2.6 million votes for Hillary. That makes sense when Gabbard also points out that during the 2016 election Google related individuals gave $1,200,000 to Hillary and $26,000 to Trump.  Clearly Google wanted Hillary to win so it's not surprising that they tried to help in any way possible.

While mushy Republicans say that since Google is a private company it can do whatever it wants the reality is that that has never been the case.  Imagine if when AT&T had a monopoly on phone service it prevented anyone who was pushing for AT&T to be broken up to use a phone; that's what Google is doing today.  Do you think that the fact that AT&T was a private company would have been used as an argument to justify that action?

Of course not.  Google is as much of a monopoly today as Standard Oil was back in the last millennia and so arguing that because they're a private company they can do what they want isn't a conservative position it's an oligarchical one.

The government can't manage it's spending so don't count on it for your needs

Imagine if you were looking for a financial planner to help you get your finances in order and one of the candidates had credit card debt that was equal to 6 years of his income.  Would you seriously consider that person as an advisor?

Obviously not.

Yet today the Federal government owes roughly 6 years of its total income in the equivalent, albeit at slightly lower rates.

Democrats want you to count on Social Security and Medicare which means they want you to put your life and your health into the hands of an organization, the Federal government, which can't manage its own money.

Further based on history it's unlikely that the Democrat politicians will subject themselves to the same rules as they want to impose on you. Remember that one of the big things the Republicans did when they got power during the Clinton administration was to force members of Congress to follow the same laws that they had imposed on we the people.

Also remember that when Democrats passed Obamacare, without a single Republican vote, they exempted members of Congress from it.

Democrat politicians want to force you to be dependent on them even though they know that in the long run they'll fail you.  That's because they don't care about you; in fact they hate you.  What matters to them is that they can control you and force you to live the way they want you to live.

Democrats are committed to the big lie: Mueller edition

Mueller was given an unlimited budget, two years, and he produced a massive report in which he definitively stated that there was no evidence for collusion and that he couldn't make a case for obstruction--not surprising in that it's impossible to obstruct an investigation into something that never happened.

Yet the #FakeNews media and Democrat politicians continue to declare that not only did Trump rig the election by colluding with Russia he obstructed justice in spite of the fact that he didn't stop Mueller and provided all the materials that Mueller wanted.

The simple truth is that Democrat politicians are concerned with one and only one thing; more power for themselves over we the people. Democrat politicians want to force us to change our religious beliefs, to endorse their hedonism, and to live and they tell us to live.

Any lie or delusion that can be used to increase the power of the mostly white Democrat politicians over we the people will be declared to be true by Democrat politicians and the #FakeNews media.

That's why Democrats are fine with declaring that men can get pregnant.  That belief makes flat earthers and people who say the sun orbits the earth look rational.

Essentially what the Democrats are doing is saying "we think Trump colluded and obstructed so it is true until Trump can convince us that it's not".

Imagine if someone declared that you were a child molester and treated you as guilty until you could prove that you weren't.  It would be horrible since proving that you never did something is exceedingly difficult if not impossible.

But that's what the Democrats are doing with Trump.  They declare that he colluded even though they don't have a shred of evidence to support their claim and they then demand that he prove them wrong.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

AntiSemitic Democrat Ilhan Omar says white men not Islamic terrorists are the problem

In an interview with Al-Jazeera Ilhan Omar said that white men not Islamic radicals are the problem.

This is a common leftists theme based on lies and ignoring things like 9/11.  Of course given that Omar has demonstrated sympathy for people who tried to join ISIS and that she clearly hates Western Civilization it's not surprising that she views white men and not Islamic terrorists as the problem.

The real problem is that Omar wants to make America like her homeland--she still refers to Somalia was her home-- Somalia rather than help make Somalia more like America; rule of law, human rights, honest elections etc.

Democrat politicians hate Catholics

Every Democrat who voted voted against confirming Brian Buescher for the US District Court in Nebraska mostly because he's Catholic.

He was attacked for belonging to the Knights of Columbus; a Catholic charitable institution which, like the Catholic Church can the Republican party says that marriage is between one man and one woman.

In 2017 the Knights collected $185.6 million and its members provided 75.6 hours of service--at $15/hour that's an additional $1.1 billion dollars--to help the poor and needy.

But because they don't subscribe to the Democrat parties official hedonism Democrats think that members are unfit to be judges.

Democrat politicians hate Catholics who actually believe in what their Church teaches.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Democrats reject the rule of law:Mueller edition

The foundation of the American legal system is that we're innocent until proven guilty.

Mueller and his Democrat cronies don't seem to believe in that.  Rather they believe that unless Trump can prove he's innocent that he must be guilty.

The Mueller hearings in Congress have been a disaster for the Democrats because the whole country now knows that if Mueller couldn't find the evidence to indict Trump then Trump is innocent.

Imagine if the Democrats demanded that drug dealers and corrupt Democrat Senators, think Menendez, had to prove that they were innocent; they'd drop the concept of guilty until exonerated in a second.

Mueller did say that there was no evidence of Trump, or anyone on his team, colluding with the Russians.  He continues to say that he didn't exonerate Trump which shows he's either totally unaware of how the law works or a biased dishonest hack.  Given that he couldn't produce a single other example of the DOJ ever saying that someone was exonerated for any crime it's clear that his report isn't part of the American rule of law.

In fact the idea of a prosecutor being unable to file charges against anyone due to a lack of evidence then going forth and trying to smear that person by saying that they weren't exonerated is basically unheard of.

