Sunday, December 16, 2018

Democrats reject personal responsibility vis a vis illegals.

Illegals die while breaking US laws and trying to enter the country and we're told by Democrats that that is our fault.

Recently a 7 year old Guatemalan girl died due to the privations her father put her through as he was trying to sneak into the US to make more money.  He knew that if she was with him he'd be released from custody within 20 days if he was caught and he could then just disappear into the US with no intention of returning for his hearing.

Democrats are telling us that the tragic death of his daughter is our fault.

The reality is that if someone is stupid enough or greedy enough to sneak through a desert with a child so as to make more money and something happens to the child it's the parent's fault not the fault of America.

If an American were to drive drunk and kill his daughter in a crash not even Democrats would be condemning US traffic laws.  Yet a parent exposes his daughter to a very high risk environment to use her as a prop to increase his chances of getting into the US via the catch and release rules that the Democrats advocate we're supposed to blame ourselves and not the parent.

Even #FakeNews source CNN says that the girl who died did so despite the best efforts of the Border Patrol to help her; her condition was caused by the illegal actions of her father not by any mistreatment by the US.

Given that the man wanted to enter the US not because of fear but because he wanted to make more money the reality is that he effectively killed his own daughter in his vain quest for more money.  We can only pray for him because unless he's truly a monster he must feel horrible at the consequences of his decision.

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