Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Democrats deny personal responsibility; except for people they don't like.

In a phone poll the majority of Democrats believe that when a criminal uses a gun in a crime it's more the fault of guns being available than of the criminal choosing to commit the crime.

In a Rasmussen telephone and online survey of 1000 American adults this question was asked:

In crimes involving use of a gun, which is more to blame--the shooter or the availability of guns in America?

Amazingly 51% of Democrats, as opposed to 13% of Republicans, said that it was the availability of guns that was more responsible not the criminal who was using the gun.

With that sort of reasoning it's clear those people must love drunk drivers since clearly it's not the fault of the driver but the easy access to booze that's to blame.

This is actually fairly normal reasoning for Democrats. Here are some more examples:

1) People on welfare because they drop out of school and start doing drugs aren't responsible for their plight.

2) Women who have consensual sex and then get pregnant when they don't want to aren't at fault so it's ok for them to kill their daughters.

3) People who spend all their money and then expect to be taken care of by society when they retire aren't doing anything wrong according to Democrats.

4) Illegals who choose to try and sneak into the US for more money aren't responsible for the death of the children they bring along even though the children die because of exposure not because of mistreatment by America.

This list goes on. The same people who tell us that any non-Democrat who misremembers something in an interview with the FBI should go to jail for life, only a slight exaggeration, say that criminals aren't really at fault when they use guns to kill people; it's the gun's fault.

This is just a guess but this may be because leftists are more likely to do things that are irresponsible and hence want to make sure that they don't have to face the consequences of their own actions and so they don't want others to face the consequences of their own actions either.

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