Sunday, December 23, 2018

#FakeNews: CNN journalist of the year edition

Claas Relotius who wrote for the German magazine Der Spiegal won the CNN journalist of the year award in 2014.

He was just fired as it turns out that he fabricated sources, i.e. he lied through his teeth.

The lies weren't merely due to laziness but were rather designed to push left wing narratives including that Trump supporters were backwards and racist.

Given that it took a very long time for this serial left wing propagandist to be caught we can only wonder how many other #FakeNews "journalists" have been and continue to lie to push the left wing agenda.

Yet the left will continue to tell us that fake news sources like the Washington Post and the New York Times are the epitome of reliability while news sources that publish the truth, like Fox News, are unreliable.

No matter how many times #FakeNews "journalists" are caught lying or how often their stories based on anonymous sources turn out to be incorrect they will tell us that they are the only source of truth in modern America.

The reality is that the the TV networks and the major newspapers--with the exception of the Wall Street Journal-- are mostly Democrat propagandists who will tell any lie to advance the Democrat agenda.

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