Saturday, February 23, 2019

Democrat irrationality: Smollett edition

Even though hate crimes against Blacks are so rare that Jussie Smollet had to fake one we're told by the same people who told us that of course Jussie wasn't lying are now saying that the real problem with Smollett's lie was that it will distract from the real hate crimes that are so prevalent in America.

Of course with a #FakeNews media desperate to find these hate crimes you'd expect we'd be hearing about them all the time. But if you look into it we rarely hear stories like Smollett's which was why it was such big news; if Blacks were being attacked by racists so much Smollett's story wouldn't have been latched on to by so many on the left as "proof" that there are so many hate crimes.

It's irrational to say that despite the insane coverage the Smollett case produced and the absence of that sort of coverage on anything like a regular basis, say nationwide as often as some Black is murdered in Chicago, that there is in fact a plethora of unreported racist attacks.

What the Smollett case--and the various other hoaxes from the Bradley case on--tell us is that if there is anything remotely like a credible case for a racist attack against a Black the media will cover it 24/7.  Hence the fact that we rarely see such coverage tells us that credible racist incidents are rare, probably rarer than attacks on people wearing MAGA hats.

Now of course any racist attack is horrible and we all agree that racist attackers should be thrown in jail but the left's claim that racist attacks on Blacks are common is nothing more than an irrational claim by racists Democrats trying to transfer their feelings of guilt for doing nothing about the mass shootings of Blacks in Democrat run cities like Chicago to Republicans.

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