Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Democrats are for killing babies

We hear a lot of nonsense about Democrats being for choice but not abortion.  The reality is that Democrat politicians are for killing babies.

There is no other explanation for their fight against a bill that says that a child born after an abortion is a person with all the rights of all other human beings.

This is about a baby which has been fully delivered and is no longer dependent on her mother yet the Democrats want to allow her mother to have her killed.

That's not about choice that's about murder.  And the Democrats in the Senate are all for ensuring that mothers can murder their born alive babies.

While Democrats are saying the law is unnecessary the Senate passes many unnecessary laws precisely to make a point.

Further given that Democrats Obama and Northam have argued that babies who survive an abortion attempt and who are born alive can be denied basic medical care means that the law is necessary.

What sort of decent human being would object to a law that says a baby that is born is entitled to basic medical care?  But that's what the Democrats in the Senate are doing; they refuse to go on record as saying that a born, viable, baby can be killed so long as the mothers original intent was to kill her daughter.

The number of these cases will grow as time goes on because Democrats are pushing laws, one of which passed in New York, which legalize abortion up to while the mother is actually giving birth.  Some babies will beat the odds and be born. We know this because the infamous butcher abortionist Gosnell was found guilty of killing multiple abortion survivors.

Why do Democrats hate babies so much?

Any non-monster who has seen a new born baby would never say that such a child should be denied basic medical care just because her mother doesn't want her.

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