Sunday, December 2, 2018

Democrats and the Constitution.

If you look at Democrat policies you'll notice something interesting; in almost every case the Democrat policy rejects what the Constitution says or depends on things that aren't in the Constitution.

From the ratification of the Constitution until 1972, 184 years, no one thought that it was intended to legalize abortion.  In fact there is nothing in the Constitution about a "right to privacy".  Yet Democrats inform us that there is a Constitutional mandate for legal abortion.

On the other hand the Framers put a whole Amendment in the Constitution to declare that the people have a right to own guns.  But Democrats tell us that people shouldn't be allowed to have guns.

Democrats tell us that the Constitution requires the redefinition of marriage.  The problem is that not only does the Constitution say nothing about that it explicitly says that the Federal government can't redefine marriage.  Most Americans today haven't been taught the truth that the Constitution says:

The Tenth Amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

What that means is that the Federal government has no authority in areas which are not delineated by the Constitution.  Given that the rules, regulation, and definition of marriage are never mentioned in the Constitution as being under the purvey of the Federal government the Supreme Court's decision to force a redefinition of marriage on the country was unConstitutional.

Democrats tell us that while the First Amendment protects pornography it doesn't protect political speech they don't like; what they call "hate" speech. Yet the clear intent of the Framers was just the opposite. They would never have thought that pornography was protected but they did make it clear that even speech they didn't like was protected.

Democrats tell us that the First Amendment only protects the right to worship not the right to live one's life according to one's faith but the actual Amendment says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; 

But Democrats insist that they can force Catholic nuns to participate in abortions; something those nuns believe to be murder.

While the list could go on forever the point is clear; Democrats hate the Constitution as written but love how left wing dishonest judges have effectively modified the Constitution through their decisions.

Democrats are hell bent on overthrowing the Constitution the American people agreed to live by and replace it with whatever laws the left is in favor of today.

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