Saturday, December 29, 2018

It could be worse: French edition

France recently rescinded an onerous and useless carbon tax; useless in that with India and China massively increasing CO2 emissions decreases by France won't save us if in fact the climate alarmists are right.

Now some non-governmental organizations are suing France saying that France isn't doing what it needs to to save the world.

Oddly such organizations aren't suing India and China for massive increases in CO2 emissions; or suing China for trying to annex the entire South China Sea but we've gotten used to leftists being comfortable with communist imperialism.

If they win I suggest we sue our government for not being more efficient with our tax dollars and for killing nearly 1,000,000 Americans each year through abortion.  After all if the left can sue anytime the government doesn't do what they want why can't we?

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