But just as Democrat politicians don't believe that the 1st Amendment applies to speech they don't like and that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply to Republicans Democrat politicians don't believe that Republican's are innocent until proven guilty.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Democrat politicians despise the Ten Commandments

For something like 1600 years the Ten Commandments, and Jesus's two commandments which encapsulate the Ten Commandments, have formed the core of Western civilizations core moral values.

But today Democrat politicians reject all of the Ten Commandments and are working to completely change the moral underpinnings of American society.

Democrat politicians are constantly working to put government and the Democrat party ahead of God when it comes to defining what's moral. For example Democrat politicians push for gay "marriage", casual sex, and abortion for any reason at any time; even after birth.

Hillary Clinton has said that religions have to change their teachings to conform to the hedonism that Democrat politicians demand.

Democrat politicians are constantly working to remove God from the public square.  By supporting the unconstitutional wall of separation between religion and the State Democrat politicians are doing everything they can to use the power of the government to establish atheism as an official government faith based belief system.

Democrat politicians are leading the way in the use of foul language in society. Further it's leftists in the culture who view the misuse of the name of God as a fine thing.

Democrat politicians work hard to ensure that Sunday is just another day.  The leftist culture constantly sends the message that people don't really go to Church on Sundays.

Democrat politicians support the 60s idea that kids are smarter than their parents and that children don't owe their parents any honor or respect. 

Democrat politicians also support allowing children to have abortions without their parent's knowledge which is a clear undermining of parental authority.

Democrat politicians support the killing of around 1,000,000 innocent people each year through abortion.  They support killing an unborn child for any reason at any point in pregnancy. They even support killing healthy born alive babies.

Democrat politicians want all of us to pay for abortions and refuse to let medical professionals who believe that abortion is murder opt-out of performing abortions.

While Democrat politicians are eager to condemn any immoral act by Republicans they clearly support adultery because when a Democrat is caught in adulterous behavior Democrat politicians support them.  Bill Clinton has been credibly accused of rape yet Democrat politicians support him.

Democrat politicians also support the legalization of pornography, the normalization of the vastly promiscuous gay lifestyle, and casual sex.

Democrat politicians want to take more and more of your hard earned money through higher taxes. They use that money not for the good of society but to buy votes in order to increase their power over we the people.

Democrat politicians have passed a tax on citizens the proceeds of which will go to provide free medical care for illegals.

Pretty much every word coming out of the mouths of Democrat politicians is a lie. For 2 years Democrat politicians said that there was irrefutable evidence of Trump conspiring with Russia but now we know they were lying.

Democrat politicians say that Trump and other conservatives--including Blacks-- are racist because they don't agree with Democrat policies.   Democrat politicians lie about the situation of illegals being held in detention camps and they lie about caring about illegals. We know they're lying because when illegals faced the same treatment under Obama they said nothing and when given an opportunity to provide more money to help illegals who are being detained the Democrat politicians dragged their heels for months. 

Democrats even defend Elizabeth Warren who lied about being native American in order to get high paying jobs.

Democrat politicians support sexual hedonism and pornography and they protect Democrat politicians who engage in adultery.

Democrat politicians are constantly declaring that rich people don't deserve what they've worked for and that wealth should be redistributed; not their wealth of course.
The politics of envy is a core techniques used by Democrat politicians. They do everything they can to encourage the average American to covet the good of the 1% for example.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ilhan Omar being an illegal explains so much

There is strong evidence that Ilhan Omar entered the US illegally. A Somali family, not her family, was granted entry to the US. That family allowed Ilhan, her sister, and her father to pretend to be part of the family which had been granted entry to the US.

At the time Ilhan was a child and hence wasn't responsible for the criminal acts of her father and the adults in the other family.

However she has by now undoubtedly discovered that she is in the US illegally.

That explains why she's so in favor of open borders and welfare for life for anyone who can sneak across the US border; she identifies with them and probably feels a bit guilty for having successfully scammed the US immigration system so that she wants everyone to be able to get away with what she  got away with.

It also probably explains why she hates America so much; after all America didn't invite her in so she feels no gratitude for all the taxpayer funded benefits she's gotten.

Racist Democrats hide behind Blacks

The latest controversy about the patriotism, or lack thereof, of the "Squad"--four radical anti-American Democrat congresswomen, is a stark example of how racist Democrats hide behind Blacks.

The script is as follows; a Black person espouses a highly controversial Democrat policy--say calling for the destruction of Israel, or falsely declaring that illegals are made to drink out of toilet bowls-- and a sane conservative calls them out for it.  That conservative is called a racist.

That would seem to imply that racists Democrats, as opposed to most people who vote Democrat, believe that condemning anything a Black person says is racists.

But that's not the case. After all those same racists Democrats viciously condemn any Black who dares dissent from the white leftists agenda. When Justice Thomas, Kanye, Candice Owens, Ben Carson, or any other Black dares utter a belief that isn't in lock step with that of the racists whites who run the Democrat party white leftists have no problem declaring those Blacks to not be authentically Black.

That's right the definition of what it means to be Black for racists Democrats is that Blacks must know their place and support white leftists no matter what.

Blacks who are tired of thousands of Blacks being shot in Democrat run Chiraq each year are told by racist Democrats that they aren't really Black.

Blacks who are tired of their children not being able to get a decent education and who want school choice are "racists" for daring to disagree with white racist Democrats.

Democrats say things about conservative Blacks that would cause CNN to spend 24/7 condemning a conservative who said the same thing about a Black. Yet CNN and the rest of the #FakeNews media applaud those vicious attacks on Blacks.

The reality is that Democrat policies are racist to the core; designed to keep Blacks poorly educated and unsafe so that they'll buy Democrat lies.

