Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The left loves animals more than they love people

PETA the pro-animal anti-human organization has recently called out for a change in the way we speak. They want us to eliminate what they call "anti-animal" speech.

An example is don't say "Kill two birds with one stone" but instead say "Feed two birds with one scone"

What's really amazing is that given that PETA is a very left wing organization their members probably use the term "fetus" to pretend that, contrary to settled science, the unborn aren't human beings.

"By all the criteria of modern molecular biology, life is present from the moment of conception." Dr. Hymie Gordon, Chairman, Department of Genetics at the Mayo Clinic

"To accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new human has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion ... it is plain experimental evidence." The "Father of Modern Genetics" Dr. Jerome Lejeune, Univ. of Descarte, Paris

Yet the same people who are worried that somehow saying "Kill two birds with one stone" will lead people to slaughter defenseless birds have no problem using words to lie about the nature of the nearly 1,000,000 unborn human beings who are killed each year.

At the core of PETA's anti-human ideology is the leftist belief that people aren't special; that we're just another animal.

Of course that is in itself self refuting.  If the members of PETA were just animals they wouldn't care about other animals since animals don't care about each other. For example a male bear will gladly kill a bear cub he didn't sire.

The very fact that people do care about animals, and we all agree it's bad to inflict unnecessary suffering on animals though there is disagreement about what is suffering is necessary, shows that people are more than animals.

Leftists reject this because they tend to confuse domesticated animal behavior with the same sort of love humans have for each other.  Since pets tend to be perfect friends, trading unctuous gratitude for free food and shelter, it's easy for people who have problems getting along with other people to get confused about just what animals are capable of.

In the end PETA and the left show more concern for animals than they do for people which is why they're both a danger to society.

Oh and we can see just how "white privileged" and elitist PETA's members are; who in the middle class talks about scones as opposed to donuts or bagels?

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