Saturday, February 2, 2019

CNN lies 24/7

Democrat Governor Northam of Virginia is in hot water with the #FakeNews media not for his support of infanticide--they're cool with that--but because of a racist photo from 35 years ago.

The situation is so bad that even reliable left wing groups are calling for his resignation.

So what does CNN do?  In the text stream at the bottom of the screen they labeled Northam as a Republican.

This is not surprising in one sense since some leftists have been converting old racist Democrats who were in power in the 1960s into Republicans.  After all if people knew it was Democrats who fought the Civil War to preserve slavery, founded the KKK, passed all the Jim Crow laws, voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and fought school integration tooth and nail they might question just how pro-Black the Democrats are.

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