Saturday, December 15, 2018

Elizabeth Warren admits to lying

After decades of pretending she's Native American in order to make money Warren, in the wake of her disastrous DNA test which showed she was white to the core, has said she's not a person of color.

Of course this is many years too late for the real Native American whose cushy job at Harvard Warren stole by pretending to be something she isn't.

What's most revealing is that for all the years that Warren has been lying the left has ignored the complaints of real Native Americans and hence enabled her deception.

This shouldn't be surprising since it's clear that leftists are racists.  They don't care about thousands of Blacks who are shot in Democrat run cities each year but they are furious if a police officer shoots a Black man who is trying to kill him.

Racism is only a club that leftists use to attack anyone who doesn't agree with their politics.

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