Sunday, December 30, 2018

Democrats love drunk drivers

The illegal who recently killed Cpl. Ronil Singh--a legal immigrant-- was previously arrested twice in California for drunk driving but California laws prevented the police from informing ICE so that he could have been deported.

Needless to say California police are rather upset that Democrat policies led to the murder of a good policeman.

But the even larger question is why are Democrats so interested in protecting criminal illegals?

What few people realize is that the only people who benefit from "sanctuary" city laws are illegals who go on to commit more crimes in the US.  "Sanctuary" cities provide no protection for an illegal who does not commit more crimes in the US because all that being a "sanctuary" involves is refusing to tell ICE when an illegal is arrested for some new crime.

All the "honest" hard working illegals--which are almost all illegals according to Democrats-- will never be arrested for other crimes and hence won't benefit from the sanctuary policy.

It's possible to make the argument that illegals who come to the US and work hard benefit the country but what sort of reasoning supports the idea that illegals who come here and drive drunk are a benefit to society?  Yet Democrats are working hard to keep illegals who commit felonies in the US where they prey on Americans and other illegals.

Clearly Democrats are more concerned about illegals than about Americans.

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