But by hiding behind Blacks and declaring that anyone who disagrees with the Blacks who stay on the Democrats intellectual plantation Democrats can manage to keep a significant chunk of Democrat voters from ever actually thinking about Democrat policies.

That's critical because only lazy takers support Democrat policies when they examine them because Democrat policies are uniformly bad for hard working Americans.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Democrats viciously attack conservative people of color while declaring that any attack on leftists of color is racist

Trump condemned the radical Democrat Congresswomen, like Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar, not because of their skin color but because of their radical agenda.

Yet the left is proclaiming that his attacks are racist.

What's interesting is those same dishonest left wing pundits have no problem declaring that conservative Blacks--Kanye, Candice Owens, Justice Thomas, Ben Carson-- aren't really Black because they don't toe the white leftists line.

Saying that a Black person isn't Black because they don't agree with what rich white leftists want is very racist.  But we know that the left is racist; after all they have no problem with the mass shooting of Blacks in Chiraq or the huge racial disparity that Black women are 3 times more likely to abort than white women.

Trump saying that Omar's hatred of America and Jews might mean that she'd be happier back in Somalia, where most people share her feelings, isn't racist.

Yet the Democrats and the #FakeNews media, who are desperately working to hide Omar's hatred of Jews and her violations of tax laws, pretend that if Omar were a white man who came from Somalia that Trump wouldn't be saying the same thing.  They also declare that the vicious racist attacks on conservative Blacks are fine.

Who are Democrats?

When writing when I use the term Democrats I'm referring to Democrat politicians and Democrat propagandists like university professors and CNN commentators not the average Democrat voter.

That's because only about 40% of Democrat voters actually support the extreme policies pushed by the Democrat politicians. The rest vote Democrat because they believe the lies that the #FakeNews media is constantly spreading.

For example if someone who opposes abortion for any reason at any time believes the #FakeNews media spin that voting against prevenient the execution of babies that survive an abortion attempt and are born alive and healthy isn't supporting infanticide then they will continue to vote Democrat.

If anyone has suggestions as to what term I could use to describe the grouping of Democrat politicians and the hard left core of the Democrat party I'm all ears.

What the new James Bond tells us about Democrat insanity

The next James Bond is going to be a Black woman.  The Black part is ok since many people, including conservatives, have suggested that Idris Elba would be a great James Bond.

But the female part is absurd and shows how Democrat politicians ignore reality.

In movies and TV we constantly see 100lb women beating up 220lb men.  Now a 100lb trained martial artist who is a woman can beat up an untrained or out of shape 220lb man but in fiction we see these tiny women beating up Navy SEALs and other highly proficient combat trained men.

That simply isn't how things go in real life.

Given that the left has a embraced this bit of fantasy it's not surprising that they think it's fine to let biological men compete in women's sports. The fact that only moderately competent men can totally destroy women's records and win every competition shows that men are simply physically more powerful than women no matter how they self identify.

No one objected when M, Bond's boss, was cast as a woman because that character requires intelligence and guile both of which are equally common in men and women.

But to pretend that a woman can have the same physical power as a man is just another example of how Democrats are insane; they believe in things that aren't true.

Other examples are their belief that human life doesn't begin at conception and that a human being with male DNA can wish himself into being a woman.

Epstein, Clinton, Democrats, and Trump

While Acosta isn't a real conservative he's not the reason that Epstein missed out on a big time prison sentence for molesting young girls.

The real culprit is a Democrat named Barry Krischer. He was the local prosecutor when the case against Epstein was first developed in 2006.  Krischer was all for prosecuting the culprit until he discovered that the fiend was a major source of funding for Democrats.  When that tidbit was revealed all of a sudden Krischer found the sworn statements of dozens of witnesses, including five sworn statements by underage girls that they'd been paid to have sex with Epstein, to be insufficient.

It turns out that between 1990 and 2018 Epstein contributed $147,426 to Democrat or left leaning individuals.

As to the Trump connection they were friends until 2004 when Epstein hit on an underage girl in one of Trump's club and Trump had him banned.

That supposed link to Trump is the only reason the press is covering this story.  Supposedly Acosta is at fault because Epstein got a tiny sentence.  Of course if it weren't for Acosta Epstein wouldn't have even been prosecuted since the Democrat prosecutor refused to take Epstein to trial.

We can rightly blame Acosta for having failed to give Epstein the sentence he deserved but we can't forget that at least Acosta was willing to prosecute Epstein; something that Democrat Krischer was unwilling to do.

Trump probably didn't know about Acosta's connection with Epstein because the #FakeNews media buried the story of how a major Democrat contributor molested kids and got away with it back in 2006 when Acosta was involved.

But despite that tenuous link the #FakeNews media is trying to blame Trump while ignoring the clear and well documented connection between Bill Clinton and Epstein.

Since 2006 people have been showing a clear link between Bill Clinton and Epstein, Clinton has lied about how often he flew on Epstein's jet which has been dubbed the Lolita express because of the presence of underage girls.

Because the story could only hurt the Democrats the #FakeNews media has covered it up. Even when Epstein was convicted the press said little about it; not surprising given that when Democrat Senator Menendez was on trial for 7 weeks  for corruption it wasn't mentioned once on any of the nightly network news shows.

Even now CNN's Cuomo is imploring the media to not look into who are friends of Epstein because he knows that it will be a bunch of prominent Democrats.

The real story is the following Epstein's computer had 21 different phone numbers for Bill Clinton including what may be Clinton's private number.  Clinton has lied about how often he flew on the Lolita express and many of those flights were without his Secret Service protection detail.  Further Epstein is a big donor to Democrats.

