Tuesday, February 26, 2019

When Democrats are in charge life is bad except for the rich

If you want to find out what America would be like if it was run by Democrats you can look at California; a one party state where Democrats control everything.

What you'll find is that poverty and homelessness are rampant, income inequality is huge and growing, illegals are prioritized over taxpayers, there are public health crises, and taxes are obscenely high.

For example while California has about 12% of the US population it has 34% of American welfare recipients.  Of the 4.2 million people in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Supplemental Security Income 43% live in California. 

Why? Because Democrats in California have built a hugely rewarding welfare system so the "poor" from across the country come to California not for jobs but for bigger checks funded by taxpayers.

Then of course there's all the illegals.  A left wing site estimates that there are 2.6 million illegals in California. Those cost California a fortune--more than $25 billion a year ; money that should be used to help poor and needy Americans.  Given that the State budget in California is around $190 billion freeing up $25 billion from state and local governments would make a huge difference, it would wipe out the state budget deficit which in 2018-2019 was "only" around $2 billion for example.

Why does California have an illegal problem?  Because Democrats have done everything they can to lure illegals to California.  While the new Democrat Governor is promising free healthcare for all illegals California already provides illegals with in-state tuition for California colleges, welfare if they have any children, and drivers licenses. In addition illegals effectively get free healthcare since if they show up at an emergency room they're treated for free and they know that they won't be reported to ICE.

In fact the Democrats put illegals ahead of legal residents when it comes to government benefits.  Due to limited funding there are only so many slots available for California colleges and there are more applicants than there are slots. Which means that every illegal who gets accepted is displacing a legal resident.  So legal residents who pay taxes, or whose parents pay taxes, are being denied a subsidized college education in California while illegals, who don't pay state taxes, are given that benefit.

Interestingly the Democrats in California are even eager to lure criminal illegals-- rapists, murderers, drunk drivers, thieves, and drug dealers--to California.  When we hear about "sanctuary" states like California we tend to think of decent hard working illegals being shielded from deportation. The reality is that "sanctuary" laws protect illegals who commit crimes once they're in the US.  What "sanctuary" laws do is prohibit the local police from telling ICE that the guy they just arrested for drunk driving is an illegal.  Without "sanctuary" laws illegals who commit additional crimes, other than entering the country illegally, would be deported but with the Democrat pushed sanctuary laws those criminals can stay in the US and prey on Americans, and other illegals. 

That's right not only do Democrats favor short sentences for guys who deal drugs to kids in grade school but they pass laws, when they can, to keep violent illegal criminals in the US.

Which makes sense because we know that lots of illegals illegally vote; after all why would someone who has no problem breaking our laws to collect welfare hesitate to break our laws to vote for Democrats who promise to give them more of other peoples hard earned money.  But even if Democrats are right that all those illegals become scrupulous about following the law once they're in America we know for a fact that illegals provided free labor to help the Democrats do ballot harvesting in California so the more illegals the better off Democrats are.

Oh and let's not forget the uber rich leftists at places like Facebook--average salary $240 thousand a year--want their cheap food and cheap labor provided by economically exploited illegals.

Which brings up another Democrat caused problem; massive income inequality.  California depends on the taxes of a few thousand insanely rich people to stay afloat and so it's not surprising that the wealthy--ranging from the massively well remunerated Silicon valley workers to the Hollywood set--are catered to while the rest of the state is awash with poverty,  Very few common folk can afford to buy a house for example with the median housing cost in the Bay Area being $820 thousand.

California's massive housing problem is due to Democrat passed laws. Environmental regulations and other bureaucratic overhead--including a new requirement that every new home has to have an expensive solar array-- has made houses unaffordable for anyone who doesn't have one of those few great paying jobs like working for Google. And apartments are similarly unaffordable; the average one bedroom apartment rent in San Francisco is $3412/month. So if someone makes $19/hour and works 40 hours a week they could afford an apartment but not food, electricity, water, or clothes.  Hence the Democrat's drive for higher minimum wages even if it didn't actually result in more unemployment wouldn't solve the homeless problem.

As a result the state is swarming with homeless people. There are 1,000 homeless people making Venice Beach unlivable--the beaches are covered with used needles, feces, and trash--in a community where the average house costs $2.1 million.

Democrat passed laws and Democrat supported bureaucracies drive the cost of building a one family apartment in LA for the homeless to more than $400 thousand.  That's compared to a national average of $65 to 85 thousand.  To house the 50,000 homeless people in LA county alone at that sort of rate would cost more than $15 billion.  Given the LA budget is only $30 billion it's clear that there is no way that the Democrats who run LA, and the state, are ever going to provide housing for all the homeless.

But by welcoming the homeless through posh welfare programs and a promise of housing the Democrats are drawing more and more homeless to California.

In fact California cities are becoming physically unsafe due to the feces, needles, and diseases that result from homelessness. San Diego is facing a typhus epidemic and San Francisco sidewalks and streets are so riddled with feces that there is a map available so that people can avoid the majority of it.  And of course the homeless can be violent so that the safety of the taxpayers has gone down; something that the Democrats who generally don't have to mix with the common folk don't really experience.

We don't need to wait until Democrats win control of America to see what their policies will do. They tell us that California is their vision of the future and all we need to do to see that Democrats want to make our lives hell on earth is look and see what they're doing in California.

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