Monday, February 25, 2019

Democrats vote to support killing born babies

The Senate voted on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection act and it lost because only 3 Democrats voted for it--60 votes were needed to overcome a filibuster by the Democrats.  All of the Senate Democrats who are running for President, including Bernie Sanders, voted against it.

The Act said that if a baby is born alive after a failed abortion attempt that baby must be treated like any other born alive baby and given appropriate medical care.

The Act in no way restricts abortion rights unless of course you think that a woman should be guaranteed that an abortionist can't botch his job.

But the Democrats oppose it and support denying a healthy new born viable baby medical care.

It's not just Democrat Senators.  Democrat Governor Northam of Virginia--you know the KKK fan--also says that just because a baby is born alive she doesn't deserve medical treatment.

When supposedly decent people talk about killing a born independent viable baby just because her mother doesn't want her we're looking at nothing less than monstrous evil.

These Democrats aren't pro-choice they're pro-murdering babies.

If they're willing to kill abortion survivors you can be sure that they have no concern for your rights or the quality of your life.  As AOC says they're in it for the money and the power; the power of life and death over we the people.

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