Hence what we have is a story of Democrats supporting and aiding a child molester. Yet even though Trump banned Epstein 2 years before there was any public prosecution the lying #FakeNews media are trying to blame Trump.

Monday, July 15, 2019

How to tell a DC Republican from a real Republican

President Trump recently tweeted the following:

The #FakeNews media and the ultra radical left are very upset about this. They say it's racist though all of Trump's comments were about the ideology and hatred of America these women share and nothing about their race.

They say it's unAmerican to say that people who hate America should leave.  Trump didn't say he'd throw them out and in a later tweet he made it clear that if they leave they can come back.  

The reason that the Democrat politicians are so upset is simple; if the American people ever found just how unpatriotic most Democrat politicians are and how much many Democrat politicians hate America Democrats wouldn't win any election ever again.

Today's Democrats call Trump a racist and the people who voted for him racists and deplorable as a distraction.

It's Democrats who say that the 1st Amendment doesn't protect speech they don't like.

It's Democrats who say that the 2nd Amendment doesn't apply to people they don't like.

It's Democrats who say that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply to people they don't like.

It's Democrats who say that Catholic nuns should be forced to cooperate in procuring abortions.

It's Democrats who constantly blame the USA for all the world's problems while telling us that Che, Mao, Castro, and Chavez were great people.

It's Democrats who say that police officers are going around killing Black people for fun.

It's Democrats who say that the country is racist to the core.

It's Democrats who say that every American should pay Black Americans with no slave blood for the horrors of slavery.

It's Democrats who applaud when the NYT or the WaPo expose highly secret counter terrorism programs; interestingly those same Democrats are upset when WikiLeaks published emails showing that the DNC was rigging the primary against Bernie.

While there are some patriotic Democrat politicians, think of Dan Lipinski, today's Democrat politicians, including every current Democrat politician running for President, hates the Constitution and wants to fundamentally change America.

Trump gets this. He understands that when someone like Ilhan Omar whose privileged life is due to the charity and generosity of America says nothing but negative things about America most Americans would suggest that she go back to her home which she must think is much better than America.

But people in DC generally have a one world perspective. To them America isn't imperfect but still amazingly good compared to other countries; to them America is one of the worst, in not the worse countries in the world.

So one sure way to tell a DC Republican is to see if he condemns Trump saying that if a person who wasn't born in the US but who lives here now hates America maybe they should leave.  

Other ways to see if someone is a DC Republican include:

1) Do they refuse to do anything when Democrats call them racists, deplorables, and neo-Nazis?
2) Do they keep talking about reaching across the aisle even though the Democrats refuse to compromise?
3) Do they value decorum more than actually advancing the conservative agenda?

Democrat Presidential Candidates vs we the people

If you're an average hard working American every policy being advocated by the Democrat Presidential candidates will hurt you.

1) Medicare for all: This means you'll lose your current insurance. It also means that the government will control your medical care; if some unelected government bureaucrat doesn't like your lifestyle--you're overweight for example-- he could decide that you shouldn't get medical care.  We've seen what happens when the government runs your healthcare; it's called the Veterans Administration where our veterans die waiting for care.

The fact that the cost of Medicare for all will require massive new taxes will hurt we the people but it will benefit bums and those who don't want to work.

2)Slavery Reparations: Democrats want people whose ancestors didn't come to America until after the Civil War to pay reparations to Blacks who came to America after the Civil War and who have no slave blood.  This is nothing more than the Democrats trying to bribe Blacks to vote Democrat using your money.

3)Open Borders: While they deny it Democrats are calling for citizenship and welfare for life for anyone who makes it to the US.  Lots of cheap labor drives down wages which hurts we the people but it helps the rich folk who bankroll the Democrat party.  Welfare for life and free medical care for illegals also drives up taxes on we the people. Democrats run California and they just instituted a new tax on citizens the proceeds of which will be used exclusively to fund free health care for illegals.

4) Supporting Iranian terrorism and ensuring that Iran will get nuclear weapons: Democrats support Obama's Iran deal which gave Iran billions of dollars which it used to fund international terrorism while the Iranian people's economic plight grows worse.  Obama's deal also ensured that Iran would be able to build an A Bomb but not until he was safely out of office.

5)Increasing taxes: Democrats constantly lie about Trump's tax cuts, it turns out that 80% of Americans ended up paying less taxes, and declare that they want to repeal them. Which means that they want to increase the amount of taxes that we the people pay.

6)Increased government control: Democrats are all for more and more government regulations which choke the economy and increase unemployment.  If the company you work for is one that the Democrats don't like your job will be at risk. On the plus side if you work for a company that Democrats like--probably because your CEO gives millions to Democrat politicians--your job will be safe.

7)Killing Born alive babies:  Democrats are all for allowing a healthy born baby to die so long as she managed to survive an abortion attempt.  While that doesn't directly impact people reading this the fact that Democrats support it shows a level of moral depravity which can't help but influence their other decisions.

8)Letting Men use Women's bathrooms: Democrats support the right of any man who, even temporarily, self identifies as a woman to use women's bathrooms. While it's true that the average transgendered person won't molest little girls the Democrats don't require men to have a note from a doctor so any child molester will be able to go into women's bathrooms.  Democrats also want biological men to have access to services at battered women's shelters and the ability to compete with women in sporting events.

9) Eliminating free speech: Democrats rarely condemn Antifa violence used to shut down speech.  When Antifa harasses reporters Democrats are usually either silent or supportive. Similarly Democrats are all for censoring voices they don't like.  California Democrats have declared, in writing, that speech they don't like isn't protected by the 1st Amendment.

