Thursday, December 6, 2018

We are what we want to be; Another Democrat Big Lie

Democrats constantly mock the idea that America is a land of opportunity where people who are willing to work hard can succeed.  In spite of thousands of counter examples, Ben Carson for example, Democrats tell us that only through government programs and discrimination against whites and asians can Blacks get ahead.

Hence Democrats declare that America isn't a country where we can be all we want to be in the sense of economic success.

On the other hand Democrats believe that we can change our sex and our race just by wishing it were so.

The DNA test that Elizabeth Warren released showed that she was no more native American than the average American yet while Democrats say she should apologize there is no real concern about Warren having hijacked a racial identity in order to make big bucks at Harvard.

Similarly when Dolezal pretended to be Black she had defenders.

But the real example of Democrats believing that reality is something that we can simply manipulate with our wills is the whole "transgendered" movement.

Science is clear; our sex is fixed by our DNA and short of changing their DNA men can't become women and women can't become men.

If someone is a big Lord of the Ring fan they can get a plastic surgeon to give them elf ears. Similarly if someone is a fan of the vampire genre they can get a dentist to give them fangs.  Yet no sane person thinks that in either case the person actually becomes a mythical creature.

But if a doctor gives a man drugs and a plastic surgeon mutilates him Democrats tell us that in fact that man has become a woman.

It's the height of misogyny to declare that a man can become a woman through drug use and plastic surgery yet that's part of the Big Lie that the Democrats are pushing.

By refusing to reject reality Democrats are behaving in what is a clearly insane way.  We can't will ourselves to be a different sex or a different race. We can embrace the behaviors of those other groups but we can't become one of them.

While Democrats deny that we can be all we can be through hard work and dedication they declare that we can change fundamental realities, like sex and race, merely through an act of will.

Now that's crazy talk.

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