Saturday, December 22, 2018

Things the shutdown teaches us

The government has been shutdown and according to the #FakeNews media this is a existential threat to the country.

Yet based on past shutdowns the average American will not even notice.

As per usual the #FakeNews media will blame the Republicans even though the Democrats also refuse to compromise.  In this case the Democrats have decided that shutting down the government, something they tell us is horrible, is worth it to ensure that the country doesn't enforce its immigration laws. This despite the fact that when Democrats had complete control of the government, just a few years ago, they didn't move to declare that anyone who wants to can come to the US.

This in turn tells us that Democrats not only like importing lots of people who don't share the American dream but that they want to keep them illegal so that they provide a source of cheap labor and illegal votes.

But the media will spin this so that it's the evil Republicans who are shutting down the government because they hate poor Black people.  That's inherently dishonest since it's poor Blacks who suffer most from illegal immigration since illegals steal Black's jobs and drive down wages for low skill workers.  Now I can hear the leftists screaming racism but the reason that Blacks tend to have low skill levels has nothing to do with race but is entirely driven by the horrible education that Blacks get in Democrat run cities like Chicago.  Democrats have worked hard for decades to ensure that Blacks don't get the education they need to succeed because the more Blacks there are on welfare the more vote that Democrats will get.

While the #FakeNews media will be screaming about how the "Republican" shutdown will doom the Republicans in the next election past "Republican" shutdowns haven't hurt the party at all.  That's because while the beltway bandits who populate the #FakeNews media view the government as their "god"--the source of all good things in America today--the majority of Americans who aren't on welfare view the government as an unfortunate necessity which takes their money and provides little or nothing in return.

The good news is that in this shutdown, as in the previous ones, the average American will see that shutting down the government doesn't actually hurt them in any way shape or form. Without the President imposing unnecessary suffering on the voters, as Obama did by shutting parks that didn't need to be shut, hard working Americans will see that a day without government is a like any other day.

In fact a day without government is always a good day so long as those in true need will still get assistance.

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