10) Eliminating religious liberty: Democrats are all for forcing Christian bakers to bake cakes for gay weddings while simultaneously declaring that gay bakers don't have to bake cakes with Christian themes. Democrats are suing the Little Sisters of the Poor to force them to cooperate in providing abortions even though the Supreme Court has ruled that the Little Sisters don't have to do so.

11) Giving politicians access to all our private data: Democrats are demanding access to all of Trump's private data even though they have absolutely no evidence of any sort of crime.  The 4th Amendment protects all Americans, even the President, from random searches. If the Democrats get their way you can be sure that if in the future they decide that they don't like you they'll be able to access all of your private data legally.  Historically they've been enthused about accessing private data illegally, since they knew that the law doesn't apply to them. For example when Joe the Plumber gave Obama a hard time Democrats in government revealed private information about him and back in the Clinton era Democrats used a tape of a private cell phone conversation between Republican congressmen that a Democrat operative had illegally recorded.

12)$15 minimum wage: This will lead to the loss of 1.3 million American jobs as companies cut back or automate functions that just aren't worth $15 an hour.  In places where higher minimum wages have been enacted we see that the working poor are the ones who suffer either because they're fired or because they're forced to go to part time.

13)The Green New Deal: Democrats use lies about apocalyptic climate change to justify increasing the governments power and control.  Renewable energy is much more expensive that hydrocarbon energy and that is really bad for the poor who spend a higher fraction of their money on energy than do the rich or the middle class.  But we now know that the real purpose of the Green New Deal, according to Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff is to change the economy not save the environment.

14) Socialism: Every country that's tried socialism has failed.  The European countries are not in fact socialist they're just capitalist economies with very very high taxes and lots of "freebies" from the government.  Democrats support this because it gives politicians control over the economy and the one thing Democrats want more than anything else is power over we the people.  Of course when the government controlled companies the opportunity for politicians to enrich themselves skyrockets as well.

15) Free health care for illegals: In California Democrats have created a new tax on citizens which will fund free health care for illegals who won't have to pay the new tax.  Americans don't get free health care but Democrats want to make sure that illegals do.

I could go on but the simple reality is that if you're a typical American who works hard to support yourself and your family every policy that the Democrat Presidential candidates supports will hurt you.  Every Democrat policy is based on how many votes it will get for them.  They don't care for people they only care about power.

Boston shows hatred of Christians

Boston had a Constitution day in September 2017 where hundreds of flags were flown as part of a one day event.

But not the Christian flag.  The city declared that only secular flags could be flown.

That was a clear violation not only of the 1st Amendment but of numerous Supreme Court decisions which state that the government can't actively discriminate against religion. That's why Christmas displays are fully Constitutional, even in the biased against religion eyes of dishonest Supreme Court judges, so long as secular symbols--frosty the snowman for example-- and symbols of all religions are allowed.

Now I've never heard of the Christian flag but I fully support the right of those who like that flag to have it flown just as I would support Muslims who wanted to fly a Muslim flag.

Too many government officials are misusing their authority to wage a war against people of faith.

Hopefully Boston will lose the lawsuit it's facing and that will inform other would be government dictators that we the people have rights.

Trump's right; Omar should go home

The American people rescued Democrat Ilhan Omar from a refugee camp in Kenya, which she would probably call--if it was in the US--a concentration camp, because her people had made her homeland, Somalia, into a hell hole.

But instead of showing any sort of gratitude to America Omar is working hard to convert the US into a tribal tyranny just like Somalia.

It's one thing to try and improve America it's quite another to support throwing out the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments and to declare that anyone who can get to the US border is entitled to citizenship and welfare for life.

Omar hates America, she hates Jews, and in all likelihood given that she touts her Islamic faith by wearing attire that demonstrates the inferiority of women she's probably not a big fan of Christians.

She hasn't come to America to be an American.  Her mission is to make America into Somalia but with less violence.

Trump wasn't suggesting that she be deported.  He was just pointing out that she clearly isn't interested in becoming an American.

Pope Francis has said that immigrants have an obligation to adopt the culture of the country they go to and Omar is clearly not following his advice.  Not because she wears Muslim attire but because she clearly hates the Constitution.

Hence since she's not trying to become American but to convert America into her homeland suggesting she voluntarily go to Somalia makes sense.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Democrat hypocrisy; endorsement edition

Trump condemns Nazis.  Some Nazis still endorse him.

Democrats say this proves that Trump is a Nazi.

Odd that Nazis are now supporting the state of Israel, the rights of Jews in the US, and small government.

Hillary doesn't condemn Communists.  The Communist Party of the USA endorses Hillary.

Democrats say this proves nothing.  One of the rare times Democrats aren't lying.

While Hillary probably does want to be our ruler rather than our representative she's too slick to buy into the Communist mantra.

Though her policies--which reject the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments-- are not that far from what communists would like it's true that just because communists, people who endorse an ideology that killed 100,000,000 people in the last century, endorse Hillary it doesn't mean that Hillary endorses Communism.

Democrats are to blame for illegals suffering

As Vice President Pence pointed out some illegals are in overcrowded facility for men, many of whom have been arrested multiple times, because for months the Democrats in Congress refused to provide funding for more facilities.

Democrats are constantly trying to lure people to enter America illegally.  For example California just created a new tax on citizens which will be used solely to provide free medical care for illegals.  Even though a Federal law signed by Bill Clinton say's that providing free health care to illegals is itself illegal.

Democrats are doing everything they can to get welfare for life and the right to vote for illegals. Democrats are helping illegals game the system so that they can get freebies from US taxpayers.

All of this is why more and more people are trying to illegally enter the US. They're not at risk of death and they're not poorer than people in India but they want what the Democrats are handing out; your hard earned dollars.

