Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Democrats as bizzaro Santa

In the Superman comic book universe the bizzaro's are strange inverses of Superman just like modern Democrats are strange inverses of Santa Claus.

The whole Democrat platform consists of saying being naughty is being nice and enforcing over worked elves--taxpayers--to labor endlessly to make toys to give to people.

In the Democrat universe casual sex, abortion, sexual harassment--Bill Clinton et al--, pretending men are women, letting men use women's bathrooms, condemning Christianity, racism--mass shootings of Blacks in Democrat run cities--, censoring speech they don't like, etc are all considered to be good things.

What pretty much every society since the dawn of time has viewed as naughty Democrats extol as being nice.

Similarly Santa Claus and his elves voluntarily work hard to provide toys to good boys and girls while Democrats steal money from hard working Americans to provide freebies to people who are too lazy to work.  Now note that there are people who truly need our help, either on a permanent or temporary basis, but Republicans are fully on board with paying taxes to help those people.

It's the bums who are unwilling to work that are the problem.  In Maine they added a work requirement for single able bodied adults with no children in order to be able to receive food stamps.  That caused 80% of the people who were getting food stamps to choose to stop getting them which tells us that they didn't really need them; no one picks starvation over working, getting training, or looking for work 20 hours a week.

 Further in America 64% of the "poor" have either satellite or cable TV which tells us that being poor in America isn't what most people think of as being poor.  Yet Democrats say we must give the "poor" even more money.

Once again those who are physically or mentally incapable of supporting themselves or people who have just fallen on hard times and need some help for a short time aren't a problem, they deserve our help, but Democrats demand that we provide a very high standard of living to everyone irrespective of their circumstances.

It's wonderful to be charitable with one's own money.  So if Democrats gave some of their untold personal wealth--Nancy Pelosi is worth around $26,000,000--to the people who just don't want to work that would be ok.  But what Democrats do is raise taxes on other people to give money to the lazy.  Remember that when Democrats raise taxes on companies they're raising taxes on us because every penny that a company pays in taxes comes from the people who buy the companies products.

So perhaps we should pray that the Spirit of Christmas visit the Democrat grinches and get them to give of what is theirs rather than demand that the rest of be forced to give what we earn to people who don't deserve it.

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