Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Left and child molestation.

You may have heard of "Desmond is Amazing" an 11 year old boy who says he came out as gay when he was born.  He dresses not as an 11 year old girl but as a typical transvestite; over the top makeup and hair for example.

Well now it's come out, if you'll excuse the pun, that the kid is dancing at a gay bar where grown men are throwing money at him.  You know, just like they'd do for an adult stripper.  While he apparently keeps his clothes on it's beyond creepy that an 11 year old cross dresser is "dancing" for adult men.  What makes it even worse is the gay bar he was doing it at has a no cell phones policy which is not indicative of them being proud about what goes on in the place.

The poor kid is clearly conflicted about this because he writes in his biography:

"Although he wants everyone to express themselves as genuinely as possible, he is concerned about the growing trend of young teen and child drag performers to dress or act overly sexy or provocatively, much like their adult counterparts. He feels that it sends the wrong message about all young drag performers and results in added aggression, bullying, and hatred, not only from society, but from within the LGBTQ community itself."

So it seems odd that he would be enthused about "dancing" for a bunch of grown men who were hooting at him and tossing him money.

I'm intentionally not linking to his site where this document can be found because the opening picture has this 11 year old child posing in a clearly sexualized manner. To be honest I was shocked by it.

While I'd think that no matter what a person's position is about gays or transvestites they'd object to the sexualization of an 11 year old apparently the left isn't really bothered at all.  Leftist sites have gushed over the wonderfulness of this little kid and condemned those who point out that his parents are hurting not helping him.

In some sense that should be no surprise.  After all the left has defended convicted child molester Roman Polanski and sided with accused child molester Woody Allen.

Apparently the left is only concerned about child molesters if they're Catholic priests.  Which is better than nothing but given that public school teachers are much more likely to molest kids than Catholic priests, according to the government 10% of all public school students will be molested by a teacher whereas only 4% of Catholic priests have ever been accused of molestation, if the left's concern about child molestation were real you'd think that they'd be bothered by all child molesters which clearly isn't the case.

Oh yeah did you know that 80% of the priests accused of molesting children are gay?  The left actually says that a grown man having sex with a teenage boy--few of the children molested by priests are prepubescent--aren't gay.

Further around 39% of children molested in America are boys but only 9% of the molesters are women. The CDC informs us that about 3% of Americans are men who have sex with men--gays and bisexuals--which means that we should expect that 12% of the children who are molested--3% + 9%-- should be boys. Now that's a rough calculation but the reality is that it sure seems clear that gays molest kids at around 10 times the rate of straight men. That doesn't mean that all gays are molesters but it certainly indicates that when trying to end child molestation ignoring the differences between gays and straights does no service to the children.

One last note; for years a group that advocates sex with 3 year old boys was allowed to march in the SF and LA gay pride parades--the NY gay pride parade wouldn't let the group march.  That is certainly not an indication that the gay community--at least in SF and LA--looks on child molestation the way that the vast majority of Americans do.

If the left was really concerned about child molestation they'd be addressing this obvious problem with the gay community.  They wouldn't have to condemn all gays anymore than addressing the opioids epidemic among white people requires condemning all whites.  Instead by covering up the gay connection to priestly child abuse and by hiding the elevated percentage of child molesters who are gay as well as declaring that men who have sex with teenage boys aren't really gay the left is working to protect gays at the expense of children.

If the left really cared about this kid as a person rather than as a tool to attack Christian morality they would be trying to help him understand that he's a wonderful person just as he is; he doesn't need to pretend to be something he's not in order to be loved.

The parents say this is what he wants but the reality is that if he wanted to cut himself or do drugs the parents wouldn't, we can only hope, support him.  Real parents do what's best for the child not what the child wants to do.

This is just one more example of the left's placing the gay agenda ahead of the well being of children.

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