The reason the Democrats refused to provide funding is simple; they want open borders where anyone can walk in and get welfare.  That seems to be bad for America and it is but the key thing you need to realize is that all that matters to Democrats is their getting more power over we the people.

If illegals voted for Republicans Democrats would be pushing for bounty programs for turning in and deporting illegals.  But so long as illegals help Democrats get power, either by providing free campaign labor or by voting illegally, Democrats will try and get them to risk their, and their children's, lives by sneaking into America.

In fact the Democrats are glad that illegals who are caught suffer because that lets Democrats portray people who don't support open borders as monsters.  

Even though the suffering in the detention centers, to the extent there is suffering, is due to Democrats they know that the #FakeNews media will cover for them.

There are occasional slip ups however. For example the DNC sent out a screaming tweet about the horrors of children in cages under Trump only to have to delete it when it turned out the photo they used was from when Obama was President.

If you have any doubts that the Democrats are just using illegals remember that all of the "horror" stories that Democrats are spewing were true under Obama when those same Democrats didn't care one bit.

Facebook admits to being a propagandist for evil

Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, has admitted that in the run up to the Irish referendum on legalizing abortion FB rejected pro-life ad buys.

Clearly FB is not a content neutral platform which should be immune to lawsuits about the content that it posts.  FB is an adjunct of the Democrat party which people should be able to sue based on its content.

While the NeverTrumpers are right that FB is a private company that does not have to respect the 1st Amendment there is absolutely no reason that FB should enjoy an immunity from lawsuits that other publishers don't have.

If the NYT published an editorial that was clearly false about a non-public figure they can be, and have been, sued and forced to pay out large amounts of money.

Similarly if some Antifa loon publishes blatant lies about a non-public figure on FB FB should be liable for a huge cash settlement for defamation of character.

The key fact is that while the Supreme Court unconstitutionally gutted protection against libel and slander for public figures it did not do so for non-public figures. Which means if a random person is lied about in public that person has a reasonably good chance of winning a lawsuit against the person who lied about them.

This won't stop FB from being a lying source of Democrat propaganda unless of course the shareholders start getting upset about losing hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars in thousands of lawsuits.

We don't need the government to censor private companies nor do we need to demand that private companies respect the 1st Amendment but we do need to stop providing private companies that aren't content neutral platforms with protection for the lies they intentionally spread.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Socialized medicine, what the Democrats want, doesn't work

According to the Daily Mail in England 4.4 million people are waiting for routine surgeries.

Given that the population of England is roughly 55 million that means that 8% of the people in England are waiting for necessary but routine surgery.

England is held up as an example by the radical leftists Democrat politicians who want to put us all on government controlled healthcare. Of course in England if you have enough money you can go to a private doctor and not have to wait.  That's why the Democrats don't care because they won't be impacted.

Remember when Obamacare was passed by the Democrats it specifically didn't apply to politicians.  This is nothing new.  Back before the Republicans took over the House and Senate under Clinton the Democrat politicians had exempted themselves from all sorts of laws that they imposed on we the people.

In fact the very first item in Gingrich's Contract with America was that any laws imposed by Congress on the American people would also be imposed on members of Congress. That's because after controlling the House for 40 consecutive years the Democrats were very comfortable ruling we the people rather than representing us.

This is important to remember because it explains why Democrat politicians are so eager to pass something that is bad for we the people. The answer is that they know that we'll suffer but they won't.

Democrat politicians want to rule you and if they get complete control over your health care they'll effectively be able to threaten your life.  People who are in ill health because of their massively promiscuous sex lives will be given full care but people who are overweight will be denied care.  Whether you live or die will depend on how subservient you are to your Democrat overlords.

That's why they want the government to control healthcare because they control the government which means they will control you.

The New Dems don't know that they're supposed to lie

There is no climate crisis it's all #FakeNews and now we know that that's what Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff knows it.

Saikat Chakrabarti said the following about the Green New Deal:

“Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

The Democrats are using fear to try and scare we the people into turning power over to radical leftists like Ilhan Omar, who hates Jews and America, and Ocasio-Cortez.

They want to run the economy which means they would have complete control over your families economic security. You work for a coal company and they'll toss you on the street.  You work for a company founded by someone who gives lots of money to Democrat candidates and you'll get a big raise due to all the sweet heart deals where taxpayer dollars are funneled into the company you work for.

Modern Democrat politicians like Ocasio-Cortez hate you. They hate that you can freely choose what to buy, where to live, and what sort of job to have. They think they're better than you and that you should live your life according to their dictates down to how much soda you drink and what sort of straw you use.

Ocasio-Cortez says she can't get by on a mere $174,000 a year while real Americans are rejoicing because for the first time in over a decade they are getting more money due to Trump letting we the people, not the elite in DC, run the economy. Every dingbat rule that radical leftists who have perpetual job security in the DC swamp pass costs hard working Americans money.  But the left doesn't care because they really honestly believe that they should rule, not represent, we the people.

Why "green" energy will never work; unless of course we want to return to using horses

The Manhattan Institute has a nice new paper describing how ideas like the "Green New Deal" are based on fantasy not reality.

Unless we run out of oil and/or natural gas, which won't happen for over 100 years at which point we'll probably have nuclear fusion, the two types of renewable energy, wind and solar, that the environmental leftists like--they hate hydro power because they think dams are evil--will always be much more expensive than hydrocarbons.

For example an investment of $1 million in renewable energy will produce about 50 million kilowatt-hours(kWh) a similar investment in a shale rig to produce natural gas will produce 300 million kWh.  Which means that if we're forced to abandon hydrocarbons like the Democrats want you can expect your energy costs, which means the cost of everything you use, to go up significantly.

This chart shows just how much infrastructure would have to be built to achieve the insane objective of replacing hydrocarbons in our energy economy:

Yep to achieve the Green New Deals goal we'd have to increase wind + solar by roughly a factor of 20 in 10 years. Aside from the insane cost of that what people forget, and what the #FakeNews media  doesn't tell you, is that while solar power might work great in Arizona it's not so wonderful in Minnesota during the winter.  Similarly wind energy is highly dependent on specific micro climates.

What does the uncertain nature of wind and solar energy mean to consumers?  Basically it means that either we pay for two energy systems, hydrocarbon and "renewable", or we accept the idea that we will be without power for long stretches of time.

Batteries won't save us since with the technology we have today and expect to have it would take us more than a hundred years to produce enough batteries to store 2 days worth of the US energy consumption. Also it would be an ecological disaster because batteries use toxic and hard to mine chemicals.

When leftists estimate the cost of renewable energy they ignore the need to actually provide power 24/7.

Finally the report shows how the laws of physics mean that there are no significant factor of 2 improvements possible in the efficiency of either solar or wind power plants.  Hence what while we might see 50% improvements, at a very high cost, there is no way that improved technology will get the left out of this problem.

We should have left Ilhan Omar in Somalia; she's more at home there

Democrat darling Ilhan Omar is responding to factual reporting about her by calling anyone who dares speak the truth a racist.

Her latest target is Tucker Carlson who pointed out that America pulled Omar out of the hell hole her Somalian kin had made and gave her a wonderful, safe, life in America out of the kindness of our hearts and she's responded by constantly telling us how horrible America is.

In addition to her virulent hatred of Jews Ilhan is constantly condemning the US for being evil.

While it's a good thing for us to rescue the good people who are stuck in failed nations like Somalia in the case of Omar we apparently didn't rescue her since she fits in Somalia much better than she does the US.

Being an antisemite in Muslim Somalia is far less out of step with society than hating Jews is in America for example.

Similarly bigamy isn't frowned on as much. Omar has declared that she was married to two different men at the same time. She says that was ok since she was married to one in her faith tradition and the other legally.  A lot of Mormons in the past would have loved to have that be considered credible.

We know that she's into fraud, and fraud is the norm in Somalia, not only because she was found guilty of spending campaign funds on personal expenses but because she filed a joint tax return with her faith tradition husband when she was legally married to another man. Now if you or I did that we'd be looking at serious problems with the IRS but because Omar is the face of the modern Democrat party she's getting away with that.

Omar supports Muslim terrorists just as Somalia does. She argued for leniency for American men who tried to join ISIS for example.

Omar believes that it's a good thing for women to wear special attire to show their inferior status.  Islam calls out for women to wear head coverings and Omar makes a big show of doing so. That would fit in well in the male dominated Somali society.

Finally Omar objects to the rule of law.  She feels that she shouldn't be punished for filing at least one illegal tax return for example.  She also supports not enforcing our immigration laws because illegals vote Democrat.  In Somalia there is no rule of law; the powerful get away with any and everything.  Clearly Omar would fit into the Somali culture.

Sadly people like Omar are going to destroy the utility of the word racist by constant misuse of it.  When Omar says that Carlson is racist she's pretending that Islam is a race not a religion.  Even worse she doesn't even attempt to address a single one of Carlson's charges,  In all fairness of course she can't since everything that Carlson said is a provable fact.

But she's grown up in a world where the #FakeNews media will cover up any criminal or immoral act by Democrat politicians so she feels free to simply smear anyone who dares point out the truth about her execrable behavior and beliefs.

It's time to let your friends know just what one of the major faces of the Democrat party is really like.

Women's soccer exposes Democrats mendacity

The first thing to realize is that very few people care about women's soccer. That's not sexist it's just reality.  It's similarly realistic to point out that very few people care for men's lacrosse or polo.

The reason that few care about women's soccer is that while the majority of the world loves soccer, a sissy version of football, the majority of the world also isn't interested that much in women's sports.

Yet the Democrats are complaining about how little money the women of the US world champion soccer team got compared to the men.

The first thing to note is that this shows how rich Democrat politicians are that they consider the $250,000 each player on the women's team will have made for winning the World Cup to be nothing.  The women on the teams total salary will be on the order of $400,000 with some making close to a million dollars this year.  That's not bad for playing a game.

The second thing to note is that Democrat politicians have no understanding of economics and/or are liars.  You'll often hear that the only reason that female soccer players make less than male soccer players is that they're women.  That's factually incorrect.

The reason that men make more than women is that men's soccer generates 54 times more in revenue than women's soccer.  The woman's World Cup brought in $73 million while the men's World Cup brought in $4 billion.

If anyone is underpaid it's the men.  The women got 13% of the total revenue while the men only got 9%.  Now there's sexist pay discrimination.  Yet Democrat politicians are saying that it's women who aren't paid well enough.

The third thing to note is none of the rich Democrat politicians, even "middle class" Joe Biden is now worth more than $10 million, has donated any of their ill gotten gains to help those poor suffering female soccer players who got "only" $250,000 for playing a game.  Instead the Democrats are demanding that the people who run soccer, it's a business, pay more of their money to the women.

That's the core of the modern Democrat politics; use political power to force other people to give away their money to people who will vote Democrat.

If in fact the Democrat politicians really felt that the America's female soccer players were underpaid and they really cared about women they'd kick in some of their own wealth to help them. But just as with illegals and the poor Democrat politicians never give their own money to help those in need; they just raise taxes on we the people--who give lots of our own money voluntarily to help those in need--and then claim credit for themselves.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Court rules that Trump can't block loons on Twitter; big implications for Democrats

Unlike most of the rulings against Trump this one isn't blatantly unconstitutional.  The court ruled that because Twitter is a forum for public debate banning people from following Trump restricted their first Amendment rights.

There are some problems with that. For example does that mean that since newspapers and on-line sites publish letters to the editor that everyone is entitled to have their letter published?  Further if Trump was having a big speech would he be unable to throw out hecklers?

But overall any decision that increases free speech today is probably a good one.

What is interesting is that Ocasio-Cortez is being sued because she blocked a Democrat from her Twitter feed.

I suspect that pretty much every politician who uses Twitter has blocked some people.  It will be interesting to see if Ocasio-Cortez just stops blocking people or if she asserts that the ruling only applies to Trump not Democrats.

Given the propensity of Democrat politicians to believe that there are two sets of laws, one for our rulers and another for Republicans and we the people, it wouldn't be a surprise if Democrats said that they can block people on their Twitter feeds.

Whatever happens it will be fun to watch.

Monday, July 8, 2019

What the Democrats forget; if the detention camps are bad the people can leave whenever they want to

There was a meme that said "America is such a great country that even the people who hate it don't want to leave".

That immediately brings to mind all the Hollywood types who promised us that they'd leave if Trump were elected but who ended up staying.

But more importantly it applies to the current faux outrage that the Democrats are having about the suffering illegals are going through in detention facilities.

The most important thing to note is that people who don't try to enter the US illegally never ever end up in those facilities.  There are 10 locations in Mexico where people can apply for asylum and then wait safely and comfortably in Mexico until their case is adjudicated.  Further anyone who applies for asylum at any legal border crossing can do the same.

People only end up in the centers if they are caught illegally entering the US.  You probably remember that heartbreaking photo of a father and his child who drowned trying to illegally enter the US. What you probably haven't heard is that the father was waiting for the results of his asylum claim  in Mexico and decided that he didn't want to wait anymore.  He and his child died because of his impatience not because of anything Trump has done. It's a tragedy but it's a tragedy caused by the illegal not by the US.

The second most important thing to remember is that unless the person in question is wanted for other crimes, other than breaking our immigration laws, they can voluntarily leave the facility and return to Mexico.

The fact that people aren't doing that shows that the conditions in those facilities aren't that bad.

But we knew that because the conditions were pretty much the same under Obama and none of the people wailing with anguish about the situation today uttered a peep back then.

Also the same Democrats who are screaming about our not treating criminals who break our immigration laws nicely enough are the ones who fought for months against increasing the funding for those facilities.  Clearly they're just using the illegals to advance the personal quests of Democrat politicians for more power over we the people.

Where the left's destruction of the concept of truth leads us; Holocaust edition

The principle of a public high school in Florida told a parent in an email:

“Not everyone believes the Holocaust happened,” “And you have your thoughts, but we are a public school and not all of our parents have the same beliefs.”

“I can’t say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event because I am not in a position to do so as a school district employee,”

Yes that's right someone who is supposedly competent to run a high school can't say whether or not 6,000,000 Jews, and 5 million non-Jews, were slaughtered by the Nazi's.

That's on par with saying that he couldn't be sure if things fall down rather than up.

The principle is now of course saying it was all just bad wording on his part but the truth is that he revealed the inevitable consequence of the modern left's denial of truth.

To the left reality is a malleable thing that can be contorted into whatever anyone wishes it to be.  The left speaks not of truth but of an individual's truth.  Amazingly the left actually contends that different people can have different truths.

The reality is that there is one truth.  There may be many different perceptions of that truth but there is only one truth.  Some people may seriously and sincerely believe that the sun orbits the earth but their belief doesn't change the truth that the earth orbits the sun.

Similarly a man may sincerely believe he's a woman but until he can change his DNA the truth is that he's not a woman.

But to the left the truth is a problem which must be fixed.  That's because pretty much every leftists policy goes against the truth.  The unborn girl who's aborted isn't a "clump of cells"; she's a human being.  The government can't simply print an infinite amount of money to pay for everything that the left wants as Modern Monetary Theory claims.  Welfare if not structured correctly tends to keep people in poverty contrary to the wishes of leftists.  Gun control doesn't reduce crime because it only impacts people who are law abiding in the first place despite the left's deep seated belief that guns, not people, kill.

Leftists confuse what they feel with knowledge and they attempt to justify that by pretending that we are gods who can change reality simply by willing it to change.

The truth is that we can't convert what we feel is true into truth; we're all forced to live in the one reality that God has given us.

The left lives in a delusional reality where casual sex has no adverse consequences, abortion doesn't kill people, gun control will stop crime even though the crime rate in places with stringent gun control is higher than in places without gun control, and all illegals are hard workers who don't cost the US taxpayer a plug nickel.

In the left's world the fact that some of the parents at the Spanish River High School in Boca Raton don't believe in the Holocaust means that the Holocaust didn't occur since we can all define our own "truth".  Sadly the 6,000,000 Jews who died in the Shoah didn't have the option of living in the delusional "truth" of those parents who deny reality.

The Principle is in hot water for doing what leftists do every day on issues like transgenderism or abortion; redefining reality to conform to the left's ideological agenda.

Is denying the Holocaust any more irrational than saying that a biological man is in fact a woman or that a very young human being is nothing more than a clump of cells?  While the scope of the horror associated with the Holocaust is far greater in all three cases people are denying facts and reality in order to advance their personal agendas.

This is where leftists are taking us; to a world where truth is defined by who is in power and where decisions are made based not on reality but